
dào cǎo
  • straw;rice straw;thatch
稻草 [dào cǎo]
  • [rice straw] 脱粒后的稻杆

  1. 微波辐射稻草浆蒸煮黑液处理技术的研究分光光度法测定黑钨矿浸出液中的P

    The study of treating rice straw pulp black liquid using microwave radiation

  2. 室外稻草栽培,不用掭加剂,产量(kg菇/kg料)为0.82;

    Outdoor cultivation in rice straw without any additive results ina yield of 0.82 kg mushrooms / kg compost .

  3. 她把鸡蛋轻轻地放在吉姆篮子里的稻草上。

    She nestled the eggs safely in the straw in Jim 's basket .

  4. 谷仓里堆满了成捆的稻草。

    The barn was full of bales of straw

  5. 抓救命稻草是无济于事的。

    It is useless to clutch at straws .

  6. 休想在这件事上捞稻草。

    Don 't imagine you can get anything out of it .

  7. 他那样做好像一个快要淹死的人拼命想捞救命稻草一样。

    He acted like a drowning man trying to catch at a straw .

  8. 大车上的稻草装得冒尖儿了。

    The cart is piled high with straw .

  9. 这位老农民正把稻草搓成绳子。

    The old peasant is twisting pieces of straw into a rope .

  10. 干稻草不压秤。

    Dry straw doesn 't weigh much .

  11. 棚子里有许多稻草。

    There are a lot of straws in the shed .

  12. 只一小会儿,他就在稻草间掘出了一个坑。

    In a short time he had dug a tunnel in the straw .

  13. 见威伯正用他的鼻子拱那些稻草。

    Wilbur was poking6 the straw with his snout .

  14. 他爬进坑里,完全被稻草盖住了,就此从芬的视线里消失。

    He crawled into the tunnel and disappeared from sight , completely covered with straw .

  15. 他离家前先用一根稻草量了自己的脚,把它当作尺码。

    Before leaving home , he measured his foot with a piece of straw1 for size .

  16. 他们用稻草扎出人形,然后装上了尖尖的鼻子和小小的眼睛,就和真的哈罗德一样。

    They made it out of straw and gave it a pointy nose and tiny eyes , like Harold 's.

  17. 过了没多久,他们觉得其实并没有什么好怕的,也许只是稻草里面有几只虫子或者老鼠而已。

    After a while , they decided nothing was to be feared . Maybe a few bugs6 or rats were living in the straw .

  18. 阿拉贝尔先生在苹果树下为威伯特别圈了一座小院子,在里面给他搭了一个铺满稻草的大房子,房子底下还留出一个小门,如果他高兴,他可以随时从中进出。

    Mr. Arable fixed2 a small yard specially3 for Wilbur under an apple tree , and gave him a large wooden box full of straw , with a doorway4 cut in it so he could walk in and out as he pleased .

  19. 后来有一次,托马斯心情不好拿哈罗德出气,这时阿尔弗雷德发誓说自己听到稻草人嘟囔了一声,“你听见了吗?哈罗德出声了!”“不可能,他就是一袋稻草而已。”托马斯回答说。

    A while later , when Thomas was taking out his anger on Harold , Alfred swore he heard the doll grunt3 . " Did you hear that ? Harold grunted4 ! " " Impossible , he 's just a sack of straw , " replied Thomas .

  20. 研究了金福菇的形态特征和影响其生长发育的主要因素,比较了不同温度、pH、湿度、碳源、氰源、石灰、麸皮和稻草等条件下菌丝生长和原基发生的情况。

    The morphological characteristics of Tricholoma giganteum and major factor affecting its mycelial growth and primordium formation were studied in this paper .

  21. 为了解堆肥施入时期对日光温室内CO2浓度及番茄生育的影响,以新鲜稻草及鸡粪为原料堆制肥料,于不同时期施入日光温室内,测定CO2浓度及番茄生长发育情况。

    Effects of adding compost at different time on CO_2 concentration in greenhouse and development of tomato were studied .

  22. 随着与稻草配合施用,N肥利用率各指标中除吸收利用率略有下降外,其他各指标(包括农学利用率、生理利用率和偏生产力)均有一定程度提高。

    Straw incorporation improved slightly use efficiency of applied N , including N agronomic efficiency , N physiological efficiency , and partial productivity , except for N recovery rate .

  23. 本文报导了实验室规模的生物质封闭燃烧系统及稻草、玉米秸、麦杆燃烧过程中N2O排放因子的测定结果。

    The emission factors of nitrous oxide have been determined during the combustion of rice straws , wheat stalks and maize stalks in an enclosed combustion system .

  24. 两种培养状态下的稻草粉DM净消失率都高于稻草秆。

    In both kinds of media , the net disappearance rate of DM of RSS was lower significantly than that of RSP .

  25. 高沸醇法(HBS法)制备稻草纸浆和木质素

    Pulp and Lignin Preparation Using Straw by HBS

  26. 用XPS测定结合分峰拟合分析,研究稻草茎部、叶鞘、穗轴等部位皮层中硅化物的组成。

    The silicide components in cuticle of rice straw stem , leaf sheath and rice shaft were studied by means of XPS-peak-differentation-imitating analysis .

  27. 你抓住“延边会议”这根稻草不放,就这根稻草把我们院长吓着了,把CS中院院长也吓着了。

    You hold the straw of " Yanbian conference " and do not put away , this straw has scared our chief and CS court .

  28. 采用田间试验研究了稻草还田环境下施N模式对稻田生态系统N素吸收量及N肥利用率的影响。

    Field studies were conducted to investigate effects of rice straw incorporation and nitrogen application models on process of nitrogen uptake by rice paddy ecosystem and fertilizer-N use efficiency in the double rice cropping system .

  29. 氧脱木质素对稻草SFP浆性能的影响

    Effects of Oxygen Delignification on the Properties of Rice Straw Sulfite-Formaldehyde Pulp

  30. 用非线性单纯形法研究了4种农作物秸秆(亚麻屑、麦草、稻草、豆秸)为材料刨花板的水分扩散系数、并用VISUALBASIC编制的计算机程序求出了精确的扩散系数。

    The moisture diffusion coefficient of particleboard from 4 kinds of crops straw ( flax bits . wheat stalks . straw , than stalks ) was studied by non-linear simplex technique . Accurate diffusion coefficent was calculated out by Visual Basic program .