
mó shù
  • magic;conjuring;sleight of hand;juggling (conjuring) tricks
魔术 [mó shù]
  • [magic;juggling (conjuring) tricks;sleight of hand] 能够产生特殊幻影的戏法。即以迅速敏捷的技巧或特殊装置把实在的动作掩盖起来,使观众感觉到物体忽有忽无,变化不测

魔术[mó shù]
  1. 他们被传授魔术。

    They were inducted into the skills of magic .

  2. 我想到了!我们就叫它“文字魔术”吧。

    I 've got it ! We 'll call it ' Word Magic ' .

  3. 她的祖父教她变魔术。

    Her grandfather taught her to conjure .

  4. 这幅画立刻就会出现,好像变魔术一般!

    The picture will now appear , as if by magic !

  5. 魔术人人会变,巧妙各有不同。

    There are many magicians and each has his own special tricks .

  6. 你会变魔术吗?

    Can you do magic tricks ?

  7. 每页布满了图片;你只要阅读文字就能发现它们,就像魔术一样。

    Every page is full of pictures ; you just have to read the words to see them . It ` s like magic . "

  8. 有些魔术要求有观众的参与

    Some of the magic tricks called for audience participation .

  9. 他使那些孩子沉浸在魔术和其他魅力中

    He held the children spellbound with magic tricks and other fascinations .

  10. 我是不能像变魔术似的把钱变来。

    I can 't simply conjure up the money out of thin air .

  11. 他很会表演魔术。

    He is very good at performing magic .

  12. 我把我的杯子泡在醋里,茶渍一夜之间就消失了,效果立竿见影,就像变魔术一样。

    I soaked my cup in some vinegar and the tea stains disappeared overnight . It worked like magic .

  13. 我们可以称之为“魔术贴式官员”。这个词多用于政界,指在参加活动或者路途中像魔术贴一样紧跟着领导,领导走到哪就跟到哪,希望能在报纸或电视的新闻报道中能够出现在领导身边。

    It is a term often used in political circles , referring to officials who form a Velcro-like attachment to leaders at events or on the road , sticking to the leaders everywhere they go in the hope of turning up next to them in newspapers or on television .

  14. 同样,call()魔术方法必须被定义为公共的,所有其他魔术方法都必须如此。

    Likewise , the__call () magic method must also be defined public , just as all magic methods must be .

  15. SOA无论如何都不是魔术,无法立即解决每个企业IT体系结构的问题。

    SOA is by no means a magic bullet that instantly solves every enterprise IT architecture problem .

  16. Drew要你带他去看魔术秀么?

    Did Drew ask you to take him to a magic show ? Yeah , um ...

  17. PHPV5提供了一些可用于类内部的特别定义的方法,称为魔术方法。

    PHP V5 has several specially defined methods that can be used inside classes known as magic methods .

  18. 需要提醒球迷的是,从骑士队到奥克兰魔术队,他们几乎没有胜利的机会,但仍在NBA打球的理查德-杰弗森是一个十足的进攻贡献者。

    maybe short of reminding fans that Richard Jefferson still plays in the NBA and can be a solid contributor offensively .

  19. NBA的洛杉矶湖人队和奥兰多魔术队分别位列第四、第五,仅次于英超冠军切尔西。

    The NBA 's Los Angeles Lakers and Orlando Magic occupy fourth and fifth spots followed by English Premier League champion Chelsea .

  20. 注:像CakePHP一样,如果将created和modified列分别命名为createdat和modifiedat,那么symfony将为您变一些魔术。

    Note : Like CakePHP , symfony will perform some magic for you on the created and modified columns if you name them created_at and modified_at , respectively .

  21. 结果简直是一种魔术―通过遵守几条简单的规则,J2EE应用程序就可以自动获得事务性语义,只需极少或根本不需要额外的组件代码。

    The result is almost a kind of magic & by following a few simple rules , a J2EE application can automatically gain transactional semantics with little or no additional component code .

  22. MyFaces和JSFRI拥有为它们的渲染器执行这个魔术的类(特定于它们的实现),但是在核心JSFAPI中并没有涉及这项功能。

    MyFaces and the JSF RI have classes ( specific to their implementation ) that perform this magic for their renderers , but the functionality is not covered in the core JSF API .

  23. 当您按下服务器上的电源开关时,系统魔术般地启动了,这一切似乎很简单,但正如您从本文中看到的,AIX系统启动时发生了很多事情。

    It may not seem like a lot when you press the power button on a server and it magically starts up , but as you can see , there 's a lot to the AIX system when it is starting .

  24. 1904年,法国拍摄了一部有关中国魔术师的电影&《中国魔术》(LeThaumaturgeChinois),这是首部试图用特技效果让观众惊叹的影片之一。

    An early effort to amaze cinema goers with special effects was Le Thaumaturge Chinois , a 1904 French film about a Chinese conjurer .

  25. 这不是魔术,而是玩具制造商Mattel的最新游戏,它允许玩家仅仅凭着集中力去移动一个小球,使它绕过沿路上的障碍前进。

    It 's not magic , but rather the latest game from toy maker Mattel , which allows players to move a ball around an obstacle course by using just their powers of concentration .

  26. 每个容器(或连接池管理器,如PoolMan)都提供它自己的创建DataSource机制,JTA魔术就隐藏在这个机制中。

    Each container ( or connection pool manager , like PoolMan ) provides its own mechanism for creating a DataSource , and it is in this mechanism that the JTA magic is hidden .

  27. 《魔术技法》是JD?迪拉德的导演处女作。一名年轻的街头魔术师在母亲去世后负责照顾他的小妹妹,他在洛杉矶的派对上贩卖毒品以维持两人的生计。

    JD Dillard 's directorial debut centers on a young street magician who is left to care for his little sister after his mother 's passing and turns to drug dealing in the Los Angeles party scene to keep a roof over their heads .

  28. 他最早的魔术记忆来自三岁时,在一场魔术秀把一只铁钉敲成一只火柴,当时他父亲举家驻扎印度东南部的Secunderabad(即今天的印度矽谷,班加罗尔的右上方)。

    His first memory of magic , from the age of three , was hammering a nail into hidden matches at a show in the garrison at Secunderabad , in south-east India , where his father was stationed .

  29. 增强个人的意志,磨练能力,达到魔术目标。

    Increasing personal will , honing skills , attaining magical goals .

  30. 不,我不能用魔术棒!

    No , I can 't just wave my magic wand .