
  1. 依托增值税转型改革机遇促进中小企业发展

    Reform of Value-added Tax and Development of Small and Medium-scale Enterprises

  2. 增值税转型改革对九江主要行业的影响

    Value-added Tax Reform on the Impact of Major Industries in Jiujiang

  3. 增值税转型改革对经济发展若干影响分析

    Analysis of the Effects of Value Added Tax Reform on Economic Development

  4. 区域性增值税转型改革中若干问题研究

    Problems on Reform of Value Added Tax in Some Region in China

  5. 现阶段增值税转型改革若干问题研究

    On the Reform of Value-Added Tax Transformation at Present China

  6. 现阶段增值税转型改革的问题与对策

    Problem in value-added tax reform at present and its countermeasures

  7. 积极推进增值税转型改革。调整和完善资源税。

    We will vigorously proceed with VAT reform and adjust the resource tax .

  8. 增值税转型改革对税收管理带来的挑战

    Challenges of VAT Transformation Reform on Tax Administration

  9. 全面实施增值税转型改革和成品油税费改革。

    We will fully implement VAT reform and the reform of taxes and fees for refined petroleum products .

  10. 增值税转型改革的效应评价及展望&以消费者市场为例

    Evaluation of Effects of Value-added Tax Reform and the Prospects & Taking the Consumer Market as an Example

  11. 新的企业所得税法得到较好落实,研究制定并发布实施了增值税转型改革方案。

    The new Law on Corporate Income Tax was implemented well . A plan for VAT reform was formulated and implemented .

  12. 随着增值税转型改革以来,依法纳税逐渐被大多数企业所认识和重视。

    With the value-added tax transformation since the reform law , paying taxes have been gradually recognized by most enterprises and attention .

  13. 为了应对2007年从美国开始蔓延的全球金融风暴,扩大内需,刺激消费,帮助企业渡过金融危机,国家从2009年开始了全国范围的增值税转型改革。

    To boost domestic spending , to help firms tide over the financial turmoil , which started in the US since 2007 , China launched value added tax ( VAT ) reform experiments in 2009 .

  14. 为此,中央于2004年7月在东北三省进行了增值税转型的试点改革。

    In order to improve the situation , the central government of China began the transformation of VAT and three northeastern provinces were chosen as the test fields of reform in July of 2004 .

  15. 我国此番实行的生产型增值税向消费型增值税转型改革,从总体上看,具有减税效应,不但可以优化我国经济结构、刺激经济增长,最终还将有利于增加财政收入。

    This transformation reform of VAT from production model to consumption model has effectiveness of tax deduction ; therefore , it may not only optimize the economic structure and stimulate the economy to grow but also be advantageous to increase financial revenue .

  16. 在这个大背景下,本文的目的就是希望能够找到一个符合我国国情的增值税转型方案,以期能为我国增值税转型改革提供有益的借鉴。

    Under such big background , the purpose of this text is to find the scheme of VAT 's transition that accord with Chinese actual conditions , except to offer beneficial reference for the reform choice of VAT type 's transition of our country .

  17. 贯彻实施新修订的增值税以及营业税、消费税暂行条例,全面实施增值税转型改革。

    We will enforce the newly revised interim regulations on value-added tax , business tax and excise tax , and comprehensively implement VAT reform .