
  • 网络identity;identification;cultural identity
  1. 个体聋人身份认同是聋人心理发展的重要内容。

    Deaf Identity is essential to psychological development of deaf people .

  2. 第三部分是师徒制和新手教师身份认同的文献综述。

    The third part is the literature review of Mentoring and Identity of novice teachers .

  3. 在这个阶段中,年轻人经过了青春期的身份认同,开始准备与他人建立亲密关系:一旦人们确立了身份认同,他们就做好了对他人付出长期承诺的准备了。

    Once people have established their identities , they are ready to make long-term commitments to others .

  4. 目前,对聋人的文化身份认同(DeafIdentity)的研究成为国外聋人社会性发展研究的热点。

    Currently , research on deaf identity has become one of the focused works in the psychosocial development of deaf people in western countries .

  5. 重点并不是facebook、twitter或黑莓的blackberrymessenger是否充当了群体行动的组织工具,而是它们有助于建立一种共同的身份认同。

    The point here is not whether Facebook , Twitter or BlackBerry Messenger were organising tools for mass action but that they helped to create a common identity .

  6. 法伯与法伯出版社(FaberFaber),25美元。这是勒纳的第二本小说,精彩不断,书中来自布鲁克林的叙事者受身份认同困扰,决心帮助自己最好的朋友拥有一个孩子。

    ( Faber Faber , $ 25 . ) A Brooklyn-based narrator preoccupied with identity decides to help his best friend have a child in this frequently brilliant second novel .

  7. 且BII与消极情感体验存在显著负相关,对其负向预测量为9.4%。(8)不同群体文化启动情境下,流动儿童的文化身份认同存在显著差异。

    In addition , their BII was negative related with negative emotion , and the predictive power is 9.4 % . ( 8 ) Under different group-culture priming conditions , migrant children also identify different identities .

  8. 再次,强化实践课教师专业身份认同。

    Thirdly , they should strengthen professional identities of practical teachers .

  9. 萨尔在路上不断的追寻,他在追寻身份认同,追寻超越,追寻自我的拯救。

    Sal is seeking his identity , transcendence and self salvation .

  10. 追索与建构:论海外华人文学的身份认同

    Pursuit and Construction : The Identity of Overseas Chinese Literature

  11. 贾平凹的角色定位与自我身份认同

    Jia Ping-wa ′ s Role Location and Establishment of Self-identity

  12. 暗夜行路,终见光明&谈翻译文学的身份认同

    From Darkness to Sunlight : the Identity of Translated Literature

  13. 女同性恋性别认同和身份认同研究

    Study on the gender identity and lesbian identity of lesbian

  14. 还是去试图建立某种小矮人身份认同,

    Or should she try to construct some kind of dwarf identity ,

  15. 听障大学生的学校适应受其身份认同类型的影响。

    The identity type of hearing-impaired college students affected their school adaption .

  16. 教师身份认同与认同危机之间是相互联系在一起的。

    There are mutual relations between teacher identity and crisis of identity .

  17. 但是,他们对于自身的身份认同,却处于困境之中。

    However , their self-identity are in a pickle .

  18. 80后初中教师自我身份认同的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Self-identity of " post-80 Generation " Middle School Teachers

  19. 人们愿意花30000美元来换取作为更高地位员工的身份认同。

    People will pay $ 30,000 to be recognized as a high-status employee .

  20. 兵团人身份认同本土化的现状及意义

    Current Status and Significance of Localization of People 's Identities in the Corps

  21. 身份认同是近些年来学术界热议的话题。

    In recent years , identity has become a hot topic in academia .

  22. 而同性恋者作为一种弱势群体,其身份认同是一个极其重要的问题。

    As a vulnerable groups , their identity is a very important problem .

  23. 在各个人口统计变量上,师范生的教师身份认同都存在差异性。

    In all demographic variables , there are differences in student teachers identity .

  24. 异国背景下的身份认同问题&李健孙《荣誉和责任》中的父子冲突

    The Issue of Identity Affirmation in a Foreign Country

  25. 草根型民间慈善组织身份认同的社会政策选择

    Social Policy Selection of Grass-root Charitable Organization Identification

  26. 全球化语境下文学的文化身份认同

    Cultural Identity of Literature in the Globalization Context

  27. 农民工身份认同及其影响因素

    Self Identification of Peasant Workers and the Determinants

  28. 民间节日中的集体记忆与身份认同&以广西壮族族群为例

    An Analysis on Collective Security The Collective Memory in Folk Festivals and Ethnic Identities

  29. 十英镑英国移民的身份认同是多样化的。

    The identity of the " Ten Pound " British immigrants was quite complicated .

  30. 亚裔美国人的身份认同是当代亚裔研究中的一个不可忽视的问题。种族或族裔背景是身份认同的基础。

    Asian American s ' identity is an important issue in Asian American studies .