
měi guó zài xiàn
  • AOL;America Online
  1. 已经在该领域开展业务的知名品牌包括美国在线零售商亚马逊(Amazon)旗下的亚马逊网络服务(AmazonWebServices)。

    Big names already operating in the sector include Amazon Web Services , which belongs to the US-based online retailer .

  2. 有的被收购和表现不佳的多样化经营扰乱了注意力,如时代华纳(TimeWarner)和美国在线(AOL)。

    they become distracted by acquisitions and diversifications which underperform ( Time Warner and AOL ) .

  3. 美国在线时代华纳(AOLTimeWarner)、雅虎(Yahoo)和纳普斯特(Napster)好心地连接着世界。

    AOL Time Warner , Yahoo and Napster were benevolently connecting the world .

  4. 现任美国在线(AOL)董事长兼首席执行官。

    now , AOL 's chairman and chief executive officer .

  5. 2011年,《赫芬顿邮报》以3.15亿美元被出售给美国在线(AOL)。

    The Huffington Post was sold to AOL for $ 315m in 2011 .

  6. 霍莉刘曾在美国在线(AOL)担任高级用户界面设计师。

    Liu was previously Senior User Interface Designer for AOL ( AOL ) .

  7. 上月,余下的展示广告业务被剥离给了美国在线(AOL)。

    The remnants of the display advertising business were shed to AOL last month .

  8. 微软(Microsoft)、谷歌(Google)和时代华纳(TimeWarner)旗下美国在线(AOL)表示,他们使用了一系列技术和人工程序,在自己的系统里搜索恶意代码。

    Microsoft , Google and Time Warner 's AOL say they use a series of technical and manual procedures to scan for malicious code in their systems .

  9. 与美国在线(AOL)一样,它被视为一种困在互联网黑暗时代的服务。

    But rather like AOL , it is considered a service stuck in internet dark ages .

  10. 赫芬顿是美国在线公司(AOL)旗下赫芬顿邮报传媒集团(HuffingtonPostMediaGroup)的总裁兼总编辑。在她看来,人们睡觉、吃饭、工作、交谈和度假的方式都有待改善。

    According to the president and editor-in-chief of AOL 's Huffington Post Media Group , there are better ways to sleep , eat , work , converse , and vacation .

  11. Verizon如今已收购了雅虎和美国在线(AOL),后两者都是互联网初期的知名品牌。

    Verizon has now acquired Yahoo and AOL , two of the internet 's original big names .

  12. 也许裸体主义就是我未开发的新大陆,将在我由编织和Netflix(译注:美国在线租赁dvd的网站)组成的生活中占据一席之地。

    Perhaps nudism is my new untapped outlet , ready to occupy the empty space in my life between knitting and Netflix .

  13. 美国在线影片提供商Netflix近日发布了电影《卧虎藏龙》的续集的第一版预告片。

    US online video provider Netflix has released the first trailer for the sequel to " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon . "

  14. 1991年,量子电脑服务更名为“美国在线”,2006年又将名字缩短为“AOL”。

    Quantum Computer Services turned into America Online back in 1991 , then in 2006 shortened its name to AOL .

  15. 朱莉•亨特(JolieHunt)在去年7月被美国在线(AOL)聘为首席营销长;12月,在CEO蒂姆•阿姆斯特朗(TimArmstrong)决定下放营销权时,她与公司分道扬镳。

    Jolie Hunt , whom AOL recruited as chief marketing officer last July , parted ways in December when CEO Tim Armstrong decided to decentralize marketing .

  16. 多家移动运营商计划在其网络上封杀广告,此举或引发它们与谷歌(Google)、美国在线(AOL)和雅虎(Yahoo)等数字媒体公司之间的大战。

    Several mobile operators plan to block advertising on their networks , setting the stage for a battle with digital media companies such as Google , AOL and Yahoo .

  17. 美国在线零售商eBay在中国电商行业发展初期处于领先地位,但在与阿里巴巴的激烈竞争中败下阵来,后者在中国市场占据了主导地位。

    US group eBay was an early leader in China 's ecommerce sector but has lost out to fierce competition from Alibaba , which dominates the local market .

  18. 美国在线时代华纳已成过去式,但HBO的价值增长了不少;福克斯对时代华纳发出收购,最想摘取的就是HBO这颗“皇冠上的明珠”。

    AOL Time Warner is no more , but HBO 's value has grown hugely - it is the jewel Fox most wants to seize in Time Warner 's crown .

