
  • 网络Devil Training
  1. 经过东西方文化的融合,魔鬼训练已从简单的意志力培训发展成为现代企业家综合素质的训练模式。

    " Devil training " has developed from the willpower training model to the synthetical character model of modern entrepreneur .

  2. 在每一集节目中,将揭露驾驶直升机所需的技巧和魔鬼训练。

    In each volume of programs , will expose the skill which and the devil training the driving helicopter needs .

  3. 我问他这种残酷的魔鬼训练。

    I asked him this cruel training of the devil .

  4. 昨天,我们乘车来到了北京酷学酷玩词汇魔鬼训练营。

    This is the first day when I came to the Cool Camp .

  5. 杨紫琼:我们亲切地把训练的七间屋子称为魔鬼训练营。

    Michelle Yeoh : We have what we affectionately call the seven rooms of torture .

  6. 完成我们一个月的篮球魔鬼训练营,我们就会给你十万块美金!

    Complete one month of our basketball boot camp , and we 'll give you a hundred thousand dollars !

  7. 本文试从组织行为学的角度去解析魔鬼训练开发潜能的方法途径。

    The article tries to analyse the methods of latent energy developed by the devil training from the angle of organizational behavior .

  8. 而孤独九剑老师的“魔鬼训练”是让自己能够在“狂追美眉的万人马拉松实力赛”中夺取决定性胜利!

    Whereas Master Lonely Nine Swords used his devil training method to let him achieve victory in the Ten Thousand People Marathon for Miss English .

  9. 世界上所有的魔鬼训练都不能让你有290磅的肌肉,如果不大量进食的话这绝对是必须的。

    All the training in the world ain 't gonna make you290 pounds if you don 't eat all the nutrients and that 's a lot of food to back it up .

  10. 他们未曾接受魔鬼式训练,也未身穿传说中海军陆战队拥有的全金属防护衣。

    They are yet to undergo hell-like training tailored for Marines similar to that depicted in Full Metal Jacket .

  11. 透过训练,有些人也可以看到魔鬼,就像我们训练自己看到上帝一样。

    People sometimes can train themselves to see devils , just like we can train ourselves to see god .