
  • 网络Structured Financial Products;structured products;Structured Finance Products
  1. 因此,监管者尤其需要对结构性金融产品交易市场严格要求,并对以前不受监管的机构提高报告要求。

    Regulators therefore need , in particular , to tighten up requirements for markets in which structured financial products are traded and strengthen reporting requirements for formerly unregulated institutions .

  2. 最近结构性金融产品和衍生物的爆发(意旨大量使用)使监管者和投资者更难判断金融体系的风险。

    The recent explosion of structured financial products and derivatives had made it more difficult for regulators and investors to judge current risks in the financial system , Mr Trichet said .

  3. 资产支持证券(Asset-backedSecurities,ABS)和住房贷款抵押支持证券(Mortgage-backedSecurities,MBS)是最近十几年国际金融市场发展很快的一种结构性金融产品,是一种新型的衍生金融产品。

    Asset-Backed Securities ( ABS ) Mortgage-Backed Securities ( MBS ) are the fastest growing structure financial instrument of the global financial market . There are numerous products of ABS ;

  4. 美国的“盖特纳/萨默斯计划”(geithner-/summersplan)有两大根本方面:一是对卖不出去的结构性金融产品进行隔离,二是对银行体系进行资本重组。

    The Geithner / summers plan in the US has two fundamental planks a strategy to ring-fence structured finance products for which there is no market , and a strategy to recapitalise the banking system .

  5. 他认为,对于被打包进cmbs和其他结构性金融产品中的标的贷款,“三大”评级机构的研究还远远不够。

    His pitch is that the " big three " do not do nearly enough research into the underlying loans that are packaged into CMBS and other structured finance products .

  6. 这是信用评级机构因复杂结构性金融产品接受正式审理的第一例。

    The case marked the first time a rating agency had stood a full trial over complex structured finance products .

  7. 结构性金融产品是指将固定收益证券的特征与衍生产品特征相结合的一类新型金融产品。

    Structured product is a new type of financial product that includes the features of both fixed income securities and derivatives .

  8. 这份长达1500页的判决书标志着信用评级机构第一次由于一种结构性金融产品而面对全面庭审。

    The 1,500-page ruling marks the first time a rating agency has faced a full trial over a structured finance product .

  9. 惠誉估计,在欧洲,在这类结构性金融产品中,有三分之二被银行专门留作央行抵押品。

    Two-thirds of such structured finance products in Europe are retained by banks to use as central bank collateral , according to Fitch estimates .

  10. 因为结构性金融产品和衍生产品的新世界,以及狂热的风险转移行为,尚未经受过真正巨大的宏观经济冲击的考验。

    For this new world of structured finance and derivatives – and frenetic risk transfer – has not been tested by any truly big macro-economic shocks .

  11. 议案将要求评级机构对结构性金融产品使用与公司债不同的符号。结构性金融产品被认为风险更大。

    Ratings agencies would be required to use different symbols for structured finance products , which are perceived to be riskier , than for corporate bonds .

  12. 银行必须公布用来决定评级的基础数据,使得有竞争关系的评级机构即使在没有收到请求时,也能对结构性金融产品提供评级。

    Banks will have to share the underlying data used to determine ratings , so that competing agencies can offer unsolicited ratings for structured finance products .

  13. 报告显示,在2007年的信贷危机中,除了减少结构性金融产品投资以外,那些富人的投资活动几乎没有什么变化。

    The report says there was little change in the investment activity of the very rich during the credit crunch in 2007 , other than a shift away from structured finance .

  14. 有两个例子说明了这一问题:结构性金融产品的极度复杂性,即使富有经验的投资者也无法正确予以评估;以及对某些金融结构监管的缺失。

    Two examples are the sheer complexity of structured financial products , which even sophisticated investors are not able to assess properly , and the lack of regulation for certain financial institutions .

  15. 不过,穆迪收入的最大来源,则是复杂的结构性金融产品带来的收益。目前,该业务约占其收入的44%,远远高于10年前的水平。

    However , the biggest single source of revenue for the rating agency was earnings from complex structured financial products , which now account for some 44 per cent of its revenues – dramatically higher than a decade ago .

  16. 王江表示,项目将采取“着重于实践”的方式,学生为金融公司完成研究项目,并学习(譬如)如何为一种结构性金融产品设计一套风险管理系统。

    Prof Wang says the programme will have a " focused hands-on " approach , where students complete research projects for financial firms and learn , for example , how to design a risk management system for a structured product .

  17. 过去,衍生品和结构性金融产品往往呈现一种负面形象,因为它们似乎加剧了风险:投机者有时利用它们进行杠杆比率很高的押注,一旦失误,就会蒙受巨大损失。

    In the past , derivatives and structured financial products have often had a negative image because they appeared to exacerbate risk : speculators have sometimes used them to take highly leveraged bets , resulting in spectacular losses when they went wrong .