  19. 我们每个月在YouTube上大约有1500多万名观众,但是如果再加上雅虎、美国在线(AOL)、Facebook等等,我们的观众群就有2500万人。

    We 're at around 150 million-plus views a month on YouTube , but all-in across Yahoo , AOL , Facebook , and all those things , we 're at 250 million .

  20. 蒂姆•阿姆斯特朗(TimArmstrong)认为正确答案是10%,并且指示他在美国在线(AOL)的所有下属,每周拿出工作时间的十分之一用用他们的脑子。

    Tim Armstrong believes the correct answer is 10 per cent - and has instructed all his underlings at AOL to spend one-tenth of each working week deploying their grey matter .

  21. 根据汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)的数据,800亿美元的开价在媒体和娱乐产业中是史上规模第二大交易,排在2000年美国在线(AOL)斥资1640亿美元收购时代华纳的交易之后——那场收购结局不佳。

    An $ 80bn bid is the second-largest media and entertainment deal , according to data from Thomson Reuters , after AOL 's ill-fated $ 164bn takeover of Time Warner in 2000 .

  22. 美国在线宣布改变公司申请401K养老金的配套计划,这带来了信心。

    AOL , after announcing a plan to change the way applicates company 401K matches as it brought about faith .

  23. 一旦调制解调器发出刺耳的哔哔声,我就连上了美国在线(AOL)的服务器,我所有的朋友都会在那儿,做好了聊天的准备。

    Once the modem 's screeches , clucks and beeps ended and I was connected to AOL 's servers , all my friends would be right there , ready to chat .

  24. 雅虎加上美国在线——旗下拥有《赫芬顿邮报》(HuffingtonPost)和TechCrunch等25个品牌——所贡献的营收可能只占合并后实体的5%,但它们有望带来增长。

    Although a combined Yahoo and AOL , which includes 25 brands such as the Huffington Post and TechCrunch , is likely to contribute only about 5 per cent of the merged entity 's revenues , it could provide growth .

  25. 该公司市值高达2300亿美元,而美国在线和雅虎加起来不到100亿美元(二者合并后的竞争对手Facebook和谷歌的市值之和为8500亿美元)。

    Its market value is a juicy $ 230bn , while the combined value of the AOL and Yahoo acquisitions is less than $ 10bn ( Facebook and Google , against whom AOL / Yahoo will line up , have a combined market cap of a whopping $ 850bn ) .

  26. 那部剧开播两年后的2001年,美国在线(AOL)跟时代华纳合并了,当时有许多人鼓吹美国在线会带领老媒体走向数字时代,然而这次并购计划不周,最后惨败收场。

    It was launched two years before the ill-conceived and disastrous 2001 merger of AOL and Time Warner , which was accompanied by a lot of corporate flannel about how AOL would usher old media into the digital age .

  27. 全球最大营销和传播集团WPP首席执行官苏铭天爵士(SirMartinSorrell)表示,Verizon旗下拨号上网先驱美国在线并购雅虎将可能创建广告库存第三区。

    Sir Martin Sorrell , chief executive of WPP , the world 's largest marketing and communications group , says one possible third block of inventory could be formed by the acquisition of Yahoo by AOL , the dial-up pioneer owned by Verizon .

  28. 去年有关迈耶的英文报道有4200篇,几乎四倍于美国在线(AOL,去年也被Verizon收购)的男性CEO蒂姆•阿姆斯特朗(TimArmstrong)。考虑到阿姆斯特朗多么努力地试图通过一连串的失言让自己上新闻,这一悬殊格外醒目。

    Last year 4200 articles were printed in English about her , more than four times as many than were about her opposite number at AOL , Tim Armstrong ( also bought by Verizon last year ) - which is particularly remarkable given how hard he tried to be newsworthy via a string of gaffes .

  29. 也许你会反驳说,微软过去曾抄袭了Netscape的创意并将其打败,但是:(1)Netscape仍以42亿美元的价格被美国在线收购;(2)微软针对Netscape的行为成为联邦政府大规模反垄断调查的组成部分。

    Maybe you could argue that Microsoft copied and defeated Netscape back in the day , but : ( 1 ) Netscape still got acquired by $ 4.2 billion by AOL , and ( 2 ) Microsoft 's actions vs. Netscape became part of the federal government 's massive antitrust case .

  30. 实际上,另外一家在线教育平台,美国在线教育的三座大山之一Udacity也有类似的“猎头”服务。据其创始人SebastianThrun,目前已经有20名学生通过网站找到工作。

    Online learning site Udacity also makes money from a similar " headhunter " - style model and , earlier this fall founder Sebastian Thrun told me that , so far , 20 students had found employment through the site.Even though the recruitment programs are still in their infancy ,