
bāng pài
  • gang;faction;clan
帮派 [bāng pài]
  • [faction] 帮伙派别,小集团

帮派[bāng pài]
  1. 如果燃烧一个帮派成员,你将会失去相同数量的XP喜欢的人你烧了。

    If burning a faction member , you will lose the same amount of XP like the Person you burned .

  2. 宗族、帮派等非正式组织渐起等。

    Patriarchal clan , faction and other informal organization emerge , etc.

  3. 政治仍然操纵在中产阶级帮派手中。

    Politics is still dominated by the middle-class mafia .

  4. 警方怀疑当地的一个不良帮派。

    Police suspect a local gang .

  5. 这个帮派的成员犯下了数十宗持械抢劫案。

    The gang members committed dozens of armed robberies

  6. 几个帮派昨晚聚众闹事,他们打碎商店临街的玻璃窗,并投掷石块和瓶子。

    Gangs rioted last night , breaking storefront windows and hurling rocks and bottles .

  7. 居民们说,当地的帮派头子用暴力夺取宝贵的土地。

    Residents said local gang leaders had cashed in on the violence to seize valuable land

  8. 警察认为这场打斗是由两个敌对的青少年帮派之间的纠纷引起的。

    The police believe the fight was due to a dispute between rival teenage gangs .

  9. 称作“三合会”的帮派

    gangs , known as the Triads .

  10. 一个贩毒团伙的头目被对立的帮派枪杀了,于是这个团伙展开报复行动。

    A gang of drug dealers1 wanted to punish a rival gang for shooting their leader .

  11. 为什么安静了?因为Jesse,James离开了镇上,并带走了他的帮派。

    Why is things quieter ? Because Jesse James left town and took his gang with him as well .

  12. jos所在的那个帮派?

    The gang that jos ? Belongs to ?

  13. n.帮派谣传彼得年轻时曾加入某街头帮派。

    Rumor has it that Peter joined a street gang when he was young . = Word has it that Peter joined a street gang when he was young .

  14. 就好像Crips和Bloods(两个黑社会帮派组织)?

    Just like the Crips and the Bloods .

  15. 蒂姆·劳厄(TimRaue)或许是柏林最有活力的厨师。十几岁时,他和街头帮派混迹于克罗伊茨贝格一带。后来,他在餐厅后厨找到了自己的天地。

    Perhaps the most dynamic chef in Berlin is Tim Raue , who as a teenager ran with a street gang in the Kreuzberg neighborhood and then found his home in restaurant kitchens .

  16. 培养嘻哈文化的正面力量要归功于曾做过帮派头目和DJ的阿弗里卡·班巴塔,他被公认为嘻哈文化的教父。

    Hip-hop culture 's positive energy was fostered5 by Afrika Bambaataa , a former gang leader and dj who is regarded as the godfather of hip-hop .

  17. 自由城,大量前来寻求救助的NCR游民和当地的统治帮派“猫王帮”关系紧张,并且局势还在恶化中。

    Tensions are brewing in Freeside between the ruling gang known as the Kings and the large number of NCR squatters seeking refuge there .

  18. 它重点描述他在医院与其他年轻的癌症患者之间的友谊(他们形成了一个叫Eggheads的帮派)。

    It focuses on the friendships he made in hospital with other young cancer patients ( they formed a gang called the Eggheads ) .

  19. 警方调查发现,在那不勒斯,华人帮派与意大利黑手党组织,特别是卡莫拉(Camorra)之间的合作越来越紧密。

    Investigations have un - covered growing co-operation between Chinese gangs and the Mafia , particularly the Camorra , in Naples .

  20. 在20世纪80年代晚期和90年代早期,这个街角与当时那里的azeri餐馆因挑起对立的白人帮派间的血腥枪战而臭名昭著。

    In the late 1980s and early 1990s , the street corner and the Azeri canteen that then stood on it were infamous for the bloody shoot-outs they hosted between rival Caucasian gangs .

  21. 所以这批货不是给迈阿密那群帮派的。

    Then this load does not go to the Miami group .

  22. 他怕遭敌对帮派绑架。

    He was afraid of being abducted by a rival gang .

  23. 迟早帮派的人会来对付我。

    Just a matter of time before the gangs get me .

  24. 电锯党是晒骨场里最残忍的帮派。

    The Rippers are the most ruthless gang in the Boneyard .

  25. 但仅凭这些就能说是一个阴谋帮派吗?

    But can this be said to amount to a conspiracy ?

  26. 听起来挺着急啊你不是想去参加帮派吧

    Sounds urgent . You thinking about jumping into a gang ?

  27. 你看见帮派成员会什么结果了吗?看见了吗?

    You see what happensto gang members ? Do you see ?

  28. 发生过多少起帮派火拼么?

    There were in Los Angeles in the past four years ?

  29. 帮会和帮派罪行从根本上说是青少年问题。

    Gang membership and gang-related crime is primarily a juvenile problem .

  30. 发现这些犯罪行为和帮派活动有关。

    The crimes were found to be linked to gang activities .