
  • 网络sino-japanese relations;china-japan relations;Sino-Japan relations;the relationship between china and japan
  1. 冷战后日本对华ODA的调整及对中日关系的影响

    The Adjustment of Japanese ODA to China and Impact on Sino-Japanese Relations after Cold War

  2. 日本非政府组织在中日关系中的作用研究

    Research for the Role of Japanese NGOs in the Sino-Japanese Relations

  3. 你认为中日关系会继续恶化吗?

    Do you think relations between China and Japan will continue to deteriorate ?

  4. 有这种人当道,误导舆论,日本老百姓怎么能客观理性地看待中国发展,怎么能对中日关系树立信心?

    With such person misleading the public opinion , how can the Japanese people view China 's development in an objective and rational way and build up confidence in China-Japan relations ?

  5. “中日关系说到底,就是日本能不能接受中国的发展壮大,这是根本问题。”

    CUI TIANKAI , member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice-minister of foreign affairs " The essential question of the Sino-Japanese relationship is if Japan can accept the fact that China is growing stronger and more powerful . "

  6. ODA与中日关系

    ODA and Sino-Japanese Relation

  7. 自上月日本宣布“购买”钓鱼岛事件后,导致中日关系紧张,数家中国大型银行决定不出席IMF年会。

    The banks'decision was made after bilateral relations between China and Japan became strained , after the Japanese government announced its decision to " purchase " the Diaoyu Islands last month .

  8. 日本对华ODA是中日关系中的一个重要的因素,历史上为中日关系的的修复和发展发挥过重要的影响。

    Japan 's ODA to China is one of the important factors in Sino-Japanese relationship and plays a critical role in restoring and improving the bilateral relationship .

  9. 本文从中日关系中一个特殊因素&日本对华的海外发展援助(ODA)的角度研究中日关系问题,试图寻找两国长期合作的理论基础。

    In the perspective of ODA , the essay carefully observes the achievements and obstacles of sino-Japanese relationship and tries to find a theoretical way to ensure the mutual development of the two countries .

  10. 用事实来说明中日关系向良性发展的必然性。

    Factual statement to describes the development of China-Japan relations necessity .

  11. 友好合作始终是中日关系的主流,但也存在很多障碍。

    But also exists a lot of obstacles in the ties .

  12. 冷战后日本右翼思潮与中日关系

    Right Wing Thought in Japan and Sino-Japanese Relations after Cold War

  13. 中日关系的发展演变与战略选择

    Development and Strategic Choice of the Relations between China and Japan

  14. 自2006年以来,中日关系相对平稳。

    Since 2006 , Sino-Japanese relations have been relatively trouble free .

  15. 20世纪90年代以来,中日关系出现了许多问题。

    Since 1990s , many problems appeared between China and Japan .

  16. 中日关系目前正在稳步向前发展。

    The relation of China and Japan is forging ahead nowadays .

  17. 小泉执政以来中日关系与日台关系论

    Koizumi Took Office in China-Japan Relations and Japan-Taiwan Relations Theory

  18. 中日关系的根本问题乃是战略上的冲突。

    The basic problem in Sino-Japanese Relation is the conflict of strategy .

  19. 相比之下,中日关系空前和睦。

    By comparison , Sino-Japanese relations have rarely been better .

  20. 我有两个问题,第一是关于中日关系的。

    The first is about relations between China and Japan .

  21. 亚洲区域合作与中日关系

    Asian Regional Cooperation in Asia and Sino & Japanese Relationship

  22. 试论影响当前中日关系的文化与心理因素

    The Cultural and Psychological Factors Impacting the Current Sino-Japanese Relations

  23. 影响新世纪中日关系发展的国际因素

    International factors affecting the development of Sino-Japanese relations in the new century

  24. 从中日关系的现状看新自由制度主义的局限性

    The Limitation of Neo-liberty System From the Current Situation of China-Japan Relation

  25. 21世纪的中日关系:结构性的战略利益及矛盾

    Sino-Japanese Relationship in the 21st Century : Structural Strategic Interests and Contradictions

  26. 金融危机下中日关系的现状及未来走向

    Sino-Japanese Relations of the Present Situation and Future under the Financial Crisis

  27. 2005年日本政治外交与中日关系

    Japan 's Politics and Diplomacy of 2005 and Sino-Japanese Relations

  28. 日本广播协会记者:我想问您的是关于中日关系的问题。

    NHK : My question is related to China-Japan relations .

  29. 最近,中日关系在向好的方面发展。

    Relations between Japan and China have recently been on the mend .

  30. 冲突与调适:近十年中日关系(1998&2008)的政治文化互动

    Sino-Japan Political Culture Interaction ( 1998-2008 ): Conflict and Accommodation