
mó fǎ shī
  • magician;sorcerer
  1. 被全世界识破真实身份后压力山大的彼得到奇异博士的至圣所求助,请教这位在复仇者联盟系列电影中结识的至尊魔法师是否有咒语可以让全世界忘记彼得·帕克和蜘蛛侠是同一个人。

    The stress of the world knowing who he really is sends Peter to Doctor Strange 's Sanctum Sanctorum , where he asks the Sorcerer Supreme ( whom he got to know in the Avengers movies ) if there is a spell he can cast that would make the world forget Peter Parker and Spider-Man are the same person .

  2. 你知道他是魔法师,对吗?

    You knew he was a sorcerer , didn 't you ?

  3. 早在JK罗琳构思创作《哈利波特》系列之前,奥伯伦就开始向有志成为魔法师的人们教授咒语了。奥伯伦曾担任教师和顾问。

    The former teacher and counselor was teaching spells to aspiring wizards long before JK Rowling even dreamed up Harry Potter .

  4. 作为同代人中最好的魔法师之一,哈利・波特(HarryPotter)就读的是大名鼎鼎的霍格沃兹魔法学校(HogwartsSchool)。

    As one of his generation 's best wizards , Harry Potter ended up enrolling in the prestigious Hogwarts School .

  5. 有点像“绿野仙踪”(Oz国的魔法师),或是电影“1984”的“老大哥”,把语音和来源分开,

    So sort of like the Wizard of Oz , or " 1984 's " Big Brother , separating the voice from its source ,

  6. 《镜子,镜子》(MirrorMirror)肖像展将于本月在曼哈顿的斯洛克莫顿美术馆开幕,将卡罗呈现为一个塑造形象的魔法师,同她的精神后裔麦当娜(Madonna)一样狡黠多变。

    In " Mirror , Mirror , " a portrait-survey that opens this month at Throckmorton Fine Art in Manhattan , Kahlo is revealed to have been an image wizard as canny as her spiritual descendant , Madonna .

  7. 我参加了当时在洛杉矶举办的E3视频游戏展,当宫本茂穿着魔法师服装走上舞台时,我看到观众为之倾倒。

    I attended the E3 video games show in Los Angeles at the time , and saw the adulation when Mr Miyamoto walked on stage in a wizard costume .

  8. 你们看,如果在若干年后你们还记得“快乐的魔法师”这个笑话,那就证明我已经超越了BaronessMaryWarnock。

    You see ? If all you remember in years to come is the ' gay wizard ' joke , I 've still come out ahead of Baroness Mary Warnock .

  9. 一个尤其著名的虚构小说《魔法师》是由英国作家约翰所写,后来制成了电影,AnthonyQuinn在这个剧名角色里。

    A particularly well-known fictional tale of a magus is the novel The Magus by British author John Fowles , which was later made into a film with Anthony Quinn in the title role .

  10. 华纳兄弟公司执行制片人昂纳尔威格拉姆对《洛杉矶时报》表示:J.K.罗琳的才华在于她讲述了在真实世界里,一个有血有肉的小魔法师是如何实现愿望的,你可以和它一同融入这个魔幻世界。

    The genius of JK Rowling was that she grounded the wish fulfillment of a real kid with magical powers in the context of the real world . You enter the fantasy with her , Lionel Wigram , a production executive at Warner Bros , told the Los Angeles Times .

  11. 他经常给孩子们讲魔法师的故事。

    He always tells the children the stories of the enchanter .

  12. 斯托姆加德王国的部队试图暗杀食人魔法师仇高。

    Stromgarde forces lead an unsuccessful assassination attempt on Ogre-mage Cho'Gall .

  13. 因此,你可能会说我们有点象魔法师。

    So we re kind of meta-magicians , you might say .

  14. 哇他肯定是个魔法师吧

    Wow . He must have been a wizard , then .

  15. 亚瑟就在外面寻找魔法师。

    Arthur is out there right now looking for the sorcerer .

  16. 没有人能找到这个年轻、勇敢、坚定的魔法师。

    No one could find this young , brave and determined wizard .

  17. 妈你信我啊,我真的还是个魔法师啊!

    I 'm still a virgin and she doesn 't believe me .

  18. 你有看过《少年魔法师》吗?是的。

    Do you ever watch the Wizards of Waverly Place ?

  19. 我想我们大家只有在一起,才能打败魔法师。

    I fear we can only defeat the Sorcerer together .

  20. 像魔法师实现我的梦想。

    Just like a conjurer who can realize my dream .

  21. 更恰当的叫法,是“黄金时代魔法师”。

    He was the last of the Aureate or Golden Age magicians .

  22. 可是魔法师本人只喝酒,只吃面包。

    But the magician himself drank only wine and ate only bread .

  23. 我们要从魔法师的魔爪下拯救整个世界。

    We 'll free the entire world from his tyranny .

  24. 再下去只有魔法师和巫师住在那里喔

    There 's nothing but witches and wizards out there .

  25. 如果那个魔法师是哈尔他肯定吃了你的心的

    If that wizard were howl , he would have eaten it .

  26. 你想在国王追查魔法师的时候使用法术?

    You want to practise magic with the king is hunting sorcerers ?

  27. 魔法师:是的,我想回家可是我的腿

    Mg : Yes , I want to go home but my leg

  28. “我知道你是个魔法师”

    " I know that you are a magician . "

  29. 眼魔法师不需要材料成分就能施展它们的法术。

    Beholder mages do not require material components to cast their spells .

  30. 魔法师陶伦要密谋杀死国王。

    The sorcerer Tauren is plotting to kill the king .