
  • 网络the rose window
  1. 这座教堂可以免费入内参观,因此游客也可以免费享受探索教堂内花窗玻璃的乐趣,其中既有悬挂在大门上方瑰丽无比的中世纪玫瑰窗,也有艺术家保罗·夏卡尔(PaulChagall)创作的现代花窗。

    Since there is no entrance fee at the church , the pleasure of discovering its stained-glass windows , which range from a spectacular medieval rose window over the main doorway to contemporary works created by the artist Paul Chagall , is free .

  2. 玫瑰窗是约克大教堂最有名的彩色玻璃窗户。

    The rose window is the most famous stained-glass window in York minster .