
  • 网络customer orientation;Customer Oriented;customer-oriented;Customer focus
  1. 我们秉承关怀与经验的良好传统以及卓越的客户导向,在整个行业中营造起了强大的品牌信任度。

    Our heritage of care and experience and our unrivalled customer focus has created an impressive reservoir of trust throughout the industry .

  2. 每一个质量体系,我所看到的尝试会的任务有什麽无论如何,如果供应商有强烈的客户导向。

    Every quality system that I have seen tries to mandate what would be there anyway if a supplier had a strong customer focus .

  3. 企业管理从过去的产品导向转变为客户导向,客户关系管理(CRM)逐渐成为企业的焦点,也成为计算机领域的一个活跃的研究领域。

    Enterprise Management orientation transform from " product " to " customer " . Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) becomes the focus of enterprise and an active research field of computer science .

  4. 此外,本研究认为市场导向的三维度中的每一个因素(客户导向customerorientation,竞争导向competitororientation,交互协调inter-functional)与客户满意之间的关系可能存在差异。

    Furthermore , this research hypothesizes that the relationship between each of the three behavioral components ( customer orientation , competitor orientation and inter-functional coordination ) of marketing orientation ( Narver and Slater 1990 ) and customer satisfaction need not be the same .

  5. 客户导向型县级电子政务发展策略研究

    Studies on Customer 's Leading Type E-government Development Tactics at County Level

  6. 利用付费搜索来把潜在客户导向至行业电子时讯注册页面。

    Use paid search to drive prospects to your e-newsletter sign-up page .

  7. 浙江移动客户导向运营模式变革研究

    The Study of Zhejiang Mobile Company 's Customer-Oriented Change-over in Operation Model

  8. 客户导向的质量管理体系在总承包设计管理中的运用

    The Application of Client-guided Quality Management System in General Contract Design Management

  9. 构建客户导向型供应链管理体系的思考

    Thinking on Set up Customer-oriented Supply Chain Management System

  10. 粒度越来越细的分布式计算架构是客户导向的,而非供应商驱动。

    The ever more fine-grained distributed computing architecture is customer-led , not vendor-driven .

  11. 基于信息化和客户导向的业务流程与组织结构再造

    Informatization and consumer-oriented Business : Process and organizational Restructuring

  12. 客户导向与绩效间的回归系数最大。

    Among all elements , the Client Orientation has biggest Return Index with performance .

  13. 基于客户导向的电信运营商转型问题比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on Consumer-Oriented Transition of Telecom Operators

  14. 客户导向的制造企业供应商绩效评估

    Customer Oriented Manufacturing Enterprise Supplier Performance Evaluation

  15. 所以我决定将公司转型,成为一家客户导向型的搜索网站。

    So I made the decision to switch gear and become a consumer-oriented search site .

  16. 经营理念:客户导向,群策群力,追求卓越。

    Management philosophy : customer orientation , pooling the wisdom and efforts of everyone and pursue being outstanding .

  17. 客户导向型供应链管理模式体现了价值增值和客户满意的管理思想。

    The value-added and customer 's satisfied management thought are reflected in the supply chain management of customer-oriented .

  18. 而交互协调又在客户导向与绩效之间以及竞争导向与绩效之间起到缓冲作用。客户满意对绩效有显著的影响作用,但是客户忠诚与绩效无关。

    However , inter-functional coordination had a moderating effect on the customer orientation-performance chain and competitor orientation-performance linkage .

  19. 第六章建构以客户导向为基础的海关大稽查制度在温州海关的实践。

    Chapter VI , Customer-oriented construction of the customs-based " big external auditing " system in Wenzhou Customs practice .

  20. 从用户拉动生产的理念出发,企业必须变产品导向为客户导向,通过为客户创造价值实现自身的生存和发展。

    Starting from the conception of demand creating supply , the vision of enterprise must change from product-orientation to customer-orientation .

  21. 第四章深入地阐述了实施客户导向型银行营销的具体途径和方法。

    Chapter four has explained deeply that Implement the concrete way and method of the " customer-centric " bank marketing .

  22. 本次苹果公司经历的问题对其作为一个在近年费力成为走向更具客户导向的公司来说,是一个非同寻常的挫折。

    Apple 's stumble was an unusual one for a company that has taken pains in recent years to become more customer-oriented .

  23. 第四章,在客户导向理论的指导下,提出建构海关大稽查制度的目标取向和功能定位。

    Chapter IV , introduces the goal and functions of the " big external auditing " system under the guidance of customer-oriented theory .

  24. 市场营销的渠道管理经历了生产导向、产品导向、客户导向的发展阶段,正朝关系导向发展。

    Channel management has experienced some steps : such as manufacture oriented , product oriented , customer oriented and developing to the relationship oriented .

  25. 同时,在企业中培育客户导向的企业文化,这是定制模式得以巩固的基础。

    Besides , cultivate the corporate culture that the customer orientated , this is the foundation that the Customization Model of Service can be consolidated .

  26. 随着客户导向理念的来临及竞争的日益激烈,客户的主体地位越来越强。

    With the arrival of customer-orientation strategy and the increasingly fierce competition in the market , customers ' importance to the enterprises has been greatly realized .

  27. 激烈的行业竞争使得现代企业需要将其核心经营理念由产品导向向客户导向转移。

    In the fierce industry competition , it requires the core business idea of the enterprises to change from centering on product to centering on customers .

  28. 斯特尔是一家客户导向型的化学品制造公司。主要生产涂布于汽车座椅,门板及仪表台,密封系统上的高品质表面处理剂。

    Stahl is a customer-focused company that specializes in providing high quality coatings for seating , door panel and instrument panel , sealing system in automotive .

  29. 是可以通过磨练而得的,但是对于增长如此迅速的,客户导向型互联网公司来说,有一些技能是不可习得的。

    It can be honed but those are some of the skills for a consumer internet company and one that is growing this quickly that is just essential .

  30. 改进传统渠道,要建立客户导向的前后台一体化的组织体系,要建设面向政企客户的全业务运营支撑系统,要建立基于客户需求的业务开发流程。

    Improving the traditional channels , asks to build customer-oriented organizational system , to build a customer-oriented business operation support system , to create business development process based on customer needs .