
  • 网络the Structural Transformation;Structure Transformation
  1. NGO顺应这一时代背景,主动回应公共领域的结构转型,积极寻求与政府的合作,为政府分担重任。

    NGOs keeping with this background , initiatively responding to the structural transformation of the public area , and actively seeks cooperation with the government for sharing the responsibility .

  2. 结构转型的目标是要实现产出结构高附加值化、技术结构高科技化、市场及贸易结构多元化;

    The structural transformation aims at high extra-value output , high technology , various markets and trade structure .

  3. 本文以长江三角洲地区为案例实证检验了FDI促进我国二元就业结构转型的力度。

    This paper takes the Yangzi River delta as a case to verify the strength of FDI 's acceleration for the transformation of Chinese two-oriental employment .

  4. CEPA与香港经济结构转型研究

    CEPA and Hong Kong 's Economic Restructuring

  5. CEPA的签定将会为重振香港制造业提供契机,为其产业结构转型提供有利的条件。

    The signing of CEPA will offer the opportunity to regenerate the manufacturing industry of Hong Kong , offers the favorable condition for making the transition in its industrial structure .

  6. 积极财政政策:路径依赖与结构转型

    On the Proactive Fiscal Policies : Path Dependence and Structure Transformation

  7. 大连市内部地域结构转型与郊区化

    On the urban internal structure transformation and suburbanization in Dalian City

  8. 当代中国社会结构转型的哲学阐释

    An Explanation for the Transformation of Social Structure in Modem China

  9. 我国矿业城市经济结构转型的再思考

    Reconsideration on Transformation of Economy Structure in Mining Cities of China

  10. 论珠江三角洲产业结构转型与路径选择

    On Pearl River Delta industry structure changing and route selection

  11. 当代社会发展趋势与中国社会的结构转型

    The Contemporary Trend of Social Progress and Structural Transformation of Chinese Society

  12. 论我国外贸动力的结构转型

    On Structure Transition of Motive Power in Our Foreign Trade

  13. 市民社会与当代乡村结构转型

    A civil society and the transformation of contemporary rural structure

  14. 居民消费支出结构转型是经济增长方式转型的重要内容。

    Relations between consumption structure and income standard of citizens in China ;

  15. 论中国经济结构转型理论中的制造业因素

    On the Manufacturing Factor of the Transition of China 's Economic Structure

  16. 论知识经济背景中社会结构转型的新趋向

    The New Trend to the Transformation of Social Structure under Knowledge Economy

  17. 流动性过剩与中国商业银行的经营结构转型

    Excess Liquidity and Operation Structural Transformation of Chinese Commercial Banks

  18. 在比较中借鉴鲁尔结构转型的经验

    Study on Structure Adjustment Experience in Ruhr in Comparison

  19. 许多发展中国家正处于人口结构转型的初期阶段。

    Many developing countries are in the early stages of the demographic transition .

  20. 东营市产业结构转型战略研究。

    The research on the tactic of industry change .

  21. 近代以来,中国一直处于社会结构转型之中。

    Since modern times , China has been in the social structure transition .

  22. 香港的经济结构转型与土地利用规划

    Economic restructuring and land use planning in Hong Kong

  23. 银行大型机网络体系结构转型研究

    Study on Network Architecture of Mainframe in Banks

  24. 我国工业化带动二元经济结构转型的制约因素分析

    An Analysis of Restrictive Factors In Transition of Dual Economic Structure Prompted by Industrialization

  25. 内蒙古就业结构转型:轨迹、特征与对策

    Changes in Occupation structure in Inner Mongolia : General Situation , Characteristics and Counter-measures

  26. 目前,我国已进入社会结构转型的加速时期。

    At the present , China has entered a period of accelerating social restructuring .

  27. 结构转型:高校辅导员队伍专业化建设的关键

    Structure Transformation : Key to the Enhancement of Professionalization of Student Instructors in the University

  28. 转型国家市场化进程与结构转型

    Marketization and Structure Transition in Transitional Countries

  29. 结构转型、期望值与工作满意&对民工荒成因及对策的新视角

    Structural Transfer , Expectation and Job Satisfaction : A New Perspective of the Labor Shortage

  30. 银行渴望收入结构转型

    Banks keen to transform their revenue structure