
  • 网络Chiaroscuro;shading;clair-obscur;clairs-obscurs
  1. 明暗法是画家为了处理物体光影,突出同一物体不同面而采取的一种手法。

    Chiaroscuro is the painters solution for shaping objects from the darkness , wielding one to conjure the other .

  2. 在这个基础上,透视法、解剖学、明暗法等科学手段被发现并应用到创作中来,他们的作品往往呈现出鲜明的体积感、精准的透视法和优美动人的人体造型。

    On this basis , perspective , anatomy , science and shading method was found and applied to the painting . Their works are often showing a sharp sense of the size , precisely perspective and beautifully human shape .

  3. 并介绍了改进的z缓存算法和法向量插值明暗法。

    Also it introduces the improved Z buffer algorithm and normal vector interpolation shading .

  4. 此画没有用明暗法也画出了物象的光分布。

    This painting is of no use to draw the shades of images of light distribution .

  5. 他们不懈地研究与探索,从光学中得出线性透视法与明暗法,并形成完整的理论体系。

    Their unremitting research and exploration to linear perspective and solid law and form of theoretical system .

  6. 大师将中国传统的绘画技法与西方的透视法、明暗对照法和颜色组合融为一体。

    Master combines elements of traditional chinese painting with western perspectiv , chiaroscuro , and color schemes .

  7. 卡拉瓦乔以其对明暗对照法的巧妙运用而出名。

    Caravaggio is famous for his use of chiaroscuro .

  8. 这种特殊的正面光与明暗分布法,源于道家哲学“万物负阴而抱阳”的观点。

    This special positive light and dark distribution method , derived from Taoist philosophy of " all things which have negative yin-yang " point of view .

  9. 作为写实绘画的重要因素光线,成为当时艺术家们重点研究的对象,写实绘画在这一时期取得巨大进展,形成绘画的特征明暗造型法。

    As the important realistic painting factors-light , became the important research objects of artists , realistic painting in this period made great advances , form the characteristics of light and shade painting-modelling method .