
kè hù bǎo zhènɡ jīn
  • customers' deposit
  1. 挪用客户保证金刑法规制的争议及完善

    Problems and Consummation of Misappropriation of Clients ' Deposits in Criminal Law

  2. 兼营期货业务之金融机构不得将其客户保证金专户开设于其所经营之金融机构。

    A financial institution that concurrently conducts futures trading operations shall not open any customer margin account with a financial institution that it operates itself .

  3. 股票市场价格的涨跌会引起活期存款和包含证券公司客户保证金在内的其他存款的同向变动、引起定期存款和储蓄存款的反向变动。

    The changes of stock market prices caused demand deposits and other deposits change in the same direction , while causing time deposits and savings deposits reverse change .

  4. 在基金发行过程中,证券营业部不得无理扣押投资者的申购委托单,不得透支申购,不得挪用客户保证金,不得有舞弊行为。

    During the issuance of the funds , the securities operating department shall not withhold the subscription commission orders of the investors unreasonably , nor make overdraft subscriptions , nor embezzle the deposits of clients , nor carry out acts of embezzlements .

  5. 据路透社报道,美国经纪商盈透证券已禁止客户以保证金方式买进部分中国公司股票。

    Interactive Brokers Group Inc is banning clients from borrowing money to buy some Chinese stocks , Reuters reported .

  6. 商业银行通过下设证券附属机构来进入这个市场,并向其客户提供保证金贷款。

    Through commercial banks under the securities subsidiary body to enter this market and its customers with margin loans .

  7. 亚特兰大的财务规划师米彻•雷纳表示,他有几位客户利用保证金贷款为小企业收购进行了融资。

    Mitch Reiner , a financial planner in Atlanta , says he has had a few clients use margin loans to finance acquisitions for their small businesses .

  8. 周四早上,中国银行监管机构银监会表示,将允许银行放宽对部分理财客户的保证金要求,并鼓励银行为增持自身股票的企业提供融资。

    On Thursday morning , China 's banking regulator said it would allow lenders to ease margin requirements for some wealth management clients , and encouraged banks to offer financing to companies seeking to buy their own shares .

  9. 财务规划师们称,最近几个月,有客户用保证金贷款购置房地产、收购小企业或解决在银行传统贷款到位前的资金缺口。

    Financial planners say in recent months clients have taken out so-called margin loans to buy real estate , fund small business acquisitions , or to provide gap financing before a traditional loan could be secured from a bank .

  10. 几家投资银行的机构经纪部门已提高了对某些对冲基金客户的保证金要求,希望借此保障自己不会受到近期市场动荡造成对冲基金破产的影响。

    Prime brokerage departments at several investment banks have raised their margin requirements for certain hedge fund clients as they seek to insure themselves against the possibility of new hedge fund collapses as a result of the recent market turmoil .

  11. iii.未获准经营人民币业务的外资银行在开立信用证及保函时,不得向客户收取人民币保证金。

    III.A foreign bank , without the approval for operating the renminbi business , may not collect the deposits in RMB from clients when opening a letter of credit or letter of guarantee .

  12. 交易会员向客户收取交易保证金的标准不得低于结算会员向交易会员收取交易保证金的标准。

    The standard for trading members to collect trading deposits from clients may not be lower than the standard for settlement members to collect trading deposits from trading members .

  13. 市场的剧烈波动(例如瑞郎上周的波动)意味着,投资价格出现大幅波动,可能导致经纪商立即要求客户追加巨额保证金,而客户可能无法立即缴付。

    Violent market moves such as that of the Swiss franc last week mean investment prices fluctuate substantially and can trigger immediate calls for large payments of margin from customers , who may not be able to pay immediately .

  14. 会员向客户融资、融券时,其客户所使用的保证金不得超过其保证金可用余额。

    When the members financing funds and bonds to their clients , the margin used by their clients should shall be no less than the available amount or the margin .

  15. 证券公司不得代理客户进行期货交易、结算或者交割,不得代期货公司、客户收付期货保证金,不得利用证券资金账户为客户存取、划转期货保证金。

    The securities company shall not conduct transaction , settlement or delivery of futures on behalf of clients , or collect or pay futures deposits on behalf of futures companies or clients , or access deposit and draw or transfer futures deposits for clients through the accounts of securities funds .