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dù jiānɡ
  • cross a large river
  1. 大军渡江前暂无战事。

    There was a lull in the fighting before the army crossed the yangtze .

  2. 我们能迅速渡江完成京沪杭作战的任务,原因就在这里。

    Thus we were able to complete swiftly the Nanjing-Shanghai-Hangzhou Campaign .

  3. 因为水涨了,我们不能渡江了。

    We cannot cross the river because the water has risen .

  4. 他们半夜渡江,占领了那个村庄。

    At midnight they crossed the river and took possession of the village .

  5. 渡江路线的数学模型讨论

    Route Choice of Crossing the River in Mathematical Model

  6. 秋季你们主力大约可以举行渡江作战。

    By autumn your main force will probably be fighting to cross the Yangtse .

  7. 渡江作战是从四月二十日夜里发起的。

    The campaign to cross the river was launched on the night of April 20 .

  8. 在西起九江、东至江阴,长达三百五十英里的战线上进行了渡江登陆作战。

    Landing operations proceeded along a350-mile front from Kiukiang in the west to Kiangyin in the east .

  9. 江南地下党、游击队配合了渡江作战。

    Underground Party members and guerrilla fighters south of the Yangtze also helped us in the battle .

  10. 文帝以晋王杨广为行军元帅,在安徽前线集结兵力,准备渡江。

    Yang Guang collected the vanguards forces in Anhui to make preparations for crossing the Yangtze River .

  11. 这就是工农红军1934年渡江的地方。

    This is the place that workers ' and peasants ' Red Army crossed the river in 1934 .

  12. 在漫长的一千多里的战线上,所有部队都无例外地顺利地完成了渡江任务。

    All our troops successfully crossed the Yangtze along the long battle line of more than 500 kilometers .

  13. 渡江战役也就是京沪杭战役的实施纲要是我起草的。

    I drew up the plan for that campaign too , which was also known as the nanjing-shanghai-hangzhou campaign .

  14. 渡江使用的船有一万只左右,所以我百万大军能够渡过长江。

    We had about ten thousand boats on hand , enabling our one million soldiers to cross the river .

  15. 渡江以后的第一星期中,共军平均每天攻克三座城市。

    During the first week after the crossing , Communist troops captured an average of three cities per day .

  16. 从渡江到追击最远的地方,即福建的北部、江西的东北部,前进一千五百里。

    They had advanced 750 kilometers from where they crossed the Yangtze , to northern Fujian and northeastern Jiangxi .

  17. 渡江的时候,敌人不明白我们的船是从什么地方来的。

    When we began to cross the river , the enemy wondered where our boats could have come from .

  18. 第二章主要论述了南迁士族南渡江左后在新的环境中形成的士风和学风。

    Chapter II mainly discusses the south - migrated eupatrid newly-growing morale and style of study after crossing the River .

  19. 我们采取宽正面的渡江方法,分了几十个点渡江,绝大部分都没有遭遇到强大的抵抗。

    We made a wide , frontal crossing from scores of places , meeting with no substantial resistance in most places .

  20. 此后,金军不敢轻易渡江,南宋朝庭得以立足江南。

    After that , the Jin forces dared not cross the Yangtze River and the Southern Song could stand on its own feet .

  21. 狼来啦!这有只狼!共军大举渡江时,蒋的文武官员爬上美制飞机,狼狈逃往上海。

    As the Communists poured across the river , Chiang 's officials and generals boarded American-made planes and flew in panic to Shanghai .

  22. 第二日上午便须渡江到浦口,下午上车北去。

    The next morning , I 'd ferry across the river to Pukou , and , from there , catch an afternoon train for Beijing .

  23. 答:在1949年渡江战役中,我第一次得了疟疾,反复发作,吃了不少苦头。

    A : In the battle to cross the Yangtze River in1949 , I contracted the disease for the first time and suffered recurring bouts .

  24. 我们对敌人估计太高,实际上敌人的抵抗是脆弱的。这从渡江后的追击上可以知道。

    We overestimated the enemy in the beginning . The resistance he offered was feeble , as could be seen when we pursued him after crossing the river .

  25. 针对2003年的全国大学生数学建模竞赛中的渡江问题进行了讨论分析,建立了渡江问题的通用模型,通过对游渡角度的讨论,给出了游渡成功的基本条件和最佳游渡路线。

    The paper analyses the problem of crossing the river from National College students Mathematics Contest in 2003 and presents the best route according to the real situation .

  26. 到南京时有朋友约去游逛勾留了一日第二日上午便须渡江到浦口下午上车北去。

    I spent the first day in Nanjing strolling about with some friends at their invitation and was ferrying across the Yangtze River to Pukou the same day .

  27. 渡江之后,一切军需包括大炮、弹药、给养和各种供应都得靠这种原始的运输工具运到对岸。

    Everything they would need in South China , including artillery , ammunition , provisions and supplies of all kinds had to be ferried over the river by these primitive means .

  28. 为跨越珠江支流,我们两次搭乘汽车轮渡过江。第一次渡江时,变幻莫测的命运就对我们面包车的油路下了手。

    At the first of two car ferry crossings across tributaries of the great Pearl River , the fickle hand of fate inserted itself into the fuel line of our minibus .

  29. 随着公司渡江战役的不断推进,公司正面临新的机遇,但日益凸显的员工问题却为公司提出了挑战。

    With the development of " crossing long river campaign ", the company is facing with new opportunities , but the increasingly a highlight staff problem becomes a new challenge for the company .

  30. 一袭蓑衣穿行在时空,犹如达摩的一苇渡江,把无限的禅机融入空荡和苍茫之中。

    Man in a coir raincoat traveling in time and space is like Ta-mo , who crossed a river by driving a reed over it , integrating endless Buddhist allegory with emptiness and indistinctness .