
dào wén kū bìng
  • Rice sheath blight;sheath blight of rice
  1. 苏化911防治稻纹枯病的研究

    Control of sheath blight of rice by " k.c.i. 911 "

  2. 稻纹枯病近几年以1997与2000年为害最重,71%的水稻面积不同程度的感染了纹枯病。

    In recently years , sheath blight of rice Rhizoctonia solani made the most serious harm in 1997 and 2000 . 71 % of the rice areas were infected by the sheath blight of rice in different degree .

  3. 经潮霉素(hygromycin)筛选、PCR分析、抗稻纹枯病和稻瘟病鉴定、GUS活性检测转基因水稻后代,验证了水稻花器介导法转目标基因的有效性。

    The validity of target genes transferred by rice floral organ-mediated method were verified by PCR analysis , evaluation of resistance to sheath blight and blast , screening by hygromycin B and examination of GUS activity in transgenic rice .

  4. 井岗霉素对稻纹枯病控病效果的定量研究

    Quantitative Study on the Controlling Effect of Jinggangmeisu on Rice Sheath Blight

  5. 深水稻品种对稻纹枯病抗性鉴定初报

    Preliminary report on identification of resistance to rice sheath blight of deep - water rice varieties

  6. 稻纹枯病预测法的研究

    Forecast studies of rice sheath blight

  7. 一个主栽粳稻品种的不同种植方式与稻纹枯病拮抗细菌的消长及种类的关系

    Relationships of Different Cultural Patterns of a Predominant Japonica Rice Variety and Population Variation of Antagonistic Bacteria Against Rice Sheath Blight and the Bacterial Species

  8. 为进一步了解这些转基因水稻植株后代对稻瘟病和纹枯病抗性的遗传变异特性,挖掘其育种利用价值,本研究从T3代起逐代进行稻瘟病和纹枯病抗性鉴定和筛选。

    For further understanding the inherited character of the genes in transgenic plant descendant and screening stable plant descendant with blast and sheath blight resistance , estimating and screening resistance to blast and sheath blight were done from T3 in the study .

  9. 抗稻瘟病和纹枯病的转基因水稻新品系

    Novel Transgenic Rice Strains Resistant to Blast and Sheath Blight

  10. 获得抗稻瘟病和纹枯病的转多基因水稻

    Rice Plants of Multiple Transgenes for Resistance to Rice Blast and Sheath Blight Diseases

  11. 稻瘟病、纹枯病及白叶枯病是对水稻生产威胁最大的主要病害,被称为水稻的三大病害。

    Rice blast , sheath blight and bacterial blight are the three major diseases that threaten rice production .

  12. 自然诱发条件下湖北省水稻主栽品种对稻瘟病、纹枯病的抗性鉴定

    Assessment of the Variety Resistance to Pyricularia grisea and Rhizoctonia solani Induced under the Natural Condition in Hubei Province

  13. 调整播期对豫南粳稻稻瘟病及纹枯病发病条件的影响

    Effect of Adjust Seeding Time on Diseased Condition of Rice Blast and Sheath Bligh of Japonica Hybrid Rice in South Henan

  14. 水稻是我国也是世界的主要粮食作物,稻瘟病和纹枯病的严重发生是影响其产量和品质的重要因素。

    Rice is an important food crop all over the world . Rice blast and sheath blight are important diseases influencing rice yield and quality .

  15. 但由于病原菌遗传多样性、抗病基因匮乏、育种周期长等因素,使稻瘟病和纹枯病抗病育种成效大大降低。

    However , as the result of genetic diversity of nosophyte , absence of resistance genes and long breeding circle in traditional methods , the breeding effect for disease resistance was lower to a great degree .

  16. 前人对硅在抵御水稻病害中的研究报道多集中在稻瘟病、纹枯病等由真菌引起的病害,而有关硅对由细菌引起的水稻白叶枯病抗性的研究,国内外鲜见报道。

    Previous studies on silicon-enhanced disease resistance in rice were mainly focused on rice blast and sheath blight that were caused by fungi . To date , the effect of silicon on bacterial blight ( Xoo ) has never been reported .

  17. 对防治水稻纹枯病具有特效,也可用于水稻稻瘟病,小麦纹枯病的防治。

    Jinggangmycin has a particular sterilizing effects on Rice sheath blight , and also nice sterilizing effects on rice blast , wheat sheath blight .

  18. 由于水稻稻瘟病及水稻纹枯病的病害程度是根据距离特征来检测,目前还没有定义数字图像距离的唯一方法。

    The harm degree of the rice blast and the rice sheath blight was detected according to the distance characteristic , at present there had not defined the only method of digital image distance .