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  • 网络Rice culture;rice planting culture
  1. 稻作文化与湖州民俗探析

    The Study on the Relationship between Rice Planting Culture and Folk Custom in Huzhou

  2. 挖掘开发怀化的稻作文化底蕴对其经济发展和城市文化建设具有积极的文化学意义和经济学意义。

    To exploit the rice planting culture posseses active meaning in culturology and econonics .

  3. 稻作文化旅游与旅游发展若干问题研究

    Study on Rice Culture Tour and Several Problems of Tour Development

  4. 日本及中国的稻作文化与祭祀

    Paddy Cultivation Culture and Sacrificial Rites in Japan and China

  5. 彝族体育舞蹈与稻作文化

    The Yi people 's sports dances and the rice culture

  6. 中国稻作文化的起源和东传

    The Origin and Eastward Spread or Rice-Planting Culture of China

  7. 日本古倭人稻作文化滥觞于中国古吴越

    The ancient Japanese ricefield farming culture stems form ancient Wu Yue of china

  8. 壮族的稻作文化和社会发展探索

    Rice Culture and Social Development of the Zhuang People

  9. 哈尼族稻作文化中的社会性别角色

    Social Gender Role in Rice Culture of Hani Nationality

  10. 中国稻作文化的保护与开发利用

    The Protection , Development and Utilization of the Chinese Paddy Rice Farming Culture

  11. 稻作文化与集团意识

    Japanese Rice - growing Culture and Group Consciousness

  12. 布依族稻作文化及其起源

    Rice-growing Practice and Origin of the Buyi People

  13. 中日稻作文化与傩文化比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Rice Cultivating Culture and Nuo Culture in China and Japan

  14. 神农与湖南稻作文化

    Shennong and the rice-planting culture of Hunan Province

  15. 简论我国稻作文化中的生殖崇拜内涵

    A Simple Analysis on Connotation of Reproductive Worship in Rice Cultivation Culture of Our Country

  16. “防风故国”的上杨村,是江南稻作文化区。

    Shangyang village is a place with rice culture in the south of the Yangzi .

  17. 香寨米粉从其文化内涵上看是一种开放的稻作文化;

    The culture of " Xiang village rice food " is a opening rice planting culture .

  18. 他们世代以种植水稻为生,其文化是典型的稻作文化。

    It 's typical rice-culture .

  19. 布依族人民创作了丰富的稻作文化、宗教文化等传统文化,以及灿烂的民间文学。

    There was an abundance of Rice culture , religious tradition and folk literature created by Buyi people .

  20. 在漫长的历史进程中,湖州地区这渐形成了与水稻生产相联系的稻作文化习俗和生活民俗。

    In this way , the rice planting culture and the related folk custom become the unique feature of Huzhou area .

  21. 布依族稻作文化源远流长,其起源可以追溯到母系社会时代,我国南方古越人及其先民的稻作文化是布依族稻作文化的源头。

    Rice growing is an important part of the Buyi culture , dated back to the Maternal Society in the south of China .

  22. 在长期的农业社会里,在自给自足的经济格局中,稻作文化曾对壮族的发展产生了极大的促进作用。

    During agricultural society where the model of self-sufficiency continuously predominated Chinese economic model , rice culture boosted the development of the Zhuang people .

  23. 稻作文化是云南稻作民族能动地适应生存环境的社会成果。

    The culture of rice cultivating is a great social achievement of active fitting the living condition among the rice cultivating nations in Yunnan .

  24. 受到具体历史地理环境的影响,其带有稻作文化的底色和一些民族特色。

    The folk beliefs has the ground color of rice culture and some ethnic characteristics due to the influence of specific historical and geographical environment .

  25. 大量人工栽培稻谷的发现,以及与水稻生产相联系的众多骨耜的出土,说明稻作文化是河姆渡文化的象征。

    From plenty of artificially cultivated rice remains , it demonstrates that the Hemudu culture is symbolized by rice farming , which is logically based on water .

  26. 稻作文化及长江文明肇始于南方,迄今已有一万余年,并在八千至六千年前向中原传播。

    Rice cultivation and the Yangtze civilization started in the south over 10,000 years from now and they spread to Central China 8,000 to 6,000 years ago .

  27. 中国是最早发明水稻人工种植的国家,有着丰富的稻作文化,留下众多珍贵的文化遗产。

    China is a country inventing the paddy rice artificial planting at the earliest stage , having abundant paddy rice farming culture , remaining numerous precious cultural inheritances .

  28. 在全球化的今天,如何对稻作文化和遗产进行有效的保护和开发,是我们面临的严重挑战。

    In the globalization of today , how to carry on the valid protection and development of the paddy rice culture is a serious challenge that we are facing .

  29. 壮族社会发展的途径是寻求稻作文化与现代化的结合部,寻找稻作文化与社会主义市场经济的接轨点,使壮族成为一个能够享受现代文明的民族。

    The exploration of approaches to uniting rice culture with modernization , rice culture with socialist market economy is expected to be beneficial to the modern development of the Zhuang people .

  30. 本文从对鱼、蛙、龙、鸟及一些相关崇拜事象入手,简要论述了我国稻作文化中的生殖崇拜内涵。

    Starting with fish , frog , dragon , bird and some relative worship objects , this article simply analyses connotation of reproductive worship in rice cultivation culture of our country .