
  1. 三进魔鬼城&敦煌雅丹地质公园

    Enter " Devils ' City " Three Times & Dunhuang Yadan Geoparks

  2. 小高:第二天,我们去了魔鬼城,天太热了所以我们没有过多停留。

    The next day , we went to the Ghost City . The weather was scorching hot so we didn'tstay long .

  3. 雅丹地貌为何被称为魔鬼城?青海最大最典型的雅丹地貌主要分布在哪里?

    Why Yadan landform known as the Demon Castle ? Where dose the largest and most typical Yadan landform located of Qinghai ?

  4. 在开曼群岛上一个叫做“魔鬼鱼城”的景点,研究人员标记了那里的黄貂鱼,用以监视它们的动作和行为。

    Researchers tagged stingrays in Stingray City in the Cayman Islands to monitor their movements and behavior .

  5. 由于水的冲刷作用,这里的石头和山形成了面目可憎的形状,现在人们把它称作魔鬼之城。

    And now people call it " The Devil 's Town " since the stones and hills are all formed into terrible shapes .

  6. 在弥林和瓦兰提斯之间横亘着五百里格的沙漠,山川,沼泽和废墟,加上曼塔里斯那不祥的声名在外:传言说那是魔鬼之城。

    Between Meereen and Volantis lay five hundred leagues of deserts , mountains , swamps , and ruins , plus Mantarys with its sinister repute .

  7. 这已经是魔鬼之城,估计至少两个月后我们才可能到达那里进行打捞工作,因为洪水造成了非常大的损害,产生了如此多的废墟。

    It 's a ghost town.It could take two months before we can even get in there and try to anything because there 's so much damage and so much debris .