
  1. 美元贬值和美国债务危机,更把外汇储备问题推向风口浪尖。

    Recently , U.S. dollar devaluation and American debt crisis have put the reserve problem to the outlet wave .

  2. 从冰岛债务危机到美国债务危机,再到欧洲债务危机,债务危机的爆发开始更加频繁,更加凶猛。

    From the Iceland debt crisis to the debt crisis in the United States , and the European debt crisis , debt crisises become more frequent and ferocious .

  3. 希腊危机和美国债务上限危机有可能暂时消退实际上是很有可能。

    It is quite likely indeed probable that both the Greek and the debt ceiling crises will at least temporarily recede .

  4. 汇率制度改革以来国际经济环境瞬息万变,先是发生了美国次级债务危机引起的全球性金融危机,然后是欧洲主权债务危机不断蔓延。

    Since the reform of the exchange rate regime , the international economic environment is rapidly changing . First the global financial crisis caused by the U.S subordinated debt crisis occurred , then the European sovereign debt crisis were spreading .

  5. 美国与委内瑞拉债务危机(1902&1904)第一次委内瑞拉危机与美英关系

    The U.S.A and Venezuela Debt Crisis The First Venezuelan Crisis and American-British Relations

  6. 美国国会针对债务危机进行关键的投票之前几小时,美国最大的银行的领导人呼吁奥巴马总统和国会议员达成协议。

    Hours before a key vote in Congress on the American debt crisis , leaders of the country 's biggest banks have called on President Obama and lawmakers to reach a deal .

  7. 他参加ABC电视台访谈节目《ThisWeek》时表示,他们就美国不会马上陷入债务危机这一点意见一致,但是在如何避免未来的危机上意见不合。

    He told ABC 's This Week , they agree the U.S. does not have an immediate debt crisis , but disagree on how to prevent a crisis in the future .

  8. 美国债务可能的上限危机现在已经解除。

    The possible U.S. debt ceiling crisis averted for now .