
  • 网络Russian Formalism
  1. 陌生化是俄国形式主义的核心概念。

    " Bestrangement " is the core concept of Russian Formalism .

  2. 俄国形式主义文论偏差探源

    An Exploration of the Sources of Errors in Russian Formalism

  3. 俄国形式主义者是诗学革命的发起者。

    The Russian Formalists were sponsors of a revolution in poetics .

  4. 俄国形式主义文学理论是接受美学的先驱。

    Reception aesthetics developed from the theory of Russian formalism .

  5. 文学性与陌生化是俄国形式主义理论精髓的集中体现。

    Literariness and Estrangement are the focuses and embodiments of Russian formalism literary theory .

  6. 俄国形式主义者也是这样想的。

    The Russian formalists do this as well .

  7. 论俄国形式主义批评的科学化努力

    On the Scientific Efforts of Russia Formalism

  8. 俄国形式主义文学批评论的美学基础

    On aesthetic foundations of Russian formalistic criticism

  9. 俄国形式主义文论主要是文学批评论。

    Russian formalism is mainly literary criticism .

  10. 俄国形式主义研究

    On the Study of Formalism in Russia

  11. 俄国形式主义短篇小说观

    Russian Formalists ' Theory on Short Story

  12. 俄国形式主义者进行诗歌创作偏重语词的扭曲、变形所带来的陌生化效果。

    Russian formalists put their attention to the strange effect from those distorted and deformed words .

  13. 俄国形式主义主张回到文学内部,从文艺自身找规律。

    Russia formalism maintains getting back to literature , looking for the law from literature and art .

  14. 俄国形式主义文学性概念之反思

    Reflections on Russian Formalistic Literariness

  15. 俄国形式主义认为,文学性就是使特定文本成为文学作品的东西。

    According to Russian Formalism , literariness is the thing that makes specific works become literary works .

  16. 以20世纪俄国形式主义批评作为发端,学院派文学批评一直占据西方文学批评理论的主导地位。

    Beginning with the Russian formalism in the 20th century , theory-based pedantic literary criticism has been dominant .

  17. 俄国形式主义则将母题视为一种话语类型,从而将母题研究形式化,开了结构形式研究的先河。

    The Russian Formalism consideres the motif as a discourse type and startes the structural studies in form .

  18. 俄国形式主义在中国的接受

    Russian Formalism in China

  19. 俄国形式主义文论与黑格尔辩证形式论&略论内容与形式

    RUSSIAN FORMALISM LITERATURE CRITICISM AND HEGEL 'S DIALECTICAL FORMALISM & review on the relationship between form and content

  20. 俄国形式主义对于内容与形式的关系,有两点主张:一是用形式消灭内容,二是将内容归结为形式。

    One is to use form to destroy content and another is to sum up content to form .

  21. 陌生化理论来自于俄国形式主义,是布莱希特戏剧理论的代名词。

    The Alienation Theory came from Russian Formalism , which is the synonym of Brecht 's theatre theory .

  22. 作为一种文艺理论,俄国形式主义有自己独立的系统和体系。

    As a kind of theory of literature , Russian formalism has one 's own independent system and system .

  23. 俄国形式主义者用这一理论对诗语进行了细致的研究,并把它运用于对叙事文体、文学史的分析,形成了这一流派独有的文论体系。

    Russian Formalist use it to study poem , novel and literary history , which brings their unique literary theory .

  24. 因此,现代与后现代诗歌的意境与形式的相关性要远远大于其与词义、句意的相关性。第四章和第五章分别从俄国形式主义和视觉文化的角度进一步印证了形式的重要性。

    The theory of formalism and visual culture can help to illustrate the importance of form in modernist and post-modernist poetry .

  25. 俄国形式主义文论是20世纪初期最有影响、最富活力的重要文学理论派别之一。

    Russian Formalism literature theory is one of the most influential and dynamic schools of literature in the early 20th century .

  26. 本文探讨了俄国形式主义流派在建立科学的文艺学体系过程中所显示的内在矛盾及局限。

    This paper discusses the inner contradictions and limitations which Russia Formalism displays in setting up scientific system of literature theory .

  27. 不过,相较于俄国形式主义而言,新批评关注的并不是文学语言的表现形式,而是文学语言的语义特征。

    However , compared with Russian formalism , New Criticism pays more attention to the semantic features of literary language than its manifestation .

  28. 与俄国形式主义的理论旨趣相似,新批评也将文学问题转化为语言问题,认为文学审美性在于语言形式。

    Like Russian Formalism , New Criticism also transforms literary problems into language issues , believing that the literary aesthetic lies in the linguistic forms .

  29. 这种创作手法无疑正实现了俄国形式主义的“陌生化”艺术主张,体现着一个文学写作者对语言修辞的积极追求。

    This kind of technique surely realizes the de-familiarization claim of Russian formalism , indicating the active pursue to perfect rhetoric of a literature writer .

  30. 材料、程序、风格,这三个词大体构成了俄国形式主义理论的一个最简括的基本的概念系统。

    Material , procedure , and style are made up of the basic conceptive system of the theory of Russian formalism which has two opinions ;