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shuǐ bīng
  • sailor;marine;seaman;bluejacket;blue-jacket
水兵 [shuǐ bīng]
  • (1) [marine]∶在军舰上服役的士兵

  • (2) [blue-jacket]∶进行水战的士兵

水兵[shuǐ bīng]
  1. 一个在伊拉克服役两次的水兵被杀。

    A retired Marine who served two tours in iraq .

  2. 用你水兵的精神!

    You know , with the marine SPI rit !

  3. 1950年,他作为一名普通水兵加入皇家海军。

    In 1950 , he joined the Royal Navy as an ordinary seaman .

  4. 船由两个穿着白色礼服的水兵驾驶

    The boat was operated by two naval ratings in dress whites .

  5. 目的为选拔安置水面舰艇士兵编制“水兵职业能力倾向测验”(简称SVAT)。

    Objective To construct the Seamen 's Vocatonal Aptitude Test ( SVAT ) for selection and placement of the warship soldiers .

  6. 针对3月26日一艘韩国军舰沉没、46名水兵丧生,韩国总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)呼吁展开独立调查。对此,外界的最初反应是他在拖时间。

    When Lee Myung-bak , South Korea 's president , reacted to the March 26 sinking of a South Korean warship with the loss of 46 lives by calling for an independent inquiry , the initial reaction was that he was playing for time .

  7. 德黑兰方面除了播放上等水兵费伊特尼(fayeturney)的讲话外,还公布了她的一封信,其中她对一行人员“显然”闯入伊朗水域表示道歉。

    In addition to broadcasting comments from leading seaman Faye Turney , the only woman in the party , Tehran released a letter from her in which she apologised for the party " apparently " going into Iranian waters .

  8. 根据船上的军事官员说,DDG-169驱逐舰上的水兵进行了综合训练,侧重于快速反应、检查,并进行了模拟攻击。

    According to onboard military officers , sailors on the destroyer , coded DDG-169 Wuhan , carried out comprehensive exercises focusing on rapid response , inspections , and simulated attacks .

  9. 站在悬崖顶上的那几个水兵放下一根绳子。

    The sailors on the cliff top threw down a rope .

  10. 水兵们把炮弹填进船上的大炮里。

    The sailors placed the shell in the ship 's gun .

  11. 都不能显示噪音对这些美国水兵有任何影响。

    Were able to show any effects upon these American sailors .

  12. 水兵们笑着,叫嚷着,直到出租汽车开远了。

    The crew laughed and yelled until the cab drove away .

  13. 他们班在阿富汗牺牲了5个水兵。

    He lost five Marines in his squad in iraq .

  14. 他曾在意大利海军中当水兵。

    He had been a sailor in the Italian navy .

  15. 那水兵在手臂上刺上一颗心。

    The sailor had a heart tattooed on his arm .

  16. 这些水兵已与风浪搏斗了三天。

    These sailors have battled with winds and waves for three days .

  17. 一艘自由轮满载着睡意蒙胧、宿醉的水兵来到。

    A liberty boat full of sleepy hungover sailors came .

  18. 她最为人所熟悉的名字是水兵水星。

    She is best known by the name Sailor Mercury .

  19. 不管是调来的新兵也好,刚应征入伍的也好,这些水兵都是一学就会。

    Recruits or draftees , these sailors were quick learners .

  20. 而照片中那名水兵的身份却始终是个谜。

    The identity of the sailor remains disputed and unresolved .

  21. 郑和的船队由三百艘大船及三万多名水兵组成。

    Zheng 's fleet had more than 300 ships and 30000 sailors .

  22. 亲爱的同志们、士兵们、水兵们、工人们!

    Dear comrades , soldiers , sailors and workers !

  23. 例:登上敌船后,水兵们短兵相接。

    On boarding enemy 's vessel , the marines fought hand to hand .

  24. 登上敌船后,水兵们短兵相接。

    On boarding enemy 's vessel , the marines fought hand to hand .

  25. 朝鲜对此予以否认。天安舰沉没导致46名水兵丧生。

    The North denies conducting the attack , which left 46 sailors dead .

  26. 我是一个水兵,请给我些分好吗?

    I am a sb , please give me some coins , ok ?

  27. 叛变的水兵、反抗的工人、不听话的孩子

    Mutinous sailors , workers , children , etc

  28. 水兵们在冲刷甲板。冲刷洗涤来清洁的人。

    The sailors were washing down the decks . someone who cleanses by scouring .

  29. 再想想浮堡里的水兵们!

    And the sailors in the floating fortresses !

  30. 一个水兵怎么成为医生的?

    How does a swabbie become a doctor ?