
zànɡ chuán fó jiào
  • Tibetan Buddhism;Lamaism
  1. 促进天、地、人协调发展的途径&论藏传佛教的慈善观

    Promoting Ways to Coordination Development of Heaven , Earth and Man

  2. 当今的蒙古,藏传佛教是最为流行的宗教。

    Today , the most popular religion in Mongolia is Lamaism .

  3. 宏伟的寺院,海纳藏传佛教的广博内涵。

    The grand temple has absorbed and collected extensive Buddhism with inner meanings .

  4. 藏传佛教与中国传统文化

    On the Zang Buddhism and the Traditional Chinese Culture

  5. 第五章分析了拉萨藏传佛教寺院的建筑空间;

    The five chapter analyzes the architecture space ;

  6. 性别角色与价值认同&甘南夏河藏传佛教尼僧价值认同调查

    Gender Role and Value Identity The third gender

  7. 藏传佛教教育考试制度概说

    An Outline of Testing Methods of Buddhist Education

  8. 那时,藏传佛教的领导者只能依靠大宝法王。

    Until then , the mantle of leadership could well rest with the Karmapa .

  9. 这件玲珑精致的银盒应是藏传佛教噶举派的圣物。

    The silver box is most likely to be a holy item of the Karmah Buddhism .

  10. 在藏传佛教复杂的神灵谱系中存在着大量特色鲜明、地位显赫的女性神灵。

    There exist considerable female deities with peculiar feature and powerful status in sophisticated deity pedigree .

  11. 随着藏传佛教的渗入度母信仰在蒙古地区得到了广泛传播。

    Along the spread of Buddhism in Mongol region , belief of Tara also became popular .

  12. 藏传佛教和道教

    Su Xun and Buddhism and Taoism

  13. 藏传佛教替代萨满教,是一个相当复杂而又漫长的过程。

    It is a long and complex process for Lamaism to take the place of samanism .

  14. 一起探讨藏传佛教吗?似乎她又显得太浅薄了一些;

    Do they usually discuss the Buddhism together ? But it seems that she is so flimsiness ;

  15. 其中重点探讨了蒙古族接受藏传佛教的历史原因及效果。

    Among this the importance is on the historical causes and effects on how Mongolia accept the Lamaism .

  16. 藏传佛教乐舞查玛艺术作为一种特殊的宗教文化现象,蕴涵着复杂而深邃的宗教哲学与思想内容。

    Being a special phenomenon of religious culture , Tsam contains deep and sophisticated religious philosophy and thought .

  17. 自元代以来,藏传佛教便通过与元朝政府之间的联系而传播到了蒙古草原。

    It had spread over Mongolia grasslands due to the rapports with the imperial government since Yuan Dynasty .

  18. 苏轼绘画“形神”观及其与佛教的关系活佛(藏传佛教高僧)

    Su Shi s Concept of " Form and Spirit " in Painting and the Relationship with Buddhism ;

  19. 这对正确理解16世纪以来深受藏传佛教影响的蒙古历史有重大意义。

    This research is significant for comprehending Mongolian history that had been affected greatly by Buddhism since the 16th century .

  20. 藏传佛教认为,由于“我执”,人们会有消极的情绪,那是因为他们对真相的无知,从而陷入生死轮回。

    Buddhism believes that human beings have negative emotions because of self-grasping , which results from their ignorance of the truth .

  21. 达巴教属藏传佛教。摩梭族女人不结婚,正是她们把摩梭族文化和其他文化隔开。

    But it 's the role of Mosuo women that sets them apart from other cultures : they don 't marry .

  22. 藏传佛教教义认为万事万物都在因果轮回之中,不能改变。

    A Buddhist term means that all things in the world are the result of causes and cannot persist without change .

  23. 年轻僧人中的精英————即所谓的活佛(tulkus)向我们解释自己如何从小被确认为已故藏传佛教大师的转世灵童。

    An elite set of young monks known as tulkus explained to us how they had been identified in infancy as reincarnated Buddhist masters .

  24. 20世纪中叶,土默特地区藏传佛教寺院经济普遍陷入困境。

    Along with pauperization of Inner Mongolia in mid-20th century , monasteries in Tumed area was caught in difficult situation in terms of economy .

  25. 白宫一位发言人说,布什总统的电话显示总统本人和美国人民非常尊重这位藏传佛教领袖。

    White House spokesman ( Gordon Johndroe ) said the call reflects President Bush 's and the American people 's great esteem for the Buddhist leader .

  26. 藏传佛教中的女性神佛形象是佛法彻悟的外化,以女性的崇高、柔美,以及神圣的象征意义,感化和激励着信众。

    The Buddhist image of the female deities includes a deep understanding of Buddhist doctrine with the meaning of noble , mellow , and sacred symbolism .

  27. 圣地拉萨,是一座有1300多年历史的古城,存留有许多具有代表性的古老而珍贵的藏传佛教寺院。

    Lhasa , which located in the west of the Lhasa River Valley , is an ancient city with a history of more than 1300 years .

  28. 现在蒙古族博教(萨满教)只在科尔沁草原流传和发展并与当地的藏传佛教和民间民俗文化相互交融,形成了独特的地域文化特色。

    Now , it is only spreaded and developed in Horqin Grassland and also blended with the local Buddhist and folk cultures to form a unique local cultural characteristics .

  29. 明代藏传佛教绘画艺术的理论、绘画技法较为成熟,佛经的翻译和研究在此时也得到了极大发展,女性神佛造像的象征来源有明晰的文本记载。

    It is that the translation of Buddhist scriptures and study has been a great development in Ming Dynasty , and the symbol of female statues is clearly depicted .

  30. 本研究的不足之处在于,在对藏传佛教艺术传承中信息技术应用的价值定位进行理论思考时,理论深度还有待加强。这需要在今后继续努力,不断提高理论素养。

    The study is inadequate in the theoretical considerations on value orientation of application of information technology , which required author to further this study through harder work and constantly enhance .