
  • 网络Russky Island;Russky;PulauRusky;Island of Russky
  1. 虾夷扇贝(Mizuhopectenyessoensis)是一种重要的经济贝类,分布于日本北部沿海、朝鲜半岛北部和俄罗斯库页岛海域等地。

    The Japanese scallop ( Mizuhopecten yessoensis ), which is distributed in the cold seas along the coasts of the northern Japan , the northern part of the Korean Peninsula and Sakhalin island of Russia , is a kind of significant economy marine scallop .

  2. 日本首相麻生太郎访问俄罗斯的库页岛液化天然气工厂。

    Taro Aso , Japan 's prime minister , visited the Russian island of Sakhalin for the opening of a liquefied natural-gas plant .

  3. 官方的中国日报报导说,俄罗斯将把银龙岛以及黑瞎子岛的一半归还中国。

    The state-run China Daily newspaper reported that Russia will return Yinlong Island ( known as Tarabarov Island in Russian ) as well as half of Heixiazi Island ( Bolshoi Ussuriysky in Russian ) to China .

  4. 克里米兰岛200万居民中有大部分是俄罗斯族,在苏联时期俄罗斯曾经将该岛作为海军基地出租,该租约将于2017年到期。乌克兰表示,该租约不会续签。

    A majority of Crimea 's two million residents are ethnic Russians , and Russia has a lease on the Soviet era naval base at Sevastapol which expires in 2017 , and which Ukraine says will not be renewed .