
shuǐ mén shì jiàn
  • Watergate scandal;Watergate incident
  1. 他因在水门事件中担任尼克松总统的首席法律顾问而声名狼藉。

    He achieved notoriety as chief counsel to President Nixon in the Watergate break-in .

  2. 1977年,在“水门事件”中被控有罪的g戈登利迪在度过了四年多的牢狱生活之后获释。

    In1977 , convicted Watergate conspirator g.gordon Liddy was released from prison after more than four years .

  3. 在水门事件导致尼克松下台之前,他已于1974年前往高盛(goldmansachs)就职。

    Before Watergate swept Nixon away , he had already moved on to Goldman Sachs in 1974 .

  4. 值得记住的是,尼克松就是被愤愤不平的FBI官员马克?费尔特(MarkFelt)搞下台的,后者向华盛顿邮报(WashingtonPost)爆料了尼克松掩盖“水门事件”(Watergate)的细节。

    It is worth remembering that Nixon was undone by a disgruntled FBI official , Mark Felt , who leaked details about his Watergate cover-up to the Washington Post .

  5. 1973年,理查德•尼克松(RichardNixon)因水门事件而戏剧性辞职,使福特意外入主椭圆形办公室,因此他被理所当然地称为意外总统(accidentalpresident)。

    Mr Ford was aptly named the accidental president after the dramatic resignation of President Richard Nixon in 1973 over Watergate unexpectedly catapulted him into the Oval Office .

  6. 然而他在埋葬水门事件(Watergate)后出台的竞选筹款改革方面比谁都积极。

    Yet he has done more than anyone to bury the campaign reforms that were brought in after Watergate .

  7. UFO目击事件高发期,连同越南战争和水门事件,政府部门产生了严重的信任危机。

    Periods of high numbers of UFO sightings , have corresponded to a number of crises in government faith , among them the Vietnam War and Watergate .

  8. 华盛顿邮报两名记者BobWoodward和CarlBernstein认为这次擅闯事件与重新选举民主党总统尼克松的委员会有关。尼克松因水门事件辞职。

    Two Washington Post reporters , Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein , linked the break-in to the committee to re-elect Republican President Richard Nixon . He resigned because of Watergate .

  9. 最著名的是,她以自己与伯恩斯坦的高调离婚为素材,撰写了一本书,伯恩斯坦是一名才华横溢的记者,当年帮助揭露了水门事件(Watergate)。

    most famously , she penned a book on the high-profile break-up of her marriage to Bernstein , the brilliant journalist who helped uncover the Watergate scandal .

  10. 像A33和A55那样会过热的单反到底是类似水门事件的丑闻呢,还不过就是物理常识?

    Are overheating DSLRs like Sony 's A55 and A33 a scandal of Watergate proportions , or simply physics at work ?

  11. 这一现象很诡异的体现在影迷寄往贝克街221B的信中,他们请求福尔摩斯解决当下危机,如水门事件或者一次劫机,甚至拯救帕蒂·赫斯特。

    This was bizarrely reflected in the letters sent by fans to 221B Baker Street , most of them asking for Holmes to solve a current crisis , like the Watergate scandal , or a plane hijacking , or even rescue Patty Hearst !

  12. 这些聪明的记者们使被掩盖的水门事件真相大白于天下。

    The clever journalists blew the lid off the watergate cover-up .

  13. 水门事件败露年间,我们都听到过蛊惑人心的大谎言。

    We all heard the big lie during the Watergate years .

  14. 短短几个月后,水门事件爆发。

    Within a few months the " Watergate " scandal broke .

  15. 尼克松从未让美国人民了解水门事件的真相。

    Nixon has never give the American people the lowdown on Watergate .

  16. 我们感到现在总统该把水门事件录音带交出来了。

    We felt it was time the president released the Watergate tapes .

  17. 尼克松避免对美国人民说出水门事件的真相。

    Nixon copped out on the American people with Watergate .

  18. 他根本无法理解水门事件引起的喧嚣。

    He simply could not understand the uproar over Watergate .

  19. 水门事件已开始使全国着了魔。

    Watergate had begun to turn into a national obsession .

  20. 水门事件的动荡岁月是一种全新的经历。

    Then watergate , were a new experience for me .

  21. 欲盖弥彰:尼克松和水门事件的丑闻

    The Great Coverup : Nixon & the Scandal of Watergate

  22. 我之前对水门事件一无所知

    I had no prior knowledge of the Watergate break-in .

  23. 经过越南战争和水门事件后,许多美国人不再相信他们的政府官员。

    After Vietnam and Watergate , many Americans no longer believed their public officials .

  24. 水门事件一定会震惊全国。

    Watergate was bound to rock the nation .

  25. 邮报对水门事件的报道赢得了1973年的普利策公共服务奖。

    The Post 's Watergate coverage won the 1973 Pulitzer Prize for public service .

  26. 他对水门事件的唯一反应就是陷入沉思。

    His sole reference to Watergate was wistful .

  27. 1973年,“水门事件”爆发,有人怀疑卡尔森与这件丑闻有所牵连。

    When the Watergate scandal erupted in1973 , Colson came under suspicion for his involvement .

  28. 我们就像尊敬这种职位一样尊敬总统,直到水门事件爆发。

    We respected the Presidency as a place of honor until the shock of Watergate .

  29. 理查德·尼克松的引咎辞职,只不过在因水门事件而遭到弹劾的定局到来之前先走了一步。

    Richard Nixon resigned a step ahead of his certain impeachment in the Water-gate scandals .

  30. 比如尼克松的水门事件杰拉尔德·福特的全部赦免爆炸性新闻,

    breaking stories such as Gerald Ford 's full pardon of Richard Nixon for Watergate ,