
  • 网络Incremental funding;Incremental capital
  1. 因此,从市场的资金供给面来看,社会的增量资金主要来源于中小投资者,离开了他们的参与,证券市场将丧失基本的筹融资功能。

    Without individual investors , securities market will lose the function of financing .

  2. 业内人士表示,可以明显感觉到有增量资金进入,在现在的邮票市场里,做短线是更好的选择。

    Insiders said it is clear that more funds pour into the market , but it is a better choice to conduct short-term investment in the market .

  3. 对安徽农业投资的博弈分析显示,投资者博弈的结果是把社会增量资金绝大部分投资于非农行业,造成整体上农业投资的不足。

    This game analysis shows that investors invest the majority of the social increment fund in the non-agriculture trade , which result in the deficiency of the agriculture investment on the whole .

  4. 交通之所以成为中国经济发展的瓶颈,是因为两大需求严重得不到满足。这两大需求分别是:经济高速发展引发的对交通进行增量建设的巨大资金需求;

    Along with the high-speed increasing of Chinese economy , the financing and efficiency demand for traffic infrastructure becomes serious year by year .

  5. 股票市场资源配置效应的发挥途径有两种:一是增量资源的配置,即通过调整发行和配股结构,将增量资金引入高效益高成长性的企业中去;

    There are two measures to take use of the efficient allocation of resources in stock market : one is the added resource allocation , by adjusting the structure of share issue it makes the resources added into highly growing companies ;