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  • 网络Emperor Ming;Ming-ti
  1. 公元59年,明帝亲自到太学讲学,并与博士讨论儒家经典。

    In 59 , Emperor Ming personally lectured in the imperial academy and discussed Confucian classics with scholars .

  2. 东汉初期刘睦草书尺牍被明帝珍藏,反映出章草书已经变为宫廷和上层社会的艺术。

    In the early Eastern Han Dynasty , the handwritings of Lu Mu were collected by Emperor Ming , reflecting that the zhang cao Script had become an art for the court and the upper class .

  3. 东汉时期,明帝有一天突然梦见大殿里出现了一个不速之客。

    One day , Emperor Mingdi had a dream about a gold man in his palace .

  4. 东汉明帝梦见一个金人飞行于宫殿之上。

    The Emperor Mingdi of the Eastern Han Dynasty dreamt of a golden man flying over the palace .

  5. 翌日,明帝即派人前往印度朝圣求佛经。

    The next day Emperor Mingdi sent a scholar to India on a pilgrimage to locate Buddhist scriptures .

  6. 到他的孙子孝明帝执政时,北魏由于农民起义已经处于实质上的动乱之中,

    By the time of his grandson Emperor Xiaoming , Northern Wei was in substantial upheaval due to agrarian revolts ,

  7. 汉明帝下令建造一所寺庙供佛雕安身、收藏经书。

    Emperor Mingdi ordered that a temple be built to house a statue of Buddha and serve as a repository for the scriptures .

  8. 何晏《景福殿赋》作于太和六年(232),该赋表明他在魏明帝曹睿时期并未受到打击,其处境比起曹丕的时代来已经有了很大的改善;

    Written in232 , He Yan 's Jing Fu Dian Fu shows that he is much better treated by Cao Rui than by Cao Pi .

  9. 这座由明帝命令建筑的北京天文台无形中成了桥梁,延续七百年前元代天文学成就与当代西方的科学研究。

    Thus it is that Beijing Observatory built by order of the Ming Emperor , links contemporary research with the great scientific achievements of700 years ago .

  10. 汉光武帝、明帝和章帝统治的前40多年,东汉的社会比较稳定。

    The first 40 plus years of the Eastern Han witnessed the relative stability during the reign of the emperors Guang Wu , Ming and Zhang .

  11. 佛徒们相信佛能驱走黑暗,所以汉明帝宣昭他的臣民们张灯结彩,这样就形成了灯节。

    Followers believe that the power of Buddha can dispel darkness . So Emperor Mingdi ordered his subjects to display lighted lanterns during what was to become the Lantern Festival .

  12. 幕府为了实现这一目标,准备接受明帝的册封,重新加入以明朝中国为中心的册封朝贡体系。

    To achieve that goal , Tokugawa shogunate was prepared to accept title-conferring from the emperor of China and rejoin in the title-conferring and tribute-paying system with China as its center .

  13. 孝明帝正光四年(523),六镇起兵,北魏陷人分裂和内战。

    In the 4th year of Zhengguang ( 523 ) during the Emperor Xiaoming 's reign , six towns rose to rebel . The Northern Wei was disunified and plunged into civil war .

  14. 次日,明帝委派一位学士去印度开始了他的取经之旅,经过几千里的长途跋涉,学士终于带回了经卷。

    The next day , Emperor Mingdi sent a scholar to India on a pilgrimage to locate Buddhist scriptures . After journeying thousands of miles , the scholar finally returned with the scriptures .

  15. 东汉明帝时期,佛教进入中国,这也是佛教首次传入中国,然而,佛教并没有对中国人产生多大影响。

    Buddhism first entered China during the reign of Emperor Mingdi of the Eastern Han Dynasty . That was in the first century . However , it did not exert any great influence among the Chinese people .

  16. 相传,汉明帝在梦里见到一个金人,大臣告诉他那是佛。于是公元64年,明帝遣郎中蔡愔等出使天竺(印度)求其道。

    It is said that in 64 , Mingdi sent his official Cai Yin to Central Asia to learn more about Buddhism after a vision of a golden figure appeared to him in a dream , who a minister told him was Buddha .

  17. 一日,明帝做了个梦,梦见皇宫里有个金人,正当他准备问清这个神秘人物的身世时,金人突然升入天空,消失在西面。

    One day , Emperor Mingdi had a dream about a gold man in his palace . At the very moment when he was about to ask the mysterious figure who he was . The gold man suddenly rose to the sky and disappeared in the west .

  18. 东汉初年,官府已注意水利的兴修。明帝时,命民间水利专家王景和将作谒者王吴主持修治黄河和汴渠,并为这项工程而征调数十万人。

    In the earlier years of the Eastern Han , the government had attached importance to constructing water conservancy , in the reign of Emperor Ming , the noted specialist Wang Jing and Wang Wu organized the huge project to repair and harness the Yellow River and the Bianqu canal , in which hundreds of thousands of people were recruited .