
  1. 这一部分论述了国家工作人员的范围、受贿罪主体是否包括受委托的人员、非身份犯收受贿赂的问题、离退休人员利用余权受贿的问题。

    PART ONE problems on the subject in the bribery This part talks much about the limit of government officials , whether the subjects contains entrusted persons , accepting bribes by the people who has no certain status , and retiree 's bribe through talcing advantages of lingering power .

  2. 根据刑法中规定的身份犯的犯罪构成要件的内容是否要求具有特定身份之主体去亲自实施,可以将身份犯划分为排他性身份犯和非排他性身份犯。

    It can be classified into personal status crime and non-personal status crime by the constitutive elements of status crime provided in criminal law .