
  • VELCRO;MAGIC TAPE;Velcro tape
  1. 魔术贴用来贴臂章。技能章。以及识别章。

    Velcro for wearing unit patch , skill tabs and recognition devices .

  2. 为什么用魔术贴的运动鞋会不流行了呢?

    Why did sneakers with Velcro go out of style ?

  3. 我们可以称之为“魔术贴式官员”。这个词多用于政界,指在参加活动或者路途中像魔术贴一样紧跟着领导,领导走到哪就跟到哪,希望能在报纸或电视的新闻报道中能够出现在领导身边。

    It is a term often used in political circles , referring to officials who form a Velcro-like attachment to leaders at events or on the road , sticking to the leaders everywhere they go in the hope of turning up next to them in newspapers or on television .

  4. 人们认为我用了各种东西,从蓝丁胶到魔术贴到钢条。

    People think I use everything from Blu Tack to Velcro to steel rods .

  5. 类:中国结、尼龙粘扣带、背胶魔术贴等。

    Categories : Chinese knot , nylon tape , magic , such as gum .

  6. 独特魔术贴封口、活页设计,多款孔夹配用。

    Especial velco as closing seal , refill design , suitable for various of ring binders .

  7. 魔术贴固定接入面板位于携带手柄,以帮助解除,同时保持保护盖优惠。

    Velcro fastened access panels are located at the carry handles to aid lifting while maintaining the protection that the cover offers .

  8. 本机适用裤耳、橡根、接链、魔术贴包边条等之切除,长短可根据要求通过计数器调整,全自动拉切,运转平稳,操作方便。

    Size but the root According to require and change through counter , full-automatic to draw cutting , it is stable to operate , Easy to operate .

  9. 魔术贴密封访问面板援助的运送,并确保执行副总裁的重量分布新小组通过铝处理,正如设计者预期。

    Velcro sealed access panels aid transportation and ensure that the weight of the EVP-Neo Sub is distributed through the aluminium handles , just as the designers intended .

  10. 一个保守的穿法就是,弱化腰带在整体造型中的地位。小贴士:试试用男士领带来做腰带,在一头的3英寸处用背胶魔术贴固定。

    For a conservative ensemble the belt should be less noticeable.Tip : Create a belt using a men 's tie , fastening it with three-inch strips of adhesive Velcro .

  11. 他们也与伯克利分校机器人实验室合作,设计了一只小型六脚机器人,然后把魔术贴粘在机器人的后腿上,最后成功完成了类似动作。

    They have also teamed up with members of Berkeley 's robotics laboratory to program a small six-legged robot that has strips of Velcro attached to its rear legs to do the same trick .

  12. 在现实世界中,魁地奇是一种骑着扫帚的非魔法运动,也有游走球、鬼飞球和金色飞贼,这里的金色飞贼是一个穿着黄色T恤、短裤上用魔术贴粘着一个尾巴的人。

    In the real world , Quidditch is a non-magical sport played on broomsticks , and involves bludgers , quaffles and a golden snitch - a person in a yellow t-shirt with a Velcro tail attached to their shorts .

  13. 小伙子走向了魔术道具室的门,在使用泡胶护具时,请将贴紧魔术贴。

    He went to the magic room 's door , After putting on the headgear , shoes or gloves , fix them firmly with strap .