
  • 网络identity;identifier
  1. 以后单点系统自动将该身份标识传递到各个系统进行身份认证,从而使用户可以高效地访问各个系统中的资源,提高了用户工作效率。

    Through the secure and efficient transfer of the electronic identity , the user can visit all systems automatically and efficiently without repeatedly inputting his account information .

  2. IP地址同时用作设备的位置标识和设备的身份标识、语义过载;

    IP address is overloaded in semantics because it is used to represent both the location and the identity of a device .

  3. Paul:以前处理组合应用的方式要么假设没有身份标识,要么假设采用固定的身份标识。

    Paul : The old way of doing composite apps assumed either no identity or fixed identities .

  4. 通过分析现有软件水印方案的弱点,结合水印与混淆技术,提出了基于身份标识的Java程序水印方案。

    After analyzing the shortages of the existing software watermark schemes , An ID-based watermark scheme for Java program is proposed using obfuscation techniques and software watermark .

  5. V5接口链路身份标识存在的问题及解决方法

    The Problem in V5 Link Identification and Its Resolution

  6. 与传统的公钥基础设施PKI相比,它直接使用身份标识信息计算得到公钥,而取消了数字证书的使用,大大简化了公钥的使用和管理。

    Compared with traditional public key infrastructure , identity-based encryption withdraws the use of digital certificate and gets public key from identity information . It simplifies the use and management of the public key greatly .

  7. 作为判断不同身份标识所代表的身份信息是否属于同一患者的关键功能,患者身份信息的匹配是实现整体IHEPIX技术框架的基础。

    As the key function of judgment , Matching of Patients ID Information is the foundation to implement the entire IHE PIX technology framework .

  8. 2004年,Das等人提出了一个远程认证方案,该方案通过采用动态身份标识,达到了在认证用户的同时保护用户的匿名性的功能。

    In 2004 , Das et al . proposed a remote authentication scheme to authenticate users while preserving the users ' anonymity . Their scheme adopted dynamic identification to achieve this function .

  9. 基于RFID技术的应用系统广泛于应用于不同领域,如物流、邮政、民航、交通、票务、防伪及身份标识等[1],但同时安全隐患问题变得日益严重,已成为其本身发展的瓶颈[2]。

    Application systems based on RFID technology are widely used in different areas , such as logistics , postal services , aviation , transportation , ticketing , security , identity and so on . Meanwhile , security threat is becoming increasingly serious .

  10. 为实现身份标识加密,构建了基于混沌映射的Hash函数,并在此基础上进一步构造了生成隐含身份标识的认证证书的Hash函数。

    Secondly , a Hash function based on chaotic map was constructed so as to encrypt UID . Based on the first function , some other Hash functions were then constructed to generate certification in which the UID was hidden .

  11. 该方案把用身份标识产生的数字水印信息编码后嵌入到混淆的勒让德符号构造的不透明谓词中,将有水印的不透明谓词作为Java程序的线程来混淆Java程序,用零知识证明验证水印信息。

    It uses identity to create the watermarks , which are embedded into the opaque predicates after they are encoded . The Java program is obfuscated by taking the opaque predicates with the watermarks as the threads of the Java program , and the watermark is verified by zero-knowledge proof .

  12. 改进了LISP架构,使得LISP节点能够使用私有身份标识,给出了使用私有身份标识的节点在虚拟网络的通信过程。最后分析比较本设计方案的优缺点和应用前景。

    Improved the LISP architecture , designed a solution that LISP node be able to use the private identity , and give the communication process of node that use the private identity access virtual network . Finally , this paper discussed the advantages and application prospects of this design .

  13. ④身份标识物品遗失会给合法持卡人带来极大的不便。

    The loss of Identifying Objects will cause great inconvenience to the cardholder .

  14. 选择身份标识类型即可配置消息流上的身份提取。

    Identity extraction can be configured on a message flow by selecting identity token type .

  15. 戈登:不,只有佩带公司身份标识,你才能进实验室。

    Gordon : No , you would need a company ID badge to enter the labs .

