
zànɡ qīnɡ sè
  • navy blue color
  1. “CesarMaia打破了企业”-Cesar在他喜爱的藏青色成套装备里。

    " Cesar Maia broke the firm "– Cesar in his favorite navy blue outfit .

  2. 粉红色衬衣与藏青色和紫红色领带搭配。

    Wear pale pink shirts with navy and burgundy ties .

  3. 当我走上前去提问的时候,她耸耸肩说道:噢,我只是很喜欢藏青色。

    Oh , she shrugged when I asked . I just really like navy .

  4. 上衣为黄色或藏青色。

    The blouse comes in yellow or navy .

  5. 我的爱好则是添加一些黑色的、藏青色的菜豆或者四季豆。

    Some of my favorites are black , navy , pinto and kidney beans .

  6. 他穿一件藏青色的毛衣。

    He was wearing a Navy sweater .

  7. 淡蓝色衬衣搭配红色,黄色,紫红色,金色和藏青色领带。

    Coordinate pale blue shirts with red , yellow , burgundy , gold , and navy ties .

  8. 选择三种中性色的衣服,如黑色,白色,黄褐色,藏青色或棕色。

    Try to plan your wardrobe around three neutral colors like black , white , khaki , navy or brown .

  9. 凯特展示了一件经典的长风衣可以有很强的功能性,就像一件A型剪裁的藏青色风衣。

    Kate shows the versatility of a classic fitted trench , like this A-line navy number from Ted Baker London .

  10. 短袖、低胸、A字裙剪裁,点缀着很深的藏青色和深蓝色圆点,非常合我的胃口。

    Short sleeved , low cut , A-line and very dark navy with dark blue dots , it was extremely me .

  11. 那是个阳光灿烂的周六下午,李芦媛早上还在上班,穿着藏青色的套装。

    It was a sunny Saturday afternoon , and she wore a navy blue suit , having been at work that morning .

  12. 来自美国时尚品牌保罗与乔的70年代复古软帽,颜色有纯棕色与藏青色之分。

    The retro 70s floppy hats from US fashion brand Paul & Joe are featured in a variety of shades from monochrome brown to navy blue .

  13. 在银座购物中心外面,我们采访了邢,一个来自山西的保安,他穿着一套藏青色的保安服(如上图所示)。

    Outside Ginza Mall we find Xing ( above ) , a safety officer from Shanxi , wearing a dark blue-black shirt , pants and hat .

  14. 球衣简约的设计让人眼前一亮。但倘若用海军蓝或藏青色取代黄色,球衣在榜单上的排名便会提升不少。

    The minimalist design works really well , although it would rank higher on this list if they 'd gone with navy or green instead of yellow .

  15. 借一件他的西装外套一件经典的带有铜纽扣的藏青色西装外套,或一件温暖的有肘部垫布和皮革纽扣的羊毛外套都是你衣橱里必备的有型的衣服。

    Borrow a blazer A classic navy schoolboy blazer with brass buttons or a warm wool coat with elbow patches and leather-coveredbuttons are handsome pieces to have in your closet .

  16. 文章对纤维、织物结构、活性染料的化学性质及固色动力学进行了全面研究,优化了藏青色丝光斜纹棉织物的水洗和服用性能;

    This paper reviews a comprehensive study of fiber , fabric construction , reactive dye chemistries , and fixation dynamics to optimize wash and wear performance of a navy chino fabric .