
  • 网络Aiding criminal;Beihilfe;aider and abet-ter;Kettenbeihilfe;consiliaum
  1. 要以“治病救人”的态度帮助犯错误的同志。

    To help comrades who have made mistakes , we should adopt the approach of “ curing the sickness to save the patient ” .

  2. 片面共犯的存在形式有片面教唆犯、片面帮助犯,片面实行犯要严格限定范围,片面组织犯不成立。

    One-sided accomplice exists in instigator 、 accessory and executor in some scope .

  3. 间接帮助犯和承继帮助犯。

    Indirect help offender and BE not make ;

  4. 第四部分是不作为帮助犯的刑事责任。

    The fourth part is about the criminal liability of the assistor by omission .

  5. 同时对帮助犯与身份犯的关系、帮助犯与实行过限等问题进行了探讨。

    The text talks about the relation of Help offender and the identity offender .

  6. 首先,不作为帮助犯的成立必须以作为义务的存在为前提。

    Firstly , the establishment of assistor by omission must have the legal action obligation .

  7. 对共犯人的分类标准有两种:一是分工分类法,即按照共犯人在共同犯罪中的分工或行为的形式将共同犯罪人分为组织犯、实行犯、教唆犯与帮助犯。

    Joint offenders include two classification standards .

  8. 共同故意伤害的实行犯、教唆犯、帮助犯的实行过限分别承担不同责任。

    Different people play different role in the common crime , and undertake different responsibility .

  9. 接下来,对实行过限行为和帮助犯的判定标准进行了分析论述。

    Then , the author analyzes the judging standards of the surplus behavior and accessory .

  10. 认定片面帮助犯应注意的几个问题

    Some problems with Unilateral Accessory Identification

  11. 其基本类型包括片面帮助犯、片面教唆犯、片面实行犯。

    The basic types of one-sided accomplice include one-sided to help offenders and one-sided instigator and one-sided implementation of guilty .

  12. 但本文只承认过失共同正犯,否认过失教唆犯和过失帮助犯的成立。

    But the authors only admit fault joint principal , deny the establishment of fault instigator and fault help make .

  13. 教唆犯中止既与单独犯罪的中止不同,又区别于共同犯罪中实行犯、帮助犯的中止,情况可见复杂。

    Abettor discontinuance is different from separate crime discontinuance , is also different from perpetrators and accessory discontinuance of joint crime .

  14. 第四部分分析片面帮助犯的停止形态和罪数形态。

    In the fourth part , the author analyses the pattern of suspension and quantity of crime pattern in unilateral accessory crime .

  15. 第二种观点认为,余某和费某构成共同犯罪,但费某构成教唆犯或帮助犯。

    The second point is that Fei and Yu belong to joint offence , but Fei was a instigator or a accessory .

  16. 第四部分,对帮助犯与相关的共犯形态进行了区别,并对望风行为进行了详细的阐述,认为望风行为性质的认定不能一概而论,应根据主客观相一致的观点来认定。

    The fourth part of text makes distinction of help offender and related accomplice of common crime . Elaborate to hope breeze behavior .

  17. 片面帮助犯成立与否,在中外刑法理论和实务中备受争议。

    The establishment of unilateral accessory is subjected to great controversy on the theoretical and practical plane of criminal law in China and abroad .

  18. 受贿罪共犯主要有共同受贿实行犯、共同受贿教唆犯、共同受贿帮助犯三种类型。

    The crime of accepting bribes are common bribery crime , joint crime of bribery the abettor , help make three types of common bribery .

  19. 不具有脱逃罪特殊身份者只能在共同犯罪的情况下构成脱逃罪的教唆犯或者帮助犯,而不能构成共同正犯。

    People who are without the specific identity of Escaping crime can only be abettor or accessory in joint crime but not the group perpetrator .

  20. 从权利义务相一致的原则看,无特定身份者也不能构成真正身份犯的教唆犯和帮助犯。

    From the viewpoint of correspondence of right and obligation , persons without special status can not be the abettor and accessory in standard status crime .

  21. 同时,网络的虚拟性和技术性特征也使共同犯罪人中的正犯、帮助犯、教唆犯的行为形式发生了新的变化。

    Meanwhile , some fresh changes have taken place in the act of abettor and auxiliary accomplice , due to the frontier technology in the context of cyber space .

  22. 在大陆法系国家,共同犯罪人主要分为正犯与狭义共犯,狭义共犯则包括教唆犯、帮助犯等非实行犯。

    In civil law countries , who are divided into committing the crime with an accomplice narrow , narrow accomplice include instigator , to help offenders and other non-Perpetrator .

  23. 在认定上,笔者指出了片面帮助犯与片面共犯、帮助犯、同时正犯以及间接正犯等相关犯罪形态之间的联系和区别。

    From the aspect of determination , the author points out the relations and differences between unilateral accessory and one-sided accomplice , accessory , coincident principals and indirect principals .

  24. 对介绍贿赂罪的实行行为作了界定,进而明确了受贿罪、行贿罪的帮助犯与介绍贿赂罪的实行犯的界限。

    The definition of crime of introducing taking bribe is conducive to the definition of taking bribe , accessary in crime of giving money and performing criminal in introducing bribery .

  25. 共同犯罪预备形态中教唆犯与帮助犯的从属性与独立性的学说争论,是本部分论述的重点。

    Common form of preparation for crime and help offenders in the instigator and independence from the properties of the theory argue , is the focus of discussion in this section .

  26. 根据行为人在共同犯罪中的分工不同,对共同过失犯罪人可以划分为过失的共同正犯、过失的教唆犯和过失的帮助犯。

    According to the functions of the criminal in joint crime , joint negligence criminal can be divided into three kinds : joint negligence principal , negligent abettor and negligent accessory .

  27. 他帮助犯人们写信,递条子,捎带衣物和书籍。你上邮局的话,捎带给我买几张纪念邮票。

    He would write letters for them , carry messages , fetch clothing or books . If you happen to be going to the post office , please get me some commemorative stamps .

  28. 第四部分主要是根据前文的内容,阐述了不作为帮助犯的刑事责任的实现方式。

    The fourth part mainly according to the content of the above , to assistor by omission basic as the classification , and expounds the assistor by omission as the criminal responsibility implementation .

  29. 第四章片面共犯的存在范围,笔者将归纳关于片面共犯存在范围的四种观点,并结合实际案例论证帮助犯、教唆犯、实行犯均存在片面共犯。

    The author summarizes four viewpoints surrounding the scope of unilateral accomplice and uses real life examples to prove that an accessory , abettor , or a perpetrator may constitute a unilateral accomplice .

  30. 最后,基于重构后部分共犯中止理论分别对组织犯中止、教唆犯中止、帮助犯中止、实行犯中止的认定进行研究。

    Finally , after the suspension of the theoretical part accomplice were reconstructed based on the basic principles of the organization to commit abort abettor to help commit aborted Perpetrator aborted study finds .