
  • 网络Battle of Crossing the Yangtze River;Arrival of a campaign
  1. 渡江战役也就是京沪杭战役的实施纲要是我起草的。

    I drew up the plan for that campaign too , which was also known as the nanjing-shanghai-hangzhou campaign .

  2. 答:在1949年渡江战役中,我第一次得了疟疾,反复发作,吃了不少苦头。

    A : In the battle to cross the Yangtze River in1949 , I contracted the disease for the first time and suffered recurring bouts .

  3. 随着公司渡江战役的不断推进,公司正面临新的机遇,但日益凸显的员工问题却为公司提出了挑战。

    With the development of " crossing long river campaign ", the company is facing with new opportunities , but the increasingly a highlight staff problem becomes a new challenge for the company .