
  • 网络Identity case;a case of identity
  1. 没有比平凡的事物更不寻常,更值得研究的了。(身份案)

    There is nothing so unnatural as the commonplace .

  2. 一件袖子被墨水弄脏的女士衬衫让人想起了在《身份谜案》中福尔摩斯也曾用同样的方法辨认出他的客户是一名打字员。

    a woman 's blouse with ink-stained sleeves recalls the one that helped Holmes identify his client as a typist in A Case of Identity .

  3. 今天利比到达华盛顿联邦法院,在这里他将被控妨碍联邦调查局侦察,泄密中央情报局女特工瓦莱丽?普莱姆身份一案。

    Libby arrived at the federal courthouse in Washington today where he stands accused of obstructing the fbi 's probe into the leaking of the identity of CIA operative Valerie plame .

  4. 美国周一对一起涉嫌盗取1.3亿张信用卡账户信息的案件提起了刑事起诉。这起身份信息盗窃案的规模远远超过了历史上已曝光的所有同类案件。

    The US brought criminal charges on Monday over the alleged theft of account details linked to 130m credit cards , a case of identity theft that far exceeds anything of its kind that has ever come to light before .

  5. 这是这个国家历史上最大的身份信用资料诈骗案。

    It 's the biggest case of identity fraud in this country 's history .

  6. 主播这是这个国家历史上最大的身份信用资料诈骗案。

    ANCHOR It 's the biggest case of identity fraud in this country 's history .