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  • 网络bronze ding
  1. 周人尊礼尚德,伦理思想在青铜鼎的形式设计中占据主导。

    And the moral thoughts could be found in the design of the bronze Ding .

  2. 1939年,在河南省安阳市出土了一件青铜鼎,该鼎为我国古代一种炊食器,有两个立耳和四足。

    In 1939 , a bronze ding which is an ancient cooking vessel with two loop handles and four legs was unearthed in Anyang , Henan Province .

  3. 青铜鼎要600元。

    And six hundred yuan for the bronze tripod .

  4. 这个青铜鼎怎么样?

    What about this bronze tripod ?

  5. 所以,青铜鼎的设计决定于生产方式,来源于生活方式。

    So it can be decided that the design of the bronze Ding was decided by the mode of production and it was also influenced by the human life style .

  6. 青铜鼎在西周早期阶段,没有在周人的政治生活中发挥如商代青铜鼎那样重要的作用,这个时期的青铜鼎应该是脱离礼制生活独立存在的,或者只是一种财富的象征。

    In the early stage of the Western Zhou period , the bronze Ding was not such important as Shang ones in the political life and was away from the ritual life or just one emblem of the wealth .

  7. 从远处眺望,新馆建筑犹如一尊青铜古鼎,默默承载着5000年历史和文明的重荷。

    When viewed at a distance , the whole building resembles an ancient bronze ding tripod , shouldering in silence the heavy weight of the five-thousand-year Chinese history and civilization .

  8. 香炉的历史最早可以上溯到新石器时期的陶器豆和商周青铜时代的鼎。

    The earliest history of incense can be traced back to the Neolithic pottery , the Shang and Zhou Bronze Age , " Ding " is one of the examples .