
bāng xián
  • hang on to and serve the rich and powerful by literary hack work, etc;depend on and serve the rich and powerful as a literary;toady;hanger-on;one who plays up to the rich and powerful
帮闲 [bāng xián]
  • (1) [toady;hanger-on;one who plays up to the rich and powerful]

  • (2) 受人豢养的食客

  • 你两个帮闲的贼子好生无礼。--萧德祥《杀狗劝夫》

  • (3) 被有钱人雇用标榜风雅的文人

  • 帮闲文人

帮闲[bāng xián]
  1. 元杂剧中,剧中人对帮闲的态度以厌恶、憎恨为主。

    In Yuan dynasty , people in drama usually hated idler .

  2. 只要有税务的存正在,便需供管帐师与客户挨交讲,帮闲他们做账。

    As long as there are taxes , there will be a need for skilled accountants to work with clients , helping them keep their books in order .

  3. 每个世纪、每个时代都需要润色鸿业、歌功颂德的存在,它往往不只是消极的、帮闲的,有些时候它具有一种大团结、大统一、充满自信、迎接新时代的雄健精神和昂扬基调。

    Each epoch there is the need to sing praises , which is not always negative and sometimes characterized by solidarity , unification , self-confidence , high-spirited tone .

  4. 在叙事功能方面,毕飞宇小说通过中心、影子、帮闲人物和静态、动态意象的设置,凸显了小说的内涵,增强了文本的审美表现力。

    In narrative function , it enrich the test 's aesthetic force by design the leading character , shadow character , idler character and the imagery of static state and the imagery of dynamic state .