  16. 而且随着网络的发展,破解密码和盗取身份标识物已经变得越来越简单。

    And with the development of network , password cracking and identity card stealing has become more and simpler and simpler .

  17. 确保只有合法身份标识的用户才能登录到平台,并且只有被合法授权的用户才能访问相应的资源。

    Only the authenticated users can log on to the platform , and only the authorized users can access the appropriate resources .

  18. 随着对互联网初始设计研究的深入,国内外研究人员提出了将身份标识与位置标识分离的设计思想。

    With the deep research of Internet initial design , domestic and foreign researchers put forward an idea of separating identifier and locator .

  19. 例如,如果用例需要用户身份标识,就必须清楚何时要求身份标识以及要求什么许可。

    For example , if the use case requires user identification , it must be clear when the identification is requested and what authorization is required .

  20. 会计徽标符号中镶嵌的不仅仅是会计职业群体的身份标识、地域标识,而且是一种会计职业群体的“价值指向”。

    Through analyzing the data from a statistical survey , the writer points out that accounting logo carrier is totally different from accounting logo significance in nature .

  21. 为实现信息系统的安全目标,需要系统能够提供相关的安全服务:身份标识与认证服务、授权与访问控制服务、非否认服务、机密性服务、完整性服务。

    Services such as identification and authentication , authority and access control , non-deniability , confidentiality and integrity are the key elements for the security of the information system .

  22. 而人脸作为人类个体进行身份标识和信息表达的重要媒介,在生产生活的各个领域都起着不可或缺的作用。

    And as a very important medium for human to identify and express information , human face is playing a critical role in almost every aspect of our society .

  23. 伴随着新的身份标识层的引入,需要引入新的映射系统来负责收集、存储、解析身份/位置的映射信息。

    With the introduction of a new identity naming space , we must introduce a new mapping system for collecting , storing and resolving the ID / LOC mapping information .

  24. 基督教是一种制度型宗教,信徒有独特的身份标识,具体表现在语言交流、思维方式和行为方式等方面。

    Christianity is a kind of institutional religions , believers are attached to a unique identity , which specifically manifest in the aspects of language communication , ways of thinking and behaviors .

  25. 网上证券交易在安全方面的需求,在技术上要求有一种完整的安全体制来实现对交易的双方进行身份标识、认证,并实现电子化的签名。

    In the field of security , Internet securities transactions technically need a complete security system to achieve the transaction identifier , certification of the two sides , and the achievement of the electronic signature .

  26. 现在,由于移动设备存取名字十分方便、加上无处不在的电子邮件地址及其它源自互联网的身份标识,数字在生活中正变得越来越少见。

    Today , numbers are on the wane thanks to the ease with which mobiles can store and retrieve names and the ubiquity of email addresses and other internet-based identity tags , such as Skype names .

  27. 借助身份标识物品(如钥匙、证件等)和身份标识知识(如口令、密码和暗语等)的传统身份鉴别方法已不能满足现在生活的需要。

    Through identifying articles such as the key and the id card , or through identifiers like password , code or argot , which are the traditional methods of authentication but unable to meet the current needs .

  28. 当数据包从应用层路由到身份标识层后,主机查询全球化分布式映射系统获取到主机身份标识对应的位置标识。

    When the package was send from the application layer to the ID layer , the ID layer will query the global distributed Mapping System to find the related Locator which was mapped by the host ID in this package .

  29. 笔者认为,彻底改变这种状况,从而实现实质性的保护农转工合法权益的根本方法是制度变革,要设立一种没有制度偏好和身份标识的制度安排。

    The writer deems that the basic method for totally change this kind of condition and substantially protect its legal right is up to systematic reform , so have to set a kind of systematic arrangement which being systematically unprejudiced and without identifier .

  30. 目前,车牌是车辆的唯一身份标识(不包括有意伪造和调换车牌的情况),因此智能交通系统需要倚重于鲁棒性极好的智能车牌识别系统。

    The license plate remains as the principal vehicle identifier despite the fact that it can be deliberately altered in fraud situations or replaced . Therefore , ITSs ( Intelligent Transportation Systems ) rely heavily on robust LPR ( License Plate Recognition ) systems .