
cánɡ shū liànɡ
  • collection of books
  1. 他的藏书量与镇上图书馆不相上下。

    His collection of books was commensurate with that of a town library .

  2. 家中藏书量和学习资源对数学及科学学业成就的变异数分析中可得知拥有越多藏书和资源的组别大于拥有较少藏书和资源的组别。

    In analysis of variance , the collection of books and learning resources on academic achievement in mathematics and science indicate that a group has more is higher than the group has fewer .

  3. 我们图书馆的藏书量在增加。

    The number of the books in our library is increasing .

  4. 他们在添置新书以扩大图书馆的藏书量。

    They were piecing out the library with new books .

  5. 这个图书馆的藏书量处于中等。

    This library has a moderate number of books .

  6. 关于高校图书馆藏书量急增问题的思考

    Thoughts of growth in college library collection

  7. 高校升格中图书馆藏书量评估标准质疑

    On the Evaluating Standard about the Library Books Volume in the Process of Upgrading of Colleges

  8. 根据亚马逊的信息,虽然藏书量很大,但其中仅包括约100本《纽约时报》畅销书。

    The collection is large but includes only about 100 New York Times best-sellers , according to Amazon .

  9. 图书馆每年都有新书购入量,因此馆内的藏书量也逐年不断的增加。

    Library purchases many new books every year , so that the collection books have increased continually year by year .

  10. 并提出应该科学地制定图书馆藏书量的指标及图书馆藏书建设的几点建议。

    And it suggests that the library collection index should be formulated scientifically . Finally , some constructive suggestions are put forward .

  11. 学校图书馆藏书量429余万册,在全国高校名列前茅;

    Its library contains over 4 . 29 million volumes , ranking among the top ones of all the universities in China .

  12. 学校图书馆总建筑面积8.3万余平方米,总藏书量626万余册。

    With a total space of 83 000 square meters , the university library has a collection of more than 6 260 000 volumes .

  13. 宋代书籍的社会化突出表现在社会藏书量的增加和藏书体系的形成发展上。

    The books sociality in the Song dynasty highlight performed in the increased collection of social books and the formation and development of library system .

  14. 然而随着图书馆藏书量的爆炸性增长,学生在其中找到最符合自己需求的书籍已经越来越困难。

    However , with the explosive growth of the library collection , how to find the most suitable book for their own is becoming increasingly difficult .

  15. 牧野区图书馆发展现状不容乐观:藏书量少,经费不足,服务方式落后,读者日益减少。

    The situation of the library in this district is not optimistic : the amount of collect books is small , outlay is in shortage , service modes are old and readers are decreasing .

  16. 解决的办法是增加与藏书量指标相配套的软指标,并将电子版文献纳入藏书量的统计。

    The best way to solve the problem is to increase the flexible norms which match the quota of " Collection Amount of Books " and include electronic literatures into the statistics of " Collection Amount of Books " .

  17. 该馆年流通人次超过1800万,年借阅量达到3200万册次,已超过其藏书量,因而在世界各大图书馆中显得尤为独特。

    It receives more than 18 million visitors and makes 32 million book loans per year , which easily exceeds an average of one loan per book in its collection ; this makes it unique among the world 's big libraries .

  18. 在购入途径中,除传统订购、邮购、采编选购、复制外,还可采取回收教职工和学生书籍扩充藏书量,通过专家和读者参与式的现场采购提高藏书质量;

    During the process of book and periodical purchase , recycle the used publications from the faculties , staffs and students is a good way to promote library collection , and the readers / experts participating in on-spot book purchase is an effective way to improve the collection quality .

  19. 城区版标准达27项,其中一些标准要求家庭成员要经常上网、家庭藏书量300册以上、订阅报刊不少于一份、每月家庭用水少于八吨。

    There are 27 criteria for the urban harmonious family , with some saying that family members must frequently access the Internet , own at least 300 books , subscribe to at least one newspaper or magazine , and consume less than eight tons of domestic water per month .

  20. 华东师范大学地处上海,现有阂行校区和中山北路校区,校园占地总面积207公顷学校图书馆建于1951年,现全馆面积约3.2万平方米,藏书量350余万册。

    ECNU is located in Shanghai with Minhang Campus and North Zhongshan Road Campus . It occupies a total area of 207 hectares . The library of East China Normal University , with a total area of about 32 000 square meters , was established in October 1951 The collection of books in the library has exceeded 3500000 volumes .

  21. 藏书复本量的几种计算方法

    The calculative methods of duplicate rate in Library Collection

  22. 宋人在藏书读书的量上超过前人,而知识的丰富使得宋人有了更多的自信和炫耀展示自己才学的意识。

    The amount of books that Song scholars read and collected was much larger than that of those before them , so the rich knowledge made Song scholars had much more confidence and the consciousness of boasting their scholarship .

  23. 具体研究了唐代的主要藏书机构,从建置、职官、职掌、藏书量等方面对主要的七大藏书机构分别作了简要探讨,并对藏书体制作了总体评述。

    Main collected books organization of the Tang Dynasty such as concrete research , make brief discussion from construction , officials , in charge of , collected books amount respect to main seven major collected books organization respectively , and has commented overall to the system of the collected books .

  24. 图书馆作为学校师生的一个重要知识库,馆内藏书所涉及的领域非常广泛;图书馆每年购入新书,因此图书馆藏书量也在不断增多。

    As an important knowledge base for teachers and students , university libraries cover a very wide field of books . Books are bought annually , so the number of books increases constantly .

  25. 中国国家图书馆的藏书与文献数量超过3000万册,年流通人次超过500万,是世界上中文藏书量最大的图书馆,也是亚洲最大的图书馆。

    Holding over 30 million books and documents , and visited by over five million people every year , this is the largest collection of Chinese writing in the world , and the largest library in Asia .