
bāng bàn
  • deputy;assistant;assist in managing;assist in handling
帮办 [bāng bàn]
  • [assistant;deputy] 主管人员的助手

  • [assist in handling] 协助主管人员办理公务

  • 帮办公务

帮办[bāng bàn]
  1. 大厨细野贤(KenHosono)的十道厨师帮办菜单包括十分丝滑的鱿鱼,还有梭鱼、多脂金枪鱼、海胆以及美味的黄油扇贝等。

    The chef Ken Hosono 's 10-course omakase menu featured an exceptionally silky-smooth squid , along with barracuda , fatty tuna , uni and a wonderfully buttery scallop , among other pieces .

  2. 无锡和谐帮办为你代理在无锡地区事务。

    Wuxi Deputy harmony to your agent in Wuxi district affairs .

  3. 主任兼助理秘书长帮办(会议支助厅)

    Director and Deputy to the Assistant Secretary - General ( OCSS )

  4. 发展和国际经济合作总干事帮办

    Deputy to the Director-General for Development and International Economic Cooperation

  5. 主管行政和管理的副秘书长帮办兼主计长

    Deputy to the Under-Secretary General for Administration and Management , and Controller

  6. 副秘书长帮办兼紧急救济副协调员;

    Deputy to the Under-Secretary-General and Deputy emergency relief coordinator ;

  7. 法律顾问办公室主任兼副秘书长帮办

    Director and Deputy to the Under-Secretary-General , Office of the Legal Counsel

  8. 无锡和谐帮办是你忠诚的伙伴。

    Wuxi Deputy harmony is your loyalty to the partnership .

  9. 主管国际经济和社会事务部副秘书长的统计和发展规划事务帮办

    Deputy to the Under-Secretary-General for International Economic and Social Affairs for Statistics and for Development Planning

  10. 随后,帮办又来到了她买这些花椒的王官庄市场,看看市场上还有没有刘女士所说的这种假花椒。

    Subsequently , the deputy went to her to buy the pepper Wang Xiaoguanzhuang market , take a look at the market there is no such false pepper Ms Lau said .

  11. 见到帮办要买花椒,这位摊主显得非常热情,拍着胸脯说自己的花椒质量好,而且价格便宜,才两元钱一两。

    To see the deputy to buy pepper , this stall is very warm , boldly said his pepper good quality and the price is cheap , only two dollars or two .

  12. 1853年,急于筹饷的帮办军务雷以諴在江苏里下河一带始办捐厘助饷。

    In the year of 1853 , Lei Yixian with responsibility for military affairs , who was anxious to the military expenditure began to collect Likin tax in the area of Li ' Xia River in the JiangSu Province .