
  • 网络ARC;the American Red Cross;american national red cross
  1. 军方请求美国红十字会支援6,000品脱的血液。

    The military requested 6,000 pints of blood from the American Red Cross .

  2. SandraBullock向美国红十字会捐款100万美元来帮助日本受灾民众。

    Sandra Bullock made a $ 1 million donation to the American Red Cross to aid the people of Japan .

  3. 克拉拉·巴顿(ClaraBarton)是美国红十字会的创立人,著名的人道主义者。

    Clara Barton was a famous humanist who found American Red Cross .

  4. 美国红十字会正在出售灾难工具包。红十字会教育专家LisaKlink建议每人购买一套。

    The sells disaster kits , and everyone should have one , says Red Cross education specialist Lisa Klink .

  5. 美国红十字会发言人KateMeier正在北卡罗来纳州。他告诉VOA,即使在远离海岸的地方,情况也非常令人担忧。

    Four Dead as Hurricane Irene Churns Up US East Coast American Red Cross spokesperson Kate Meier is in North Carolina , and told VOA that even away from the coast , conditions are worrying .

  6. 四十七岁的MikeMackey和他的妻子和儿子一直在Muskogee市美国红十字会提供的帐篷中,他说由于冰的强大的自身重量把他居住地区的所有树木都压折。

    Mike Mackey , 47 , who has been staying in an American Red Cross shelter in Muskogee with his wife and son , said the crushing weight of ice broke trees throughout his neighborhood .

  7. LornaOates-Santos:“我们将把这笔捐款捐赠给美国红十字会和儿童救助会。这两个组织已经准备好赶赴日本帮助灾民。”

    LORNA OATES-SANTOS : " We will be donating that money to the American Red Cross and Save the Children . They are two groups that are ready on the ground in Japan to help the people of Japan . "

  8. 美国红十字会公共广告主位推进及其分布研究

    Thematic Progression and Theme Distribution of American Red Cross Pubilc Ads

  9. 这个团体最后壮大成为美国红十字会。

    The group grew and eventually became the American Red Cross .

  10. 战后美国红十字会继续扩大。

    After the war the red cro continued to expand .

  11. 1881年的今天,美国红十字会由克蕾拉·巴顿创立。

    1881-The American Red Cross is established by Clara Barton .

  12. 美国红十字会正在跟墨西哥湾沿岸有关当局一起抗灾。

    The American Red Cross is working with authorities in the Gulf .

  13. 他经常作美国红十字会的志愿者,并为其授课。

    He frequently volunteers and teaches classes for the American Red cross .

  14. 克拉拉·巴顿继续前行后来建立了美国红十字会

    Clara Barton herself goes on to found the American Red Cross .

  15. 屋内住户目前正在美国红十字会接受临时救助。

    The residents are now in temporary shelter provided by The American Red Cross .

  16. 所有收入都捐给美国红十字会,而拉克尔·马塔就在那里工作。

    All proceeds went to the American Red Cross , where Raquel Mata works .

  17. 此外,奥卡坐在名人内阁的美国红十字会。

    Additionally , Oka sits on the Celebrity Cabinet of the American Red Cross .

  18. 美国红十字会对政府批准使用家用型电击器的决定表示肯定。

    The American Red Cross praised the government 's decision to approve the home defibrillator .

  19. 美国红十字会要求民众对灾难做好准备。

    The American Red Cross asks people to take steps to prepare for future disasters .

  20. 由美国红十字会监制,你可以信任的质量。

    Officially licensed by the American Red Cross , so you can count on its quality .

  21. 中华公所在大礼堂举办招待会,为大纽约区美国红十字会募款,成绩理想。

    CCBA hosted a reception to raise funding for the American Red Cross in Greater New York .

  22. 施密特夫妇将把首批10万美元善款捐给美国红十字会,用于帮助日本赈灾。

    The couple will match the first $ 100,000 donated to help American Red Cross relief efforts in Japan .

  23. 另悉,美国红十字会也已经向中国洪灾区捐款10万美元。

    Other reports said that the US Red Cross has also donated 100,000 US dollars to the flood-ravaged areas in China .

  24. 布朗女士还提到,美国红十字会建议说,儿童小于14岁需要大人陪同。

    Ms Brown also noted that 14 is the minimum age for babysitters , as recommended by the American Red Cross .

  25. 美国红十字会官员说,8万多美国人和60多个美国企业捐赠了资金和物资,帮助中国地震灾民。

    Red Cross officials say more than 80000 Americans and 60 corporations have given money and supplies to help earthquake survivors .

  26. 成圣诞老人在一个捐赠美国红十字会中心2009年09年12月22日在俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨血液打扮的男子。

    A man dressed as Santa Claus donates blood at an American Red Cross center Tuesday , Dec.22,2009 in Tulsa , Oklahoma .

  27. 她被描述为具有“不屈不挠的精神”并因组建美国红十字会而被人们牢记心间。

    She has been described as having had an " indomitable spirit " and is best remembered for organizing the American Red Cross .

  28. 根据美国红十字会,蹲身,覆盖,躲入桌底,仍是推荐的最佳对策。

    Drop , cover , and hold under a table or desk is still the best recommendation , according to the American Red Cross .

  29. 由美国红十字会监制,便于携带,包括了所有必须的工具去杜绝疾病的干扰。

    An official licensed product of the American Red Cross , it features all the necessities to keep sickness at bay in one convenient carrying case .

  30. 依托以往在国内救援活动中积累的经验,美国红十字会在欧洲战场迅速成长为一支重要的救助力量。

    Relying on the experience of previous domestic relief activities , the American Red Cross grew into a major relief force in the European theater rapidly .