
  • 网络CUSTOMER;customer group;customer base;Customer Segments
  1. Web页面和客户群体的模糊聚类算法

    Fuzzy clustering algorithms for web pages and customer segments

  2. 其次,结合实际统计数据对H市供电公司客户群体开展细分统计研究。

    Secondly , it carries out the subdivision in customer group of H power supply enterprise , combined with practical statistical data .

  3. 文章介绍了一种Web页面和客户群体的模糊聚类算法。

    In this paper , the fuzzy clustering algorithms for Web pages and customers is presented .

  4. 面向MC的客户群体倾向模型

    MC-oriented Preference Model of Customer Requirements

  5. 研究了MC环境下客户群体的聚类分析方法,提出并研究了基于客户特征的产品(族)匹配方法;

    Based on clustering analysis of customer colony , a methodology of product family matching by customer characteristic is presented .

  6. TECH与国内各品牌厂商,贸易公司,批发商,零售商等客户群体建立了良好的合作关系。

    Rooted China : QIN-TECH with domestic brand manufacturers , trading companies , wholesalers , Customer groups such as retailers established good relations of cooperation .

  7. 相比之下,SOHO中国的主要客户群体是中小型中资企业,比如矿业企业。

    By contrast , Soho 's main customers are small and medium-size Chinese businesses , including coal-mine owners .

  8. 例如,贝莱德正试图在自己的客户群体中撮合债券交易的买方和买方,让他们通过贝莱德自有的阿拉丁交易网络(aladdintradingnetwork)完成交易,这种方式使投资者能够绕开华尔街交易商。

    For example , BlackRock is attempting to match buyers and sellers of bonds among its customer base , using its electronic Aladdin trading network , which would allow investors to bypass wall street dealers .

  9. 炼金地产(AlchemyProperties)是负责将伍尔沃斯大厦改建成共管公寓楼的开发商。其总裁肯尼思·S·霍恩(Horn)说,其室内设计风格并没有刻意讨好某个特定的客户群体。

    Kenneth S. Horn , the president of Alchemy Properties , the developer that is reinventing the Woolworth tower into condominiums , said the interiors were not created to cater to any specific clientele .

  10. 由于环保产业广阔的发展前景,坚实的客户群体,优良的盈利预期,作者认为环保产业作为ABS的融资标的进行融资具有可操作性。

    Because of the broad prospects for development of the environmental protection industry , solid customer base , excellent earnings expectations , the author believes that the subject of ABS financing is feasible .

  11. 秉承一贯的高品质、独特的技术、完善的售后服务以及广大的客户群体,使用GSYUASA公司始终雄居国际电池制造行业的前列。

    GS YUASA distinguish itself in the battery market by it 's high quality products , unique technology and best service to our customers .

  12. 然后提出了将数据挖掘应用到移动通信企业的CRM中,在这个过程中数据挖掘主要用于客户群体分类、客户盈利能力分析、客户获取和客户保持、客户满意度分析等。

    Then CRM of mobile communication enterprises using data mining was researched , and data mining was mainly used in the classification of customers , customer profitability analysis , customer acquisition and customer retention , customer satisfaction analysis and so on .

  13. 不同于一般的日常保障和重大、突发应急通信保障,它包括了通信安全保障和网络建设两方面的内容,非常适用于电信运营企业维系高ARP值的客户群体。

    Different from the daily security and the significant or emergency communication guarantee project , the VIP customer communications guarantee project includes two contents , which are communications security guarantee and the network construction .

  14. 里默尔也是这么认为的。他说:吸引我们去找NastyGal的,是索菲娅创造了某种极其特殊的东西,其特殊之处就在于她所做的事情与她的客户群体之间的某种关联。

    Rimer agrees : ' What led us to Nasty Gal was the fact that Sophia had created something extremely special in terms of a connection between what she was doing and her customer base . '

  15. 随着金融电子化的普及和发展,银行为了提供更好的金融服务,吸引并留住更多的客户群体,纷纷加快网点建设,特别是自助网点的建设,大幅提高了ATM设备的采购数量。

    With the development of financial computerizing , banks are speeding up the construction of branches , especially the self-service ones , to attract more customers and provide better financial services . Accordingly , the purchase amount of ATM devices is increased greatly .

  16. 在线电子零售商新蛋(Newegg)从7月份开始接受比特币。该公司称,这么做是因为自己的客户群体中有很多技术人员。

    Online electronics retailer Newegg , which started accepting bitcoin in July , said it did so because its client base is full of techies .

  17. 我们能够做到迅速启动你的目标客户群体;

    We can do it quickly start your target customer groups ;

  18. 苏格兰威士忌酒厂花费重金扩大客户群体。

    Scotch distillers have invested heavily to expand their consumer base .

  19. 村镇银行的宗旨是服务三农,主要为当地农民、农业和农村经济提供金融服务,其客户群体主要是农村企业和农户。

    Small enterprises and peasant household are its principal clients .

  20. 比如:一个划分的客户群体是法律专业人士。

    Example : One customer segment is the legal profession .

  21. 促销策略为:知识促销锁定客户群体。

    Marketing strategy : marketing knowledge lock customers groups .

  22. 如果你忽略了这个庞大的客户群体,那么你的生意一定会遭受损失。

    Ignore this substantial customer base and you 're business will surely suffer .

  23. 个人汇兑和涉外客户群体;

    Personal exchange and foreign affairs clients group ;

  24. 银行业务(I):押汇信用证个人汇兑和涉外客户群体;

    Banking ( I ): Documentary Credits personal exchange and foreign affairs clients group ;

  25. 老年和学生客户群体。

    Old people and students clients group .

  26. 然后在相似客户群体内,对页面快速聚类,得到相关联页面。

    Then we can get relative pages by clustering pages fast in similar customer group ;

  27. 市场流动性需要多样的客户群体。

    Market liquidity requires a diverse clientele .

  28. 股民和代客理财客户群体;

    Stockholder and financing broker client group ;

  29. 这两种自助设备布放模式针对不同的目标客户群体,实现不同的经营效果。

    The two models aim at different target customers , and achieve the distinctive management effect .

  30. 爱马仕没有提及上下产品的价格区间或目标客户群体。

    Herm è s was coy about Shang Xia 's price range or target customer group .