
  • 网络Identity offender;i reati propri;Echte Sonderderdelikte;status offences;Delictum proprium;status offense
  1. 论走私犯罪案件中身份犯的认定

    On Cognizance of the Status Crime in Smuggling Crime Cases

  2. 刑法罪名中包含大量的身份犯。

    Large quantity of status crime is included in the Criminal Law .

  3. 身份犯一般可分为纯正身份犯和不纯正身份犯两种,从我国现行刑法的规定来看,身份犯亦可分为自然人身份犯和单位身份犯。

    They can be classified into standard status crime and nonstandard status crime .

  4. 身份犯类型的学理探讨

    The Criminal Patterns Forum Types of Status Crime

  5. 本章主要讨论了刑法中身份犯的概念和本质。

    The author mainly studies the concept and the essence of the status crime .

  6. 本文认为,转化型抢劫并不属于身份犯。

    This paper argues that the transformed robbery does not belong to commit identity .

  7. 同时对帮助犯与身份犯的关系、帮助犯与实行过限等问题进行了探讨。

    The text talks about the relation of Help offender and the identity offender .

  8. 身份犯问题是现代刑法理论发展过程中的一个重要问题,历来都受到国内外刑法学者的关注。

    Status crime problem is an important problem of modern criminal law theories development process .

  9. 论身份犯的间接正犯

    Studying on Indirect Guilt of Status Crime

  10. 试论身份犯的本质

    On the essence of crimes of status

  11. 身份犯与共犯研究

    Research on Capacity Crime and Joint Crime

  12. 论身份犯与共同犯罪

    On Status Crime and Joint Crime

  13. 受贿罪是典型的身份犯,行为人必须具有法定的特殊身份。

    Bribery is the typical crime of identity , the actor must have special legal identity .

  14. 身份犯及其相关概念辨析

    Status-Related Crime and Relevant Concepts

  15. 身份犯是刑法中明文规定的由具有特定身份的犯罪主体进行的一类犯罪。

    Status crime is provided in criminal law that is committed by the subject with certain status .

  16. 在真正身份犯的某些复合行为共同犯罪中,非身份人也可以与有身份人一起成为该罪的共同实行犯。

    The perpetrator of standard status crime and this viewpoint only applies to multiple act crime in standard status crime .

  17. 身份犯是指具备一定身份的人犯罪。身份犯是东方家庭奴隶制社会最基本的犯罪形式;

    The crime committed by a person of special status is the basic criminal type in oriental family slave society ;

  18. 受贿罪是身份犯,非国家工作人员不能单独构成受贿罪,但可以构成受贿罪的共犯。

    Non-state functionary can 't be the subject of Crime of accepting bribes alone , but can be the accomplice .

  19. 在转化型抢劫中是否可以构成承继性抢劫首先与转化型抢劫是否是身份犯有关。

    Transformed robbery can constitute a succession of robbery is the identity of offenses relating to the first transformed robbery .

  20. 真正身份犯的主要特征是只有具备该特定身份的人才能单独实施全部犯罪的实行行为;

    The character of standard status crime is only those with the status can fulfill all of the act of perpetrating ;

  21. 之所以规定身份犯与普通犯的刑事责任的不同处罚,是由身份犯的本质决定的。

    It is the essence of the status crime which decided the different punishment of the status crime and the common crime .

  22. 共同受贿犯罪,其主体之一必须是身份犯,其实行行为,则必须是利用职务之便实施的。

    One of the principal parts of the accomplice in bribery must be a status-owning criminal who commit the guilt by imposing on post .

  23. 根据刑法中规定的身份犯的犯罪构成要件的内容是否要求具有特定身份之主体去亲自实施,可以将身份犯划分为排他性身份犯和非排他性身份犯。

    It can be classified into personal status crime and non-personal status crime by the constitutive elements of status crime provided in criminal law .

  24. 受贿共同犯罪涉及共同犯罪与身份犯理论,是司法实践中富有争议的焦点问题。

    Joint acceptance of bribes is a controversial issue in the judicial practice , which relates to the theory of joint crimes and status crimes .

  25. 本文共分三个部分,首先全面分析了《唐律》律文中有关身份犯的具体立法规定,并将众多的法律条文分为数个类型。

    In the first part , the author analyses the relative laws concerning status crime in the Code of Tang and divides them into several types .

  26. 在我国刑法中,有关身份犯的规定与刑法面前人人平等原则并不冲突。

    The provisions about the crimes of status in the Criminal Law in China don ′ t collide with the principle of everyone being equal before the criminal law .

  27. 而现行受贿罪法定刑中资格刑缺失,宜针对其身份犯性质增加资格刑的设置。

    There is a lack of qualification punishment in the current legal punishment status of criminal bribery . It should be increased for the nature of their status as criminal offenders settings .

  28. 尽管在理论上有单位身份犯,但单位走私犯罪不是身份犯。在走私犯罪活动中或在案发后正在查处中国家工作人员有受贿情节,只受贿不枉法的,只定受贿罪;

    The thesis raises that the institutional smuggling crime isn 't status crime although there is institutional status crime in theory on the base of definite concept of status crime and smuggling crime .

  29. 对共同犯罪的探讨,最终是为了解决共同犯罪人应承担的刑事责任问题,即责任分配问题。身份犯互相勾结共同受贿,可以是简单共犯,也可以是复杂共犯。

    A study of complicity destines to solve the problem of defining accomplices ' responsibility . The status-owning criminals collude with one another and commit bribery together . They may be simple accomplices or complex accomplices .

  30. 唐代是我国古代法律发展的繁荣时期,《唐律》作为中国古代法的鼎盛之作,其有关身份犯的立法也达到了相当成熟的地步。

    As the golden times for legal development and prosperity in the history of the ancient China , the Tang Dynasty established the Code of Tang , which had defined the boundaries of status crime clearly and maturely .