
  • 网络surface forces
  1. 海军一定是由水面舰艇部队和潜艇部队组成。

    Navy must be composed of surface ship unit and submarine unit .

  2. 目的:调查海军水面舰艇部队特殊军事训练伤的发生率和分布特征。

    Objective : To investigate the incidence and distribution of injuries occurred to the crew of naval surface ships during special training .

  3. 水面舰艇部队编有战斗舰艇部队和勤务舰船部队,具有在海上进行反舰、反潜、防空、水雷战和对岸攻击等作战能力。

    The surface force has combat and support units , which have anti-ship , anti-submarine , air defense , mine warfare and shore attack capabilities .

  4. 海军由潜艇部队、水面舰艇部队、航空兵、岸防兵和陆战队等兵种及专业部(分)队组成。

    The Navy has such arms as the submarine , surface , naval aviation , coastal defense and marine corps , as well as other specialized units .

  5. 结果水面舰艇部队官兵医疗服务需要量大,两周自报患病率47.7%、半年慢性病患病率15.6%、患病未就诊率42.1%。

    Results There was great health service need for navy ship force . The two-week morbidity , six-month chronic illness morbidity , and the percentage of patients without physician contact within two weeks were 47.7 % , 15.6 % , and 42.1 % respectively .