
  • 网络Glass case;glass cabinet;glass showcase
  1. 在BPRD特种部队总部的一个玻璃柜里可以看到第一集中纳粹刺客克罗恩的受损的面具。

    The damaged mask of Kroenen from the first film can be seen in a glass case at the BPRD headquarters .

  2. 我站在珠宝店柜台前仔细欣赏着闪光夺目的珠宝以及明亮的磨光玻璃柜里独具匠心的宝石镶座。

    I stood at the jewelry counter carefully scrutinizing the glittering stones and creative settings in the brilliantly polished glass case .

  3. 博物馆的玻璃柜里摆满了动物标本。

    The museum was full of stuffed animals in glass cases .

  4. 瓷器陈列在玻璃柜里。

    The china was displayed in a glass cabinet .

  5. 玻璃柜里陈列着各种矿物标本。

    Ore specimens are on display in showcases .

  6. 玻璃柜里的动物标本

    stuffed animals in glass cases

  7. 我司供应50寸等离子电视、DVD、道具模特、龙门衣架租赁,及其他展架、桌椅、玻璃柜租赁。

    Our supply of50-inch plasma TV , DVD , props , models , gantry hanger leases , and other exhibition stands , tables and chairs , glass-fronted cabinets leasing .

  8. 玻璃柜里放着各类道具,隐晦地指向某些具体的桥段:一张莱昂纳尔•里奇(LionelRichie)的唱片(《丑陋裸男死了?》一集)、一本《怀孕期间注意事项》(《谣言》一集)、莫妮卡公寓镜子的复制品。

    Glass cases display obscure references to specific episodes : a Lionel Richie record ( " The One With the Giant Poking Device " ) , a copy of " What to Expect When You 're Expecting " ( " The One With the Rumor " ) , a replica of the mirror from Monica 's apartment .

  9. 我要把它们放在餐厅玻璃柜里。

    Iill put them in the glrear end closet in our dining room .

  10. 在这环形水池周围,红铜架子的玻璃柜中,

    Around this basin , inside elegant glass cases fastened with copper bands .

  11. 不过在这个大玻璃柜走动还是让我开了眼界。

    Nevertheless , it was an enjoyable experience walking in an enormous glass box .

  12. 请在玻璃柜上贴一张“请勿触摸”的条子。

    Please stick a piece of paper saying NO TOUCH on the glass counter .

  13. 大型门固定在墙壁,玻璃柜里,分为切开口插入。

    Large doors are fixed to the walls , and glass cabinets are inserted into cut openings .

  14. 吉姆喜欢得意地欣赏他自己在历次运动会上所获得的奖品,他把这些奖品存放在一个玻璃柜里。

    Jim likes to gloat over all the sports prizes he has own , which he keeps in a glass case .

  15. 他们走到一个柜台,那里有些单独零卖的如布丁,糕饼,馅饼等,在玻璃柜上面摆着。

    They go to a counter where individual servings of puddings , cakes , and pies are set out under a glass case .

  16. 那个商店里的装饰也很独特。一个壁挂式斑马头手表。在放着贝壳和头骨的玻璃柜里装满了旧书。

    Inside , a wall-mounted zebra head watches over glass cabinets stuffed with old books , seashells and the skull of a baboon .

  17. 一位神经稍微锐敏一点的贝壳类专家,到了另一些陈列软体类动物标本的玻璃柜面前,一定要高兴得发昏了。

    An excitable conchologist would surely have fainted dead away before other , more numerous glass cases in which were classified specimens from the mollusk branch .

  18. 谢克夫人拥有的最昂贵的鞋子是一双曾属于伊丽莎白·泰勒的鞋子,它被存放在一个玻璃柜中,旁边就是玉婆伊丽莎白·泰勒的照片。

    Mrs Shak 's most expensive footwear is a pair of cowboy boots once owned by Elizabeth Taylor and kept in a glass cabinet next to a photograph of the actress .

  19. 我留意到,在美国的开架超市和商店里,珠宝等贵重物品都是锁进玻璃柜的,香烟虽不贵重,但也上了锁。

    I noticed that in the United States , open-shelf supermarket and shops , jewelry and other valuables are locked into the glass , and cigarettes is not valuable , but also on the lock .

  20. 我于是钻研那些玻璃柜中堆积着的贝类学上的宝藏,全神贯注地研究。我也潜心搜索那宽大的植物标本库,库里充满着海中最希罕的植物,它们虽然风干了,但仍然保存着令人赞美的颜色。

    It was deserted . I dove into studying the conchological treasures amassed inside the glass cases . I also investigated the huge plant albums that were filled with the rarest marine herbs , which , although they were pressed and dried , still kept their wonderful colors .

  21. 一般博物馆里的收藏品都放在玻璃柜里或在绳子后方,白宫馆藏的精神却是要让人能够实际享受到坐在椅子里、走在地毯上、用资器餐具用餐的感觉。

    Now unlike most museums where everything is under glass and behind ropes , you know , here the nature of the White House collection is for people to come in and actually be able to enjoy it in the sense of sitting on the chair , walking on the carpet , eating off the china .

  22. 盗贼打碎了玻璃陈列柜并偷走了花瓶。

    The thieves smashed the showcase and stole the vase .

  23. 我们快速的巡视了一遍照片,然后来到了一个玻璃展示柜前,以下是陈列在其中的物品。

    We did a quick round of the photos and came to a glass display case , within which were the following precious items .

  24. 柔和的木纹,伴着专利设计的玻璃门柜内透出的暖色灯光,鲜活靓彩,诚然是一场全新的视觉盛宴。

    Soft wooden grains in accompany with the warm light out of the patent designed glass cupboard , add your home a beautiful and colorful living place .

  25. 瑞雷·格雷今年22岁,他买那只菠萝纯属“开玩笑”,不过后来发现这只菠萝被放在罗伯特戈登大学展览中心的玻璃展示柜上展出。

    Ruairi Gray , 22 , had bought the pineapple as a ' joke " but discovered later that it had been put on show in a glass display case in the centre of the exhibition at Robert Gordon University .

  26. 工作空间是由一绝缘高密度玻璃棉英寸外柜,和内饰是腐蚀性,耐渗铝钢制成。

    Work space is insulated from the outer cabinet with one inch of high density mineral wool , and interiors are made of corrosive-resistant aluminized steel .