
  • 网络sino-soviet relations
  1. 中国外交政策的调整与中苏关系正常化

    China 's Diplomatic Policy Readjustment and the Normalization of Sino-Soviet Relations

  2. 中国人民真诚地希望中苏关系能够得到改善。

    The Chinese people sincerely Hope that Sino-Soviet relations will improve .

  3. 意识形态的主观建构和中苏关系的破裂

    Ideology Building and Constructing Subjectively and the Rupture of Sino-Soviet Relation

  4. 1949&1959年中苏关系中的美国因素

    American Influence on Sino - Soviet Relations , 1949 - 1959

  5. 到此时,中苏关系完全正常化。

    By this time , the Sino-Soviet relationship had been completely normalized .

  6. 中苏关系也全面恶化,甚至爆发了冲突。

    Not only that , Sino-Soviet relation also saw this deterioration even clashes .

  7. 美国对中苏关系的认识与反应(1958&1963年)

    Sino-Soviet Relations of the United States with the Understanding Reaction ( 1958-1963 );

  8. 中苏关系研究(1917&1924)

    The Study on Sino-Soviet Relations ( 1917-1924 )

  9. 从同盟互助到分裂对抗的中苏关系(1945-1960)

    The Sino-Soviet Relationship from Alliance and Mutual Assistance to Split and Hostility ( 1945-1960 );

  10. 中苏关系恶化,首先导致了中国外交的战略调整;

    The deterioration of Sino-Soviet relations , firstly , caused the adjustment of Chinese diplomatic strategy ;

  11. 试析1937-1941年的中苏关系

    On the Sino-Soviet Relations 1937-1941

  12. 随着中苏关系的恶化,中国被迫两个拳头打人。

    With the deterioration of Sino-Soviet relations , China was forced to " fight with two fists " .

  13. 我建议利用这个机会宣布中苏关系从此实现正常化。

    I suggest that we take this opportunity to declare that henceforth our relations will return to normal .

  14. 中国核武器的发展与中苏关系的破裂(1954&1962)(连载一)

    The Development of China 's Nuclear Weapons and the Rupture of Sino-Soviet Relations ( 1954 & 1962 )

  15. 美国的经济禁运政策对中国的内政和外交、中苏关系等产生了深远的影响。

    The economic embargo policy produces profound influences towards the domestic affairs and diplomacy of China , Sino-Soviet relations etc.

  16. 认为霍尔果斯口岸贸易下降、中止是中苏关系恶化的直接结果。

    The author consideres : it is a direct result of the trade retrogressed between China and the Soviet Union .

  17. 国家利益冲突,意识形态分歧对中苏关系恶化起了一定的制约作用。

    The deterioration of Sino-Soviet relations on account of ideological differences is somewhat restricted by the conflict of state interests .

  18. 我再说一次,越南入侵柬埔寨问题是中苏关系的主要障碍。

    I will say it once again : the Vietnamese invasion of Kampuchea constitutes the main obstacle in Sino-Soviet relations .

  19. 中苏关系由热趋冷,甚至恶化,大大压缩了中苏文协的生存空间。

    The Sino-Soviet relation became cold , even worsened , which greatly reduced the existing space of Sino-Soviet Culture Association .

  20. 这一时期,美国对中苏关系的认识基本准确,也就是说,它认识到了中苏关系的恶化分裂。

    This period , the American understanding on Sino-Soviet relations is basically accurate . It realized the split of Sino-Soviet relations .

  21. 二是来自中苏关系恶化,苏联单方面撕毁援助合同。

    On the other hand , it came from the worse Sino-Soviet relations when Soviet Union tears the aid contract unilaterally .

  22. 北洋军阀统治时期的土匪与军阀论北洋军阀统治时期的中苏关系

    Bandits and Warlords During the Period of the Northern Warlords On the Sino-Russian relation in the period of the Northern Warlords

  23. 试析中苏关系破裂的原因西欧联合运动中的美英关系

    The analysis to the reasons that Sino - Soviet relation broke down Anglo - American Relation in the Unification Movement of Western Europe

  24. 因此,就中苏关系而言,除中苏双方自身的内部决策与运作之外,最不能回避的一个外部因素就是美国的影响了。

    So , as regards Sino-Soviet relations , except that the Sino-Soviet internal policy and operation , America is the most important external factor .

  25. 中苏关系在整个四十年代对两国都产生了极大的影响,但这两者的变化又是不一致的。

    Sino-Soviet relations throughout the forties , the two countries have had a tremendous impact , but the change between the two is inconsistent .

  26. 可以说,中苏关系真正走向破裂的过程受美国因素的客观影响很大,但美国主观上并未积极施加影响。

    We can say , U.S.A. exerted a tremendous influence objectively in the course of Sino-Soviet split , but it has not exerted influence actively .

  27. 金门炮战与中苏关系1958年中国进行的金门炮战是一次重大的军事、政治行动,但中方并未向其盟友苏联方面提前正式通报此事。

    Bombing Jinmen Incident and Sino-Soviet Union Relationship The bombing Jinmen incident in 1958 , started by China , was a military and political event .

  28. 在这种国际环境背景下,中俄两国关系在以往中苏关系的基础上继续发展,逐步确立了中俄两国的战略协作伙伴关系。

    Under such an international background , China and Russia continued to develop their relations on the basis of the Sino-Soviet relationship and established their strategic partnership .

  29. 我相信这样的见面对改善中苏关系,实现中苏国家关系正常化很有意义。

    I believe a meeting like that will be of much significance to the improvement of Sino-Soviet relations and the normalization of relations between the two states .

  30. 中国收回了部分利权,但并未阻止日本势力的侵入,并且给中苏关系蒙上阴影。

    Though China drew back some interests , it didn 't prevent Japan 's invasion , thus shadow covered on the relations between China and Soviet Russia .