
  • 网络waterboarding;water boarding;Water Torture;Chinese water torture
  1. 司法部在布什主政时期准备的备忘录称,水刑等手段是合法的,这使得CIA能够宣称它只不过是在遵循指南。

    Memos prepared by the justice department during the Bush administration argued that techniques such as waterboarding were legal , allowing the CIA to claim it was just following guidelines .

  2. 但美国关于水刑的法律并没有人们想象的那样清晰。

    But US law on waterboarding is not as clear as it should be .

  3. 这并非某种新型水刑,而是丹尼斯医生(DrDennisGross)的蒸汽治疗仪(SteamerSolutions,售价125美元,目前仅美国市场有售),这款DIY护肤设备号称可以打开全身毛孔,使无光泽的皮肤恢复亮丽;

    No , this is not some new form of water torture but rather Dr Dennis Gross 's Steamer Solutions ( $ 125 , currently only available in the US ) , a DIY skincare device that promises to open my pores and restore brightness to my dull skin .

  4. 据计大概有14000人被送进S-21监狱,接受日常惯例的电击,水刑和鞭刑,直到在附近的“杀人场”被断头处决——用铁锹或铁锨击打头部。

    Perhaps 14000 people were sent to S-21 for a daily routine of electrocution , water-boarding and flagellation before being carted off for execution - a shovel or spade to the head - at the nearby " killing fields . "

  5. 随着本拉登的水刑,恐怖主义可告一段落了。

    With Mr bin Laden in his watery grave , a chapter may close .

  6. 但是他们对你是来真的你被施以水刑是的

    But they 're actually doing it to you , you are being waterboarded.yes .

  7. 我从来没有见到过水刑你只是老听见这个词语

    Which I have never seen waterboarding , you hear that term all the time .

  8. 你知道我觉得没有人我从来没有经历过正常的水刑

    You know , I guess one , I 've never been there for natural waterboarding .

  9. 按酷刑这个词的普通含意理解,水刑等残忍的审讯方法属于酷刑。

    Brutal methods of interrogation such as waterboarding are , in the ordinary meaning of the word , torture .

  10. 批评人士指出,许多严厉的审讯手段,包括被称为“水刑”的模拟溺毙等等同于酷刑。

    Critics say many of the harsh interrogation practices , including water-boarding or simulated drowning , amount to torture .

  11. 他们的方法包括监禁,把犯人往墙上摔,剥夺睡眠,也许最恶名昭著的是水刑。

    Their methods included confinement , throwing subjects into walls , sleep deprivation , and - perhaps most notoriously - waterboarding .

  12. 布什政府期间出台的这4份文件,详细列举了一些审讯手段,包括目前在全世界都受到谴责的模仿溺水的水刑。

    The four documents-issued under the Bush administration-revealed details of interrogation techniques like simulated drowning that have been condemned around the world .

  13. 纳希里的律师尤金.菲德尔争辩说,纳希里不应该受到审判因为他曾受到致人于死亡边缘的残酷水刑的折磨。

    Nashiri 's attorneys argue he should not be tried because he was subject to the near-drowning technique called waterboarding and mock executions .

  14. 当下,美国人正在热议,水刑是否真的取消了,中央情报局可能因为阿伯塔巴德而重新使用。

    Americans are already quarrelling about whether it was waterboarding , now banned , that produced the tip that led the CIA to Abbottabad .

  15. 把宣称对囚犯反复实施水刑并不残忍、非人道或有损人格的诡辩公诸于众,又有什么用呢?

    What purpose would be served in laying out the legal sophistry that said the repeated water-boarding of detainees was not cruel , inhuman or degrading ?

  16. 之前对战争恐怖行为的惩罚,如反恐水刑,窃听装置和“特别引渡”,已被停止或取消。

    Early excesses in the war on terrorism , such as waterboarding , warrantless wiretapping and " extraordinary renditions ", have been stopped or rolled back .

  17. 中情局的审讯人员认为,他们需要对两名囚犯总共实施260次水刑,这本身就充分说明酷刑的效力有限。

    The very fact that CIA interrogators thought they needed to water-board two prisoners a total of 260 times says all that needs to be said about efficacy .

  18. 在星期四的演说中,布伦南说水刑等手段对于极端主义者来说就是“招募新兵盛典”,但是这些手段破坏了美国的国家安全。

    In Thursday 's speech Mr Brennan said tactics like water-boarding were " a recruitment bonanza " for extremists , and he such techniques had undermined America 's national security .

  19. 以前,几乎在任何地方,打老婆打孩子都是天经地义之事,同性恋也是滔天大罪,而水刑也不会招致异议。

    Once , pretty much everywhere , beating your wife and children was regarded as a father 's duty , homosexuality was a hanging offense , and waterboarding was approved .

  20. 她是我所知的为数不多的几个遭受过水刑的特工之一。她当时遭受的水刑跟当今大家可能知晓的那种是差不多一样严酷的。

    She was one of the few that I know of who was subjected to the water torture , which is not dissimilar from what people might know as water-boarding today .

  21. 相对于前任的做法,奥巴马总统做出的最重大改变是,废除了911事件后启用的水刑等酷刑。大多数温和的人都将之视为虐俘行为。

    The president 's most important departure from his predecessor 's approach was to renounce waterboarding and other brutal techniques used after 9 / 11 , which most reasonable people regard as torture .