
zēnɡ jiā jià zhí
  • Add value;incremental value
  1. 增加价值论:知识产权正当性的一种认知模式

    Theory of Incremental Value : A Recognization Model of Justness of Knowledge Property

  2. 理论价格调整与增加价值调整关系的一个数学模型及分析

    A Mathematical Model and Analysis of Relationship Between Theoretical Price Readjustment and Incremental Value Readjustment

  3. Purify可以通过同时检查内存访问错误来对您的现存正确性测试增加价值。

    Purify adds value to your existing correctness tests by simultaneously checking for memory access errors .

  4. 剩下的预算就是RUP和工具能够增加价值的预算。

    The remaining budget has the potential for the RUP and tools to add value to .

  5. 作为纽约咨询公司OceanicPartners的合伙人,她希望招聘的员工能给这家医疗保健咨询公司增加价值。

    The partner at new York-based oceanic partners looks for new employees who can add value to the health care consulting business .

  6. 分析报告提供了一个很好的起点,可以看其它公司完成了什么,以及引入IBMRational能够在你的组织何处增加价值的思路。

    Analyst reports offer a great starting point to look at what other companies have achieved and generate ideas where IBM Rational can add value to your organization .

  7. 但一旦华尔街开始根据打包的按揭贷款抵押资产、出售CDS,要给经济增加价值?

    But once Wall Street got to creating credit default swaps on synthetic tranches of mortgage collaterlized debt obligations , no way .

  8. 我希望在我的介绍之后,您会相信DI能为您的设计增加价值,而且使用框架会使工作更轻松。

    I hope I 've convinced you that DI adds value to your designs and that using a framework will make your life even easier .

  9. 换句话说,Rational统一过程是一个工具,这个工具能帮助达到商业目标,获得竞争前沿,或者简单地提供一个交流的工具使得工业标准能够在你的工作场所中增加价值。

    In other words , RUP is a vehicle to help achieve business goals , gain a competitive edge , or simply provide a better communication vehicle so industry standards can add value in your workplace .

  10. 那些追求奢侈品(如LV)的人,是因为他们知道他们的自我价值不高,需要有这样一些外在的东西来增加价值。

    Those who pursue luxuries ( such as LV ), because they know that their own value is not high , need to have some external things to add value .

  11. 如果你真觉得Maveron能增加价值,搬到西雅图来吧。

    If you really think maveron will add value , move to Seattle .

  12. 真正为AIXPert增加价值的不是任何特定的特性,而是安全性的整合。

    More than any specific feature , it is the consolidation of security that really adds the value to AIXPert .

  13. 根据国际内部审计师协会(IIA)对内部审计的最新定义,内部审计是一种独立、客观的确认和咨询活动,增加价值和改善组织运营成为了内部审计的目标。

    According to the brand-new definition made by IIA , internal auditing is an independent , objective assurance and consulting activity , and to add value and improve organization operation has become the target of internal audit .

  14. IIA(2004)指出,内部审计是一种独立、客观的确认与咨询活动,旨在增加价值和改善组织的运营。

    The Institute of Internal Auditors ( IIA ) ( 2004 ) points out that internal auditing is a kind of independent , objective affirmation and consulting engagement which aims at adding value for the enterprise , and improve the management .

  15. 服务提供者可通过复合服务来增加价值。

    It allows service providers to add value through service composition .

  16. 多数并购案都没能给企业增加价值。

    The majority of mergers and acquisitions fail to add value .

  17. 基于利益相关者视角的增加价值分配指数研究

    Research on Value-added Distribution Index from the Perspective of the Stakeholders

  18. 服务是给流程增加价值的活动。

    A service is an activity that adds value in a process .

  19. 被评估者有才能并可以为工作增加价值。

    The assessed is capable and add value to the work engagement .

  20. 让«开发»生命周期基于移出风险和增加价值。

    Base the « development » lifecycle on removing risk and adding value .

  21. 民营企业内部审计的目标是为组织增加价值和提高组织的运作效率;

    Its goal is to increase value and running efficiency of the organization .

  22. 如果你是顾问,请专注于增加价值。

    For advisors , please focus on adding value .

  23. 增加价值,钱就会随之而来。

    Add value , and the money will follow .

  24. 为了增加价值和乐趣,我们计划在途中进行一些额外的游览。

    To increase value and enjoyment , we plan some additional excursions en route .

  25. 我的房子已大幅增加价值。

    My house has greatly increased in value .

  26. 增加价值意味着创造更多收入、节约成本或引入新的技术或人才。

    That means delivering extra revenue , saving costs or introducing new technology or people .

  27. 优秀的财务分析师能够通过理解其分析如何与业务有关来增加价值。

    Good financial analysts can add value by understanding how their analyses relate to the business .

  28. 基于增加价值导向的建筑企业内部审计研究

    Research on Construction Enterprises'Value-added Internal Audit

  29. 遵照一致的指导可以使您将不增加价值的活动标准化,并因此关注新的机会。

    Following consistent guidance enables you to standardize non-value add activities and thereby focus on new opportunities .

  30. 将注意力集中在增加价值的特性、细节和跨生命周期的质量上的团队成员。

    Team members who focus attention on value-added features , detail , and quality across the lifecycle .