
  1. 目的:探讨广东客家地区乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)S基因序列的多态性,了解该地区S基因的流行病学特征。

    ABM : To examine the surface ( S ) gene variability of hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) in Hakka area of Guangdong province in China .

  2. 闽西客家地区的妈祖信仰

    Mazu Belief in Hakkas Region of West Fujian Province

  3. 明清客家地区的经济开发

    On the Economic Exploitation of the Hakka Region in the Ming and Qing Dynasty

  4. 本文运用历史文献与田野材料相结合的研究方法,对客家地区武术文化的表现形式及成因进行分析。

    This paper makes an analysis of the manifestation and causes of Hakka martial arts culture .

  5. 家族碑刻中的民俗与观念&以闽西客家地区的调查为重点分析

    The Traditional Ideas and Folk Customs in the Inscriptions & A Study Based on West Fujian Province

  6. 闽粤赣边客家地区旅游产品开发研究

    Study on the tourism productions exploitation of the Hakka districts on the border of min , yue and Gan

  7. 总体上看,客家地区女性闲暇活动类型以消遣娱乐为主,学习型的活动很少。

    Overall , leisure activities of the rural women in Hakka area type is entertainment-based , learning-oriented activities were few .

  8. 客家地区农村女性闲暇生活及其影响因素&以广西博白县为例

    The Leisure Lives of Hakkas Area Countryside Feminine and Influencing Factors & take Bobai County of Guangxi Province as example

  9. 作为中华民族象征和标志的龙,在粤东客家地区表现为各种各样的龙俗,其中影响最大的是风水龙俗。

    Dragon as a symbol and sign of the Chinese nation , is behaved various dragon customs in eastern Guangdong Hakka area .

  10. 文化心理方面,大部分客家地区农村女性文化水平不高,致使很多女性缺乏闲暇活动的技能。

    Cultural psychology aspect , most rural women in Hakka areas is not high cultural level , resulting in many women lack of leisure skills .

  11. 分析客家地区汉语次标准语的形成原因、基本特点有助于我们对其比较全面、系统的了解。

    This paper makes an initial analysis and introduction of the cause of formation and basic characteristics of the substandard Chinese language in the Hakko area .

  12. 拜上帝会在广东传播受挫,却在广西客家地区特定历史背景下得到了蓬勃发展。

    The spreading of worship god in Guangdong province was frustrated , but in Hakka area of Guangxi province it had developed vigorously under specific historical background .

  13. 为此,本研究从闲暇生活方式的视角对客家地区农村女性进行实证的研究。

    Less from the leisure life style perspective , therefore , this research from the leisure lifestyle of rural women in Hakka areas to conduct empirical research .

  14. 明清时期赣南客家地区的风水信仰与政府控制清政府在甘肃、云南的统治政策使上述指向的差异更加明显;

    Gannan Hakkas Area Geomancy Belief and Government Control during Ming and Qing Dynasties ; Qing Government made the difference more obvious because of the different ruling policy .

  15. 廖观音事件主要爆发于东山客家地区,廖本人亦为客家后裔,事件的参与主体民众多为客家后裔。

    This event mainly broke out in hakka areas in Dongshan . The participants in events were mostly descendants of the hakka , so it was with Liao .

  16. 本文以田野调查和文献材料为基础,试对民间信仰与客家地区开发,以及客家族群发展这三者之间的关系进行探讨。

    Based on the field investigation and literature , this paper intends to discuss the relationship among the Hakka , the exploitation and Hakka clan of the Hakka region .

  17. 本文以明清时期赣南客家地区地方政府对风水信仰的态度为视点,分析了造成政府对风水信仰矛盾态度的社会历史原因;

    This article took Gannan Hakkas regions local authority to the geomancy belief manner as a viewpoint , analyzed the social history reason of government to the geomancy belief contradictory manner ;

  18. 鸡蛋确认生命,界定人生各阶段,充斥人生各礼俗,成为客家地区极其普遍的文化事象。

    Using eggs to confirm lives , to define each stage of human life , and to prevail in many etiquettes and customs has become a very common cultural phenomenon in Hakka area .

  19. 以梅州为中心的粤东客家地区因其特殊的地理位置和人文环境,成为近代西方宗教势力发展的重要地区。

    The Hakka Region of eastern Guangdong with Meizhou as its center , featured by its distinctive geographical location and anthropological environment , became the major target of expansion by the western religious powers .

  20. 问卷调查显示,在客家地区,村民与村民之间发生民事纠纷的频率非常高,而且通常都是发生在邻里和亲属之间。

    The survey shows that in the Hakka areas , the frequency of villagers and the villagers ' civil disputes is very high , and usually takes place in between the neighbors and relatives .

  21. 认为客家地区独特的自然环境和社会环境及文化传统,导致了客家地区武术活动多元形式的呈现,形成了客家武术文化的自身特色。

    It is pointed out in this paper that particular natural and social environment and cultural tradition contribute to variety of martial arts in this area , which is characterized by Hakka martial arts culture .

  22. 第三,闲暇生活空间保持了乡土社会的地方性,家庭闲暇娱乐成为现阶段客家地区农村女性闲暇生活的主要形式。

    Third , the leisure space to keep the rural society " local " . At this stage , the main form of leisure life in the rural women in Hakka areas is family leisure .

  23. 调查结果也表明在客家地区,村民与村民间发生民事纠纷后,他们的首选解决方式是自我救助、协商,然后请村干部等第三方出面进行调解。

    Survey results also show that in the Hakka areas , villagers and civil disputes occurred between the villagers , their first solution is self-help , consultation , then come forward village cadres for third-party mediation .

  24. 围绕事件的宗教组织外衣,从民间信仰的角度,说明事件中宗教信仰是东山客家地区民间信仰不断融合流变的产物,也是事件获得客家民众支持的精神原因。

    Cloak of religious organizations around the event , from the perspective of popular religion , religious belief explain the incident is Dongshan Hakka Folk Beliefs product of the continuous integration of flow and also the incident was the spirit of the Hakka people to support causes .

  25. 基于对从化地区客家围屋田野调查所取得的资料,归纳总结了从化客家围屋在从化地区的分布区域以及各自的基本形制特点。

    Based on the investigation of Hakka enclosed houses in Conghua district of Guangzhou , the regional distribution and respective characteristics of the enclosed houses in Conghua are summarized .

  26. 客家民间信仰不仅是客家人精神信仰层面的体现,而且还在一定程度上反映了客家地区的开发历史以及后来的发展,是客家地区开发和经济发展在意识形态上的展现。

    Hakka folk belief embodies Hakka spirit , but also reflects the history and the ideology of economic development of the areas inhabited by Hakka .

  27. 闽西上杭客家族谱馆将赴台湾巡展上杭客家族谱馆收藏的族谱以本县为主,涉及闽粤赣三省及海内外客家地区。

    The clan genealogies collected by Shanghang Hakka Genealogy Museum are mainly those from the local county , involving the three provinces of Fujian , Guangdong and Jiangxi as well as the Hakka regions both in China and abroad .