
  • 网络Russian Queen
  1. 这一次又是哪一位俄国女皇要死掉呢,一位军官问。

    " What Czarina will die this time ?" an officer asked .

  2. 2月12日,俄国女皇死了,勃兰登堡王室的奇迹终于出现。

    On February 12 the Czarina died , the Miracle of the House of Brandenburg had come to pass .

  3. 有网友认出了这幅画像其实是俄国女皇叶卡捷琳娜二世,画中她戴着皇冠,身着加冕礼袍。

    Other web users identified the painting as being Catherine II the Great , Empress of Russia , with diadem and coronation robe .

  4. 这幅俄国女皇的画像已经红遍推特,网友们纷纷表示画中人像极了首相卡梅伦。

    The image of the former Empress of Russia apparently has swept Twitter , with thousands of people agreeing with the uncanny resemblance to the Prime Minister .

  5. 谦恭品德占有者之于优良美德扮演者就好像用心建造的小石屋之于俄国女皇建造的冰雕宫殿;

    The state of the possessor of humble virtues , the the affecter of great excellencies , is that of a small well built cottage of stone , to the palace raised with ice by the Empress of Russia ;

  6. 秦老师奇迹般当日送到的介绍信看来也没有解决问题。2月12日,俄国女皇死了,勃兰登堡王室的奇迹终于出现。

    The letter of introduction Mrs Qin had sent so miraculously that same day had apparently not solved the problem . On February 12 the Czarina died , the Miracle of the House of Brandenburg had come to pass .