
méi gui hóng
  • Rose Red;rose-bengal;hermosa pink
玫瑰红[méi gui hóng]
  1. 光氧化与光催化氧化降解酸性玫瑰红B的动力学比较

    Kinetic comparison of acid red 52 degradation by photo-oxidation and photocatalytic oxidation

  2. 超声催化氧化法对玫瑰红B溶液的脱色研究

    Study on Decolorization of Brilliant Pink B Solution by Catalytic Oxidation with Ultrasonic Treatment

  3. 溶胶-凝胶法制备TiO2/玻璃膜和光催化降解玫瑰红B的研究

    Preparation of TiO_2 / glass Film by Sol-gel Method and There with Photocatalytic Degradation of Rhodamine B

  4. O3和Fenton试剂化学氧化处理酸性玫瑰红印染废水

    Oxidation of Acid Rose Red Dye Wastewater by Ozone and Fenton

  5. Fenton试剂&曝气生物滤池处理酸性玫瑰红印染废水

    Treatment of acidity rose red dyeing wastewater by Fenton reagent-biological aerated filter process

  6. 玫瑰红染料的脱色过程与总有机碳TOC的去除过程是不同步的。

    The process of decolor and the removal of TOC is not simultaneous .

  7. 针对酸性玫瑰红印染废水的高色度、难以生物降解的特点,采用O3和Fenton试剂进行氧化处理,通过实验确定了最佳运行参数。

    Acid rose red dye wastewater is deeply colored and hardly to be bio-degradable . Chemical oxidation by Fenton and O3 was applied .

  8. 用透射电镜(TEM)、X-衍射分析(XRD)等对其进行了表征,并考察了它对酸性玫瑰红B(RB)的吸附性能。

    This adsorbent was characterized by transmission electron microscopy ( TEM ) and X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) analysis ; and its adsorption property on acidic rose red B ( RB ) was investigated .

  9. 采用溶胶-凝胶方法,经过数次浸渍制备成负载型纳米TiO2光催化剂,研究光催化氧化降解酸性玫瑰红B(简写为AR)。

    The loaded nanometer TiO2 photocatalysis is prepared by sol - gel method , being dipped for several times . Photocatalysis , oxidation for the degradation of acid red 52 ( AR ) has been studied .

  10. 以2年生玫瑰红苹果为试材,对盆栽苹果施肥试验进行了研究,比较了不同肥料种类和不同施肥浓度对盆栽苹果生长以及盆土溶液电导率和pH值的影响。

    The experiment was conducted in potted fruit garden of agricultural university of Hebei . The effects of fertilizers and their concentrations on the growth and development of two-year-old rose-red Apple and conductivity and pH values of soil solution were compared in the study .

  11. 根据酸性玫瑰红印染废水高色度、难生物降解的特点,提出了Fenton试剂&曝气生物滤池(BAF)的组合工艺。

    According to the characteristics of acidity rose red dyeing wastewater which is deep-colored and hard to be biologically degraded , a combination process of Fenton reagent-biological aerated filter ( BAF ) has been used .

  12. 吾爱吾爱玫瑰红,

    O my Luve 's like a red , red rose ,

  13. 品尝记录:接近玫瑰红的宝石红色;

    Tasting notes : Appearance : Ruby red colour verging on rose .

  14. 玫瑰红小姑娘是在为点心大亨做非法运输。

    Little miss rosy cakes making covert deliveries to the goody tycoon .

  15. 优良抗寒鲜食葡萄新品种玫瑰红

    Rose Red - A New Cold Resistant Table Grape Variety

  16. 温带树种,被毛黄到玫瑰红果实。

    Temperate zone tree bearing downy yellow to rosy fruits .

  17. 臭氧-曝气生物滤池处理酸性玫瑰红染料废水

    Treatment of dye containing wastewater by ozonizing-biological aerated filter process

  18. 布满绒毛的、颜色从黄色到玫瑰红的水果,样子像小个的桃子。

    Downy yellow to rosy-colored fruit resembling a small peach .

  19. 苹果树则像卖帽人,向人们展示着他帽子上那一片片微带点玫瑰红的乳白色丝缎。

    The apples display their milliner 's scraps of ivory silk , orse-tinged .

  20. 天然地下水环境四氯乙烯的强化生物降解玫瑰红,四碘四氯荧光素

    Enhanced Biodegradation Potential of Tetrachloroethylene under Natural Groundwater Environment

  21. 我喜欢粉红(玫瑰红,橘色)。

    I like pink ( rose , orange ) .

  22. 苹果树则像卖帽人,向人们展示他帽子上那一片片微带点玫瑰红地乳白色丝缎。

    The apples display their milliner 's scraps of ivory silk , rose-tinged .

  23. 不仅尘埃粒子把天空染成了玫瑰红晕色,

    Not only did the dust particles at the rosy blush to the sky ,

  24. 分布在美国南部大草原各州的多年生的罂栗锦葵属植物,有玫瑰红或玫瑰紫色的花。

    Perennial poppy mallow of United States southern plains states having rose-red or rose-purple flowers .

  25. 玫瑰红,四碘四氯荧光素连续波氧碘化学激光器腔内碘荧光光谱研究

    Study of iodine molecule fluorescence spectra in ? Cavity of a CW chemical oxygen-iodine laser

  26. 玫瑰红葡萄酒,粉红葡萄酒。

    Rose & a light pink wine .

  27. 具有抗盐性的一年生海边植物,具有芳香的玫瑰红的或紫罗兰色的花朵,和灰绿色的肉质叶。

    Salt-tolerant seashore annual grown for its fragrant rose or violet flowers and fleshy gray-green foliage .

  28. 通过实验表明,浅玫瑰红的红宝石改色效果明显。

    And the color-correction experiments have shown that the color-correction effect of light pink ruby is evident .

  29. 应用~(131)碘-玫瑰红肝胆动态显象诊断小儿先天性胆管囊肿

    Diagnosis of congenital choledochal cysts in children by ~ ( 131 ) - rose Bengal hepatobiliary dynamic imaging

  30. 开玫瑰红至红色或紫色花的美洲热带草本植物,在凋谢后不褪色。

    Tropical American herb having rose to red or purple flowers that can be dried without losing color .