- 动Increase in holdings; increase one's shares in a listed company

Fortune oil has also upped its stake .
Seek 's latest move comes as it expands its global footprint by raising stakes in other international businesses .
Investors welcomed the news , sending Seek shares up 2.8 % to an eight-month high of A $ 7.48 .
Criteria holds an option to increase that stake to 12.5 per cent and is considering negotiating a further rise to 20 per cent .
Strong fundamentals and a Goldman Sachs recommendation to overweight commodities contributed to the gains .
Temasek has also been increasing its stake in Standard Chartered and now holds just under 20 per cent of the UK-based emerging markets bank .
Morgan Stanley downgraded the MSCI China index yesterday from overweight to equal weight , its first downgrade in more than seven years .
Additionally , Berkshire added 11 million shares of Verizon Communications ( VZ ) valued at close to $ 525 million .
In recent weeks , APS doubled down on its stake China Vanke and continues to hold Poly Real Estate Group Co. Ltd. , China 's fifth-largest property firm by sales .
Sentiment was also hit after Morgan Stanley downgraded its rating on the stock from " overweight " to " underweight " .
We believe it 's a golden buying opportunity and please encourage QFII holders to accumulate position !
Shares in Ping An insurance and Shenzhen Development Bank were suspended yesterday amid expectations Ping An would increase its stake in the medium-sized lender as it sought to expand its banking operations in China .
Berkshire also modestly increased its stake in IBM ( IBM ) , among the company 's biggest holdings , by 233000 shares to a total of 68.4 million shares .
That 's essentially the view Barclays analysts took Wednesday in downgrading the iPhone and iPad maker to equal weight from overweight .
But our position underperformed due to the continued large-scale supply of Gazprom debt instruments .
In recent weeks , foreign investors have increased their holdings of US Treasuries and sold the agency debt issued by Fannie and Freddie , according to data from the Federal Reserve .
Liu Minghui , its founder , has won some allies : Beijing enterprises group raised its holding in China gas to 18 per cent from 15 per cent , paying between HK $ 3.68 and HK $ 4 per share last month .
The deal is an important step for Seek to make good on its long-standing aim to take Zhaopin public a move that has been delayed as the Chinese company expands into new cities and markets .
Berkshire Hathaway ( BRKa ) boosted its holdings as others fled , and by 1996 had accumulated 51 % of its stock .
She took profits in department store Golden Eagle after strong performance last year , for example , then increased the holding when consumer stocks underperformed at the beginning of the year .
Berkshire 's ownership in Walmart ( WMT ) grew 17 % to 58 million shares during the period from the end of 2013 .
Liu Xu , an analyst with Capital Futures in Beijing , said that companies in the jewellery market may have also built up their gold stocks and that commercial financial institutions such as banks have also been adding to their holdings .
Buffett , a pillar of conservative investing through his company Berkshire Hathaway ( BRKA ), bumped up his stakes in a number of blue chip stocks .
Seek Ltd. is spending US $ 105 million to raise its stake in Zhaopin Ltd. , in the latest step toward an initial public offering of the Chinese employment website .
Tencent , the Chinese social media and gaming company , took a 20 per cent stake in Meituan last year and was understood to be aiming to increase it .
Further acquisitions followed in Asia , most recently a $ 379m deal in June to lift its stake in China 's Chongqing Brewery , but Mr Rasmussen says the priority is now integration and execution .
At the same time Icahn was adding shares in Apple and eBay , he sold off some of his holdings in Netflix ( NFLX ), the online video and DVD service .
The higher mining and ETF holdings reflect Mr. Paulson 's bullish thesis on gold , one he has had since 2009 , according to a person close to the fund .
After Netflix 's stock dropped significantly last month , billionaire Mark Cuban raised his stakes in the company on the conviction that the online video streaming service is a prime takeover target .
Mr Gulliver has said he wants the bank to either substantially lift its holding in Bank of Communications , China 's fifth biggest bank , from 19 per cent or increase its mainland China branch network from 110 to about 800